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Application to the European Court of Human Rights (165 color pages), which was mailed on November 18th, 2013 with attached DVD, may be downloaded from:


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Live video broadcast:

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Date: April 3rd - 24th, 2017
Location: Lerchenfelder strasse, between Schottenfeldgasse and Zieglergasse. Odd numbers side. Vienna, Austria
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

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Also on CD's/DVD's for postal delivery / online / point of sale purchases.
VAT invoice in Pdf format available.
7/24 contact by email and/or phone.

Electronic books (also available in printed version)
Biotechnology satellites terrorism and political careers. Vladimir Putin's end


218 MB (228,877,481 bytes)

ISBN: 978-9949-30-043-3

370 Pages (A4 size) - PDF format

8 €
35 PLN

DVD supplement to ISBN 978-9949-30-043-3

ISBN: 978-9949-30-584-1

10 €
41.99 PLN

Contents / md5's


European Court of Human Rights (1)


520 MB (546,118,658 bytes)

ISBN: 978-9949-30-058-7

202 Pages (A4 size) - PDF format

4.18 €
18 PLN

European Court of Human Rights (2)


207 MB (217,990,728 bytes)

ISBN: 978-9949-30-059-4

196 Pages (A4 size) - PDF format

4 €
17 PLN

Outgoing messages (1)


78.4 MB (82,265,890 bytes)

ISBN: 978-9949-30-574-2

236 Pages (A4 size) - PDF format

4.18 €
18 PLN

Outgoing messages (2)


74.8 MB (78,475,182 bytes)

ISBN: 978-9949-30-575-9

302 Pages (A4 size) - PDF format

4.94 €
21 PLN

Diaries (available only in e-book version) from to Pages
Parts 1, 2 and 3 sold together. Excellent material!

230 MB (241,702,005 bytes)

(A4 size) - PDF format

5.56 €
25 PLN


Part 1
ISBN 978-9949-81-231-8
May 3rd 2013 December 31 2013 217
Part 2

ISBN 978-9949-81-232-5
January 1st 2014 October 27 2014 169
Part 3

ISBN 978-9949-81-233-2
October 27 2014 July 10 2016 299

Email address (required).
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August 18th, 2017:
Vienna, Austria.
For English and Russian-speaking viewers.
Recording of second broadcast. (Запись второй трансляции).
Auxiliary material (вспомогательный материал).

July 22nd, 2017:
Vienna, Austria.
For Russian-speaking viewers.
Запись трансляции (Recording of broadcast).
Вспомогательный материал. Auxiliary material.
Реклама трансляции через РИА Новости (комментарий к статьям):
Первая трнсляция: среда 19 июля 2017 в 7:00 часов вечера СЕТ.
Члены Российской академии наук, средства массовой информации, военные и т.д. приглашены.
Прогнозируемые темы:
НАТО. Чернокожие в США и другие меньшинства. Посольство Южной Африки в Варшаве. Генеральные секретари НАТО.
1. бомбардировка китайского посольства в 1999 году США. Фотографии расположения посольства в 2015 году, Посольство Японии. Полувоенная группа работающая на винзаводе. Разговор с китайским военным атташе в Белграде.
2. Басурин (пресс-секретарь Министерства обороны ДНР). Немецкие шпионы на углу ___________ и ___________ улиц.
3. главная редакция Politika, английскря частная компания безопасности и активисты НАТО.
4. французские военные группировоки, La Bioesthetique.
5. Сербское Министерство обороны, афера трех общежитий.
6. База в Гуантанамо - Вена (автомобиль посольства США , автомобиль Посольства Турции) - Босния ( «пара»). Связь с еврейскими шпионами в Сан-Франциско. операции ЦРУ на территории США.
7. Атака на российских футбольных фанатов.
8. D. коллеги.
9. сирийские беженцы.
10. Внук Джозефа Титова.
11. Испанские «туристы» - хакеры моего ноутбука в приемной отеля.
12. Работник компании Телекоммуникаций замешан в пытках.
13. рай для недвижимости евреев.
14. Мафиозный контроль над сербскими банками.
15. Адвокаты Милошевича (Слободана), американские разведчики в кафе, пойманных на камере.
16. Британскиое посольство и работники безопасности, Рабочие места одного официанта.
1. Пабло Эскобар и Агентство национальной безопасности США. Ассимиляция черных в военную машину евреев и белых в США.
2. Россия планируя распад СССР.
3. Гонконг. телевидение.
4. К.
5. Евреи и Россия. Автономная еврейская зона. Инфекция Фасолей, вы должны принять решительные меры. Атаки коалиция в Дейр-эз-Зор и ЦРУ (фото). Ватикан.
6. резиденция колумбийского посла в Париже и колумбийское посольство в Москве. Операции ВВС.
7. Американские военные группы, заинтересованные в большой войне в Корее. Трение между Россией и Китаем . Миллиардеры и Дональд Трамп.
1. Вступление в НАТО.
2. Посольство Ватикана в Киеве.
3. OCSE - авария или взрыв малазийского самолета.
4. гражданство России.
5. А. Т. коллеги в Киеве.
6. Временно исполняющий обязанности министра иностранных дел, перемещен в Польшу в качестве посла.
7. Замена министра обороны Украины и еврейские земледельческие группы. Таллинн, Эстония.
Касательно убийства Дениса Вороненкова в Киеве. Карты к трансляции.
Лица, возможно связанные с Госдепартаментом США, в режиме реального времени, подделывали переводчик Google, взламывали мой ноутбук и жестоко атаковали мозг, моменты перед трансляцией:

March 4th, 2017:
Vienna, Austria.
Now available also on CD: Biotechnology satellites terrorism and political careers. Vladimir Putin's end. ISBN 978-9949-30-043-3
With the participation of Austrian policemen, severe violations by extreme-right paramilitary vandals continue. Images and descriptions posted: www.facebook.com/marioartime (also from sidebar link).
Thank you for any support.
Нужна ваша поддержка на обеспечение основных нужд и лечение болезни, причиненной французской (парижской) полицией. Все спообы заработка заблокированы полицейской мафией.
Su apoyo es necesario para garantizar las necesidades básicas y el tratamiento de enfermedad causada por la policía francesa (parisina). Todo salario ha sido bloqueado la mafia policial.
Your support is needed for basic needs and treatment of disease caused by the French (Paris) police. Salary has been blocked by the police mafia.
Спасибо Gracias Thanks

February 24th, 2017:
Vienna, Austria.
For attorneys, international organizations, mass media. Application package for Austrian Immigration Service: French military torture, terrorism, subversion, assassinations, mass killings, human trade - international banking deals, European Court of Human Rights - International Criminal Court:

January 6th, 2017:
Vienna, Austria.
Bashar al-Assad is finished. Confirmation of online complaint to Russia's Main Prosecutor's Office and contents thereof in Pdf format


January 5th, 2017:
Vienna, Austria.
Facebook diary showing images of/describing crimes committed by French Jewish-military terrorists (CIA) in Austria and Poland. Very important!

November 10th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Facebook message to General Colin Luther Powell:

What were CIA agents doing at Warsaw International Airport in 2013?:
Recorded conversation with (supposedly) Tampa Jesuit High School staffer (2016-10-27):
Recorded conversation with (supposedly) U.S. Army Criminal Investigations Command (2016-11-07), and extracts of email that had been sent to them hours earlier:
-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: Fwd: Federally-supported racism: Facebook warning
Дата: 2016-11-07 09:52
От: ras@cosmictroops.com
Кому: army.cid.crime.tips@mail.mil
The CIA has used Cuban citizens in Cuba for international terrorism, mass killings (including of US citizens on US territory), torture, federal Jewish embezzlements (Germans), international banking scams (money exchange rates - military, etc.) Three of them are using French military satellites (i am sure there are many more):
1.) XXXXXXXXX: allusions to him at Basel University library (Switzerland) the day the WTC/ Pentagon were attacked. In Kiev, 2014, in connection with the shooting down of the Malaysian aircraft over the east of Ukraine, CIA agents also alluded to him (in connection with large Jewish/ French investments ("Little France"), photos available). French mafia fronts in the center of Paris, France, have also hinted at his implication in military scams (near the embassy of Bulgaria). His brother might be involved in the preparations of the 1999 Moscow apartment buildings bombings (Dresden, Germany).
2.) XXXXXXXXX: Currently possibly receiving large US Federal salary from the US Department of Energy. Numerous suggestions at his implication in international terrorism from individuals living in Tallinn - Estonia, Berlin/ Dresden - Germany, Paris / other cities - France, Leningrad / border between Latvia and Russia, Russian Federation/ USSR. His family has had connections with the Spanish Anarchist movement and extreme-right paramilitary / para-police groups. He and his Russian wife might be using German Secret Service satellites (since 1998, shortly before the reunification of Germany, where he "accidentally" found me, in front of Berlin Hauptbahnhof).
3.) XXXXXXXXX: connected with the Vatican, the bombing of Cubana de Aviacion over Barbados in 1976.
If these individuals are not put into custody in the next days, i will increase the level of denunciation.
Thank you for your understanding.

October 20th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
My 10/18/2016 RIA Novosti article ("Churkin called the conditions for a permanent ceasefire in Aleppo", in Russian) comment (under "Alfred Art"), available at https://ria.ru/syria/20161018/1479433479.html. More than 56750 views in the first 19 hours.
Most of this site's contents (English version) can be downloaded from the main page; (181643831 bytes, MD5 = a2508f6609b157f5864d38abd2ac35dc):
Urgently need about 1500 PLN (350 EUROS / 23800 RUB) to fix my car's braking and power steering systems. Yandex Money account 410011708785814. See "Contribute with five Euros!" for more options. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

October 15th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Email sent to embassy of Japan in The Hague, with subject "Message to White House - Russian military attache in Washington D.C. ":

October 7th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Approximate translation, images of bombed Moscow buildings in September 1999 (Dresden, Germany financial - anti-black CIA operation):
Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Moscow City Military Prosecutor's Office
Your petition dated 16.09.2016 regarding the question of foreign espionage services' activities taking place on the territory of the Russian Federation has been sent, acording to Part 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law "About the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and Part 3 of Article 8 of the Federal Law dated 02.05.2006 No. 59-F3 "About the norms of analysis of petitions of citizens of the Russian Federation", according to competence for substantial solution to the Moscow / Moscow Area Directorate of Russia's FSB.
About the results of the decision on the petition you shall be informed according to procedure established by the Law.
Chief of the Inspection Department
Moscow City Military Prosecutor's Office
A. B. Prokop'ev

September 27th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Uniformed Polish policemen and city guards keep taking part in satellite torture, sabotage of equipment/communications and thefts of my property; Vatican targeted. SMS sent to Colonel Durka, spokesperson for the Polish Military Police:

September 18th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: Fwd: NATO attack
Дата: 2016-09-18 08:52
U.S. coalition air-strike kills regime forces.
American "tourists" at Krakow's Radisson Blu Hotel reception said as I walked by: "I am so angry that I am going to shout it out". Moments later, while I used the toilets, Jewish gangsters scanning and attacking brain, laser hitting shoulder and again American "tourists" walking in and threatening with sending more police and city guards to control me (documents, etc.), if i cause them trouble. Among this despicable mafia there are agents that helped Vladimir Putin from Dresden, Germany (1999 - 2000). Phone conversation with spokesman of Polish Military Police (Colonel Durka, Sept/15/2016, 12 mins 49 secs), after which tampering with emails increased.
-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: Fwd: NATO attack
Дата: 2016-09-18 07:49
-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: Fwd: NATO attack
Дата: 2016-09-18 07:06
Кому: Ministry@mid.ru, pressdept@mid.ru
At around 6:05 a.m., NATO French Jews sent Polish male military in plain clothes to harass, while I slept in my car. Nonstop satellite brain scanning torture, which they call "suplicio" (Vatican mafia - Ministries of Agriculture of several countries). They also used city guards in car with registration plate KR 9 R010 (attached image). My car engine was disabled by these Israeli gangsters two days ago, and has remained parked in front of a hostel that has been used as an illegal prison by the CIA; in 2014 precisely they (with U.S. military backing) were implicated in large Aleppo hotel bombing. Other images: message through mil.ru, which should have ended "two Englishmen had told me that their/my only option is Al Qaida".

September 4th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Polish policemen, military in plain clothes and Krakow city guards keep taking part in French Jewish mafia satellite torture, thefts, sabotage, "training", etc. Italian gangsters, who during World Youth Day celebrations, alluded to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (2016 SOTU video, second immediately-below image):
=== Background START ===
Warsaw Swiss embassy corner building "surrounded" by U.S. embassy and consulate buildings - Polish policemen illegally hacking my laptop, while i worked in cafe located in same building as the embassy of South Africa (assassination of Muammar Gaddafi), and later arresting me, threatening with deportation (on Jewish orders) - meeting with Russian ambassador's secretary at consular section of the Russian embassy in Warsaw - subsequent crash of Swiss plane - Swiss pilot that had paid for a night stay at Warsaw's Nathan's Village Hostel (filmed by reception camera) - CIA operations in Stockholm, Sweden (2003 - 2004, assassination of Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister - hostage-taking crisis at Beslam school, Russia).
Similar Swiss scam used in Brussels by the extreme-right (targeting the White House from apartment directly above Protestant children kindergarten and possibly involving South Africans as well) in 2010, to bomb the Moscow metro (French spy caught on camera) and for (still-ongoing) illegal satellite brain scanning (tax-financed Federal subversion of blacks - NATO - Norway House in Warsaw).
=== Background END ===
English "tourists", who illegally hack my laptop and repeatedly have harassed at night (walking by / standing next to my car, as i sleep), involved in BP acquisition plans of Russian State-owned oil company (watch recent interview by Vladimir Putin to Bloomberg, during which he suggested the "suicide" in Tampa, Florida (~1995), of Cuban U.S. Special Forces man named Mario, (Carlos J. Finlay French military Cuban current experiments)). Once more, high treason on international financial platform, despite oaths given to the USSR / Russia and fresh public warnings by Russian political leaders. One of the Polish self-proclaimed state officers (real estate organized crime) ILLEGALLY hacking my equipment, just a few minutes ago:

August 27th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Example of the use of uniformed Polish military to attack me:

Parking tickets employee, photographed harassing on July 8th, 2016, also took part in below-described incident (email sent to US embassy in Warsaw (American Citizens' Services)). He is receiving instructions from South African - US diplomatic personnel:

---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 15:03:07 +0200
Subject: Jewish military gangsters using Polish city guards again to harass, steal, torture.
To: ACSWarsaw@state.gov
Agent talking on the walky talky (ID 102) repeatedly threatened with a beating. Female one (ID 398) asking for my cat's papers. The third agent (ID 433) appeared to be the customer-seeking leader. Satellite attacks on brain (nuclear - laser) taking place before, during and after incident. After having threatened with police arrest for me not having 100 Pln as a fine for "illegal trading", etc., they took 25 Pln,.gave me the receipt and left. The civilian in the picture is a doctor, whose apartment ("now rented out to tourists, for which he is getting good money") was used to torture me (even in the toilets / shower). The female guard might have hinted at the Charlie Hebdo shootings, in which Polish military personnel were involved. I called the FBI repeatedly, but only an answering machine picked up. I also phoned the US embassy in Brussels. The "illegal trading offense" is a bogus charge.
---------- Forwarded message END ----------
Former Cuban student to the GDR (German Democratic Republic), currently living in Cyprus and involved (from Dresden) in the Moscow September 1999 bombings and other French-zionist operations (Turkish flotilla deadly boarding on 31 May 2010, NATO bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade and E.T.A. assassinations, for example) is part of below-mentioned operation; photographed policemen checking my passport and hitting they are scanning my brain (thought-reading torture to cover up Polish military participation in mass murders):
---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Тема: Fwd: Polish military and police participating in torture and sabotage Дата: 2016-08-26 19:01
My car is currently disabled due to remote electronic interference with engine. Polish policemen and city guards consciously participating in CIA operations (Spanish / Italian / etc. "tourism" in Cuba - USA invasions of Iraq - Tampa, Florida French military covert operations - embassy of South Africa in Warsaw). Two French Jewish? female "tourists" walking by yesterday morning (since 2009, attempts at triggering brain coma) asked: ~"And what are you going to do against us?". In the afternoon, Polish military personnel in plain clothes (obvious) taking part in laser / nuclear attack on brain / body parts (directly from Paris, NATO team involved in the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi); one of them (man) had the nerve to suggest I belong to their reserve units.
Activists connected with Wilzca Street (Warsaw) military operations (Ankara bombing - Turkish Parliament, etc.; see "following email") also harassing. Coinciding with the start of the Turkish incursion into Syria, yesterday and today Cypriot "tourists" walking by (provocations); Jews (mostly women) availing themselves of uniformed Polish policemen and members of the Catholic Church for organized paramilitary crime purposes, which encompass illegally hacking my phone, communications and laptops.
These vandals are trully trying to cause maximum damage, while avoiding possible legal problems. Below email sent to the Russian Communist Party, International Criminal Court and other organizations.

---------- Forwarded message END ----------

August 16th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.

August 12th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Throughout last night, CIA French elements from Chicago (Rush Street's "Whiskey Bar") satellite attacking my brain, using high-frequency technology as well. Again, in the middle of the night, Polish policemen came up to my car to harass and threaten me. My cat after bandages were taken off:

One of these two French-speaking individuals, passing by "Little France" cafe on August 8th, 8:43 p.m. commented: ~"Very good, very good. And later we will torture you."

Other examples of recent French paramilitary brain torture caught on camera, for example:
---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Date: Aug 6, 2016 10:16 PM
Subject: French Jew military gangsters photographed scanning and attacking brain in public restaurant. Operation coordinated by the Sarkozy group directly from Paris. Attached photos
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru, spb@kprf.ru
---------- Forwarded message END ----------

August 3rd, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Facebook warning to former schoolmate with connections in the leadership of the Russian Federal Security Service:

Translations (italics):
At 2:11 a.m., French- Italian gangsters sending city guards to harass me and wake me up (used lasers hitting me on shoulders). I repeat that it is the mafia, which has interests in Cuba. The American consulate in Krakow may be involved as well. This group planted a huge bomb in a hotel in Aleppo, Syria, in 2014.
Car registration: 130. Bald officer for the third time harassing, perhaps trying to cause brain damage by parking car with roof lights on around the corner moments later. On previous occasion (July 8th, 2016, read corresponding below entry) i called the US Department of State and warned that while driving, i am being hit by lasers.
This *** insolent one continues robbing and attacking, thinking they are safe under the protection of the CIA - military. The coffee is called ***. In the section latest.php you'll see photos of military involved in Turkish operations, if you understand what i mean.
She is implicated in sabotage of communications and threats of blocking my Google email account "for sending spam".

August 1st, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
French "tourists" involved in international drug-trafficking and terrorism (bombing by NATO of Chinese embassy in Belgrade - collar bomb assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes in 2000 - Hillary Clinton's political career) photographed, images sent to the Russian Federal Security Service.
Polish policemen sent by Spanish "tourists" (World Youth Day event participants) to harass me (stated reason by the latter: "to prevent control (on their businesses/ identities)").
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Granada (Archdiocese operating uninterruptedly since its creation, on December 10th, 1492), Excelencia Reverendísima Francisco Javier Martínez Fernández, apparently used by group of WYD participants that carried a Syrian flag. On July 29th, early morning, member of the Press Office of the Holy See had parked next to my car and commented: "there will be a massacre".
Statistics for the previous month of July for one of the servers. Please, consider advertising here.

July 27th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Puerto Rican delegation to World Youth Day targeted by French CIA (New York City) Jews' satellites on July 26th ("danger of Kazimierz-ation" vs. basic justice notions).
Below photos (taken today) document satellite attacks on my brain by same group (US Navy - Guantanamo - Pedro Albizu Campo). US Federal Embezzlement; French "tourists" not only stealing and attacking but also patronizing ("he isn't aggressive", "if you want to sue the police, we torture you", "conter-terrorism run "a-priori" by the French military", etc.), all under the protection of the police (French colonial targets include Cuba).

July 23rd, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Vet clinic assistant, for the second day in a row, participating in laser attacks on parts of my body (Jewish military mafia). Below x-rays taken after operation:
When i asked for a bank account number to pay bill, police geniuses beamed my head with high-frequency signal ("now we have proof that you are honest"). Such CIA organized crime insolence was earlier on today referred to as "neurological programming" (rooms, doors, walls, etc.; JFK junior 1999 plane crash; Aurora cinema shootings, front page videos).
Uniformed Polish policemen keep taking part in torture (organized (apparently by the Paris (Neuilly sur Seine) police) with the personal involvement of English "tourists").
I do not have any money, any contribution will be appreciated.

July 21st-22nd, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
The two French-speaking men in below images commented: "on the way to the airport", "embassy", etc. The dog was unleashed on purpose, as soon as i started typing on my mobile phone:
---------- Forwarded message 1 START ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 00:07:09 +0200
Subject: Please intervene. French Jew mafia set dogs on my cat and badly injured her. Attached images are examples. As I drove to emergency vet they kept satellite attacking me (brain locked, laser hits). Members of the Right Sector appeared implicated (my car engine electronically blocked). Other photos available.
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
---------- Forwarded message 1 END ----------
Polish policemen taking part in Jewish mafia torture ("political party suplicio"), thefts, attacks (acting as a corporation with its clients, and involving the Vatican). Extreme-right Jews harassing in the morning, one of them (woman) joked: "coronation!". Telephone complaint to FBI agent (US embassy in Warsaw), after which, South African activists (seemingly Ukraine's Right Sector) carried on filming streets, car and brutally satellite-attacking brain, hitting body with lasers (NATO team (present also in Estonia) implicated in massacres in Syria).
---------- Forwarded message 2 START ----------
Doctor waving shoulders, saying ~"Fracture" (staring at my head), "ok, I will be back to kill you" (coming out of the room), etc. NATO secretary connected with the embassy of Syria in Brussels.
Date: Jul 22, 2016 10:27 AM
Subject: French Jew mafia insolent satellite attack on brain continues. Cubans participating (Canada - Cornell University, I have concrete names). Attached image is one of the attackers (at Krakow veterinary clinic, lasers hitting body parts as I type).
To: ***@ras.ru
---------- Forwarded message 2 END ----------
Below photos: decoration items of cafe, whose customers last night set the dogs (laser hits on shoulder and attack on brain as i type, obviously the police) on my cat; French police-backed Jewish harassment at Statoil; Polish-police roofed Mafia paramilitary outlet (use of illegal satellite technology, possibly Israeli):

July 18th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Email sent to US embassy in Warsaw / US Krakow consulate (American Citizens Services), to the Krakow military police and other agencies. Woman in pink jacket told the man with shaven scalp ~"... we better stop, because he might kill himself ...". Polish bandits from this group were already attacking me in Brussels, Belgium in 2003 (John Paul II - Cuba - Cornell University - Ministries of Agriculture - assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes in 2000 by collar bomb). The US embassy duty officer was told on the phone that these French gangsters are implicated in mass assassinations (Gulf Air August 24th, 2000, recent killings in Syria (see front page videos)) and that the shaven-head man left in Jeep with registration number KR 2331 K (when i started dialing number of US consulate).
---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 11:37:36 +0200
Subject: Extreme-right military in plain clothes illegally hacking my laptop, scanning brain, flagrantly stealing and laser-attacking as I work. Attached-image individuals connected with Warsaw Turkish cafe, the "family" head commented "either you serve in the military or you slave for us". Notice how the Vatican is regularly used by this CIA trash. For the second time today I ask you to ****.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl
---------- Forwarded message END ----------

July 10th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Individuals that are being treated as customers of the Tampa (Florida, US) Police Department (Iraq / US General Norman Schwarzkopf - Vietnam / US General Colin Powell) harassing in public establishment. Further down: other oil-industry (Jewish-engineered international) operations in this cafe photo-documented.
---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 08:04:05 +0200
Subject: With US Federal Support, extreme-right attacking on Krakow streets and public establishments. Attached-image bandits connected with Tampa, Florida and Paris (Rue de Vaugirard) policemen. In both cities the French military were conducting illegal covert operations against Cuba (1992 - 2010).
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru
---------- Forwarded message END ----------

July 8th, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Several phone calls to US State Department to complain about French military international terrorism, for instance, to Deputy Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken:

Email to US Warsaw embassy's American Citizens Services:
---------- Forwarded message 1 START ----------
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 16:09:12 +0200
Subject: Jews again using uniformed Polish policemen and city guards for harassment, torture, thefts (US Congress targeted). While two of them came by to prohibit me from selling on the sidewalk (city property, attached images (*)), laser hitting my left shoulder and satellite attacking my brain. One of the guards seemed to have understood that the Polish military (NATO) are using the car with Belgian registration plate, behind which I stationed mine, to electronically disconnect my car's engine (impossible to start it for the second day in a row, extreme-right paramilitary activists walking by, apparently coordinated real-time from Brussels by individuals implicated in 2010 in the invasion of Libya). CIA corporate vandalism paradise: the US consulate once more suggested as being involved in "Guantanamo base terrorism (private security self-promoted) prevention". My phone tampered with as I composed this message, (text erased).
To: ACSWarsaw@state.gov
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(*) These individuals continued stealing, scanning and attacking brain in the evening (Zamalka bombing French team).
Email sent to Polish military police, which whom i spoke on the phone afterward:
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Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 13:15:52 +0200
Subject: As I work, the mafia (French police) sabotaging, stealing and satellite attacking nonstop. Man in image, constantly "talking on the phone", walking back and forth, getting up, sitting down, mentioning "spy", "criminal" etc. As earlier on today, it is absolutely obvious that the embassy of South Africa in Warsaw is implicated in (possibly even coordinating) such Jewish fashion of doing business. Military involvement in mass killings (NATO - Smolensk crash). Other photos available.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

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Another email to US Warsaw embassy's American Citizens Services. Other members of this Catholic-Church supported extreme-right business paramilitary group were harassing me in the same evening that day and in the following morning (gas station, satellite-laser hitting my shoulder, etc.).
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Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 21:05:46 +0200
Subject: Phone call. Impeachment attempt of Clinton
To: ACSWarsaw@state.gov

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June 20th-21st, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
CIA - Vladimir Putin cooperation (spanning from, at least, 1987 until today; expandable images):
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Date: Jun 15, 2016 1:49 PM
Subject: CIA - Vladimir Putin
To: fsb@fsb.ru
Facebook text Spanish-to-English translation:
* Dialog start: June 14
06/14/2016 18:42
Mario Artime
After many years I write from Krakow. How are you?
06/14/2016 18:48
Mario Artime
I would like to send you an email to know your opinion, I think you are one of the few who would understand its contents. I had meetings with military at the Embassy of Colombia in Moscow, at the Ukrainian embassy in Warsaw, in the headquarters of NATO. The French police are stubbornly doing politics by giving full support to the Jewish mafia.
14/06/2016 18:49
Mario Artime
Among our acquaintances there is a CIA agent married to a Russian woman.
The US military want to stay in Guantanamo and have made plans with their French colleagues.
Look at: www.cosmictroops.com/latest.php
Thank you
* Wednesday
06.15.2016 8:36
Mario Artime
Chicago, Illinois gangsters using the Polish military for business. Repeatedly, private security companies' agents protecting Jewish and / or American tourists. They use illegal space weapons and target Cuba. Yesterday, two CIA agents that work at the American consulate in Krakow, intercepted my phone and the Internet; one of them (black man) speaks Spanish and said he had learnt it in Chile.
Mario Artime
15.06.2016 8:39
Mario Artime
They operate in waves, appearing and disappearing, but always with satellites
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NATO implicated in extreme-right Jewish sabotage (English "tourists" satellite-reading my thoughts and harassing from nearby hotel terrace cafe, French-speaking "tourists" offering to hire "private security", Norwegian "couple" suggesting space weapons implementation (satellite lasers even hitting my cat, waking her up, etc.), MIT marriage arrangements (Chile, 1998), thefts of my property, illegal scanning of brain, laser torture, "Venezuela Air Force planning to massively destroy real estate", etc.; Vatican targeted). Last night (to 20th June), raining at ~2:30 a.m., i was remotely locked out of my car by English "jokers"; military in plain clothes walking by (video clip and photos available):
---------- Forwarded message 2 START ----------
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 10:08:43 +0200
Subject: FBI might be implicated: CIA Jews satellite attacking brain as I used hotel bathroom. Second day in a row at same place. Attached images are some of the bandits. NATO is obviously implicated
To: fsb@fsb.ru
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CIA using civilian planes to satellite-scan my brain (see "Media Files" section, US Congress - US State Secretary John Kerry - 1976 Cubana de Aviacion Barbados bobing - collar bomb assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes):
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Date: Jun 20, 2016 6:50 PM
Subject: CIA Jews using AGAIN civilian airplanes to attack my brain. Some of these ultra-billionaire security scamsters walking by (NATO). Polish "criminal brigade" implicated. More photos available.
To: fsb@fsb.ru

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Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 02:17:11 +0200
Subject: Jews continue insolently stealing, filming streets, supermarket, scanning brain and laser attacking. No doubt whatsoever about CIA implication (Cornell University). Attached images taken just a few minutes ago. Cuba targeted by US military mafia. I repeat again: high danger.
To: aydavis@ucsc.edu

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Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 16:29:22 +0200
Subject: Jews - US embassy blocking money, stealing, scanning brain, attacking, using Polish police helicopter and vans/cars. Israeli paradise, NATO implicated (similar techniques were caught on camera in Brussels, 2010 (*)). US embassy car took part.
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru
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(*) One example of helicopter harassment in Brussels 2010 (near the Cuban embassy, before the invasion of Libya by NATO) posted in the "Media Files" sidebar section. Brussels' Arabic sector also targeted.

May 31st, 2016:
Krakow, Poland.
Krakow parking tickets officers harassing and fining (although they knew car battery was smoking sulfuric acid, impossible to re-charge). Below images taking at Auto Parts shop, whose owner? (participating in biotech torture), tried to sell an orange-colored used battery:
CIA (Boston / Chicago teams) evidently instructing them (US embassy / consulate in Warsaw / Krakow - Arizona female "tourist" "passing me by" in Krakow's Old City, saying "my boyfriend won't give you fifty Pln" - Palestinian ambassador's car driving by (first two of immediately below images, notice military guy "walking by" and Vietnamese restaurant background; hints at US military covert operations on US / foreign Universities' campuses) - US State Secretary John Kerry's address to Congress on State Department's 2016 budget, with placard behind him that read "NO MONEY FOR ISRAEL") and with the participation of Polish military personnel in plain clothes (NATO-supported killings of children to guarantee NATO military families' well-being), Polish uniformed policemen (example: car with registration G 261 making corner on Karmelicka/ Aleja Slowackiego) and Polish military police vans (e. g.: plate PL UC 03850).
Summarizing: Copenhagen NATO group stealing and choking financially; Polish military's interest in benchmarking issues, such as: 1.) "What are you going to do, if you do not want to put up with our abuse?", 2.) "Jews are using illegal military technology for "business" purposes" (images available; how much of it is "National Security" technology?) and 3.) "Our dear Polish Defense Minister is married to an American Jewess (photos available)". One of Warsaw parking tickets staffers took part in laser hits on my left shoulder (provoking, after he had given the fine; saying "too late, your car has been broken for almost a year, ~(now all you can do is filing a claim), etc.")
(Paid Parking Control regional office found on Mokotowska Street building's courtyard, which has been used since 2014 in Jewish paramilitary operations: shooting down of Malaysian plane in Ukraine, destruction of camouflage military vehicles that tried to cross border into Jordan from Syria, etc.).
One of the Krakow Jews, apparently managing described parking tickets subversion (EMC Co - Angela Davis - "Arabic (mostly Saudi) medical students in Warsaw and Krakow" since 2014 (see front page assassination video, posted in January 2013, and connected with Geneva - New York City United Nations Permanent Representations)) busted: her name M***** W**** (photo available), who insisted I should contact a "Friends of Cuba" association, which has been organizing trips to Cuba for approximately already thirteen years, etc. etc.
Letter to Vladimir Putin, concerning the 23-May-2016 bombings in Jableh and Tartus, Syria (allegedly motivated by Russian military presence; possible link to US "Secret Service" "Catholic" colonizing agents involved in 2014 large bombing of Aleppo hotel:
Parking tickets officers and uniformed Polish policemen keep harassing on June 2nd, 2016, with French-speaking "students" walking by (coordinated from Paris in real-time regime and targeting Catholic real estate property (2006 Israeli - Hezbollah war)):

May 9th - 10th, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
NATO-French military gangsters (several present in Brussels 2003, who might be implicated in a series of recent assassinations and mass murders in Syria, some committed as "medical experiments") keep stealing, filming car (where i sleep) attacking brain and laser-hitting body parts. Polish military in plain clothes "walking by" (photos available), two of them commented ~"you are our hostage, no need to seek intervention to stop us". Jewess using Catholic church with apparent purpose of killing tracelessly (property protection by Polish policemen - pre-arranged marriages). Dispatch from my mobile phone of below email was sabotaged ("attached image not sent due to low phone memory"):
Another complaint lodged with the Office of the Prosecutor (Warsaw Central District), in whose building, the French military was satellite-attacking my brain:

---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 20:15:19 +0200
Subject: Next to embassy of South Africa building, the Polish Jew police mafia scanning-attacking brain and laser-hitting shoulder, as I paid. Cashier in attached image implicated (not the first time). You already have the ID number of one of the despicable pigs (*) involved in this subversion
To: fsb@fsb.ru

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(*)"Policeman with ID number 908165, who on August 24th, 2015, on French police (international banking - military - Libya) instructions "arrested" me on suspicions of illegally staying in Poland. Then, I was unofficially told in the police station that the "denunciation" phone call had been made by the US embassy in Warsaw (United Nations - Hillary Clinton - reported "crash" of Swiss plane the day after my conversation with Russian ambassador's assistant?); some of his uniformed colleagues seemed to use assassination by Ukraine's Right Sector of a private guard in Mukachevo."
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Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 20:18:55 +0200
Subject: Jew CIA French bandidos from the Chicago team, obviously connected with the US embassy in Warsaw, walking by (some images attached), thieving, hacking my phone as I watched Kremlin video of this year's Victory Parade, scanning brain, laser-hitting body. All communications sabotaged by this garbage. I urge you again to take appropriate measures before the price to destroy them becomes even higher. Cubans also participating (Guantanamo base - US Navy), I have concrete names; several have managed to escape the island.
To: fsb@fsb.ru
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Evident connection between Jewish international terrorists operating in Warsaw (Malaysian plane crash, nonstop torture ("suplicio" - Vatican - Tel Aviv)) and the US embassy in Warsaw: if they think they can get away with high-tech crime, they will go ahead. These individuals were harassing on May 9th, with police participation (possible "Christian Democrats" - Martinique plane crash).

April 16th, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
Image expandable:

April 5th, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
This is a restroom of Mercure hotel, on Krucza Street, Warsaw. Private security agents, bodyguards of evidently very rich thugs, uniformed Polish policemen, uniformed French military personnel (targeting the Vatican and including agents of the French Military Police, photos taken), right-wing activists from several countries (French-speaking, German-speaking, Finnish-speaking (suggesting Cuba and Venezuela), Spanish-speaking, Russian-speaking, etc.) participate in thefts (illegally hacking my laptop as i work) and torture (talking on the ambience music channel, hitting brain/ shoulders/ other parts of the body with lasers and scanning the brain (reading thoughts)).
In 2015, geniuses left an expensive computer tablet in this room and when i brought it to the hotel security, my left shoulder was strongly hit by laser (a test!, проверка на вшивость). Other examples:
1. Catholic Church property - suggestions of me being "their Joker" - shooting at screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, Colorado (US) - 2000 assassination of British Military attache in Athens.
2. During (Russia's annexation)/reunification of Crimea, wealthy-looking Polish-speaking hotel guests briefly referred to me as to a client of Vladimir Putin (images available).
3. Corporate Zionists have used this hotel for more sophisticated reasons (e.g.: steady French military colonization plans in Cuba ("good luck", etc.), photos available).
Hotel waiters DO NOT participate in such vandalism. After i uploaded the video, some apologetic Polish-speaking individuals suggested: "disciplinary measures shall be taken" and "such violations are the work of the Secret Service", while others: "you are schizophrenic", "there will be war" and "soon you will be arrested".
4. "Cat in a cage" technique was implemented (prior to)/(on the eve of) the January 7th 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting, images taken.

April 2nd, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
Emails sent to Havana University's rector:
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Тема: Operaciones francesas de la CIA
Дата: 2016-03-28 20:47
Кому: rector@rect.uh.cu
Durante la guerra entre Rusia y Georgia en el 2008, uno de los gangsters que posaba en los 70/80 como alumno de Candida Artime Peñeñori en la Facultad de Geologia de la Universidad de la Habana me contacto desde las afueras de Paris (Virginie Elaine Ruiz scam). Yo le rogue a un Coronel de la marina de guerra de Rusia que por favor me deshaciera de ella, que es una espia INSOPORTABLE.
La muerte de su madre fue utilizada por la CIA desde los EEUU, desde Cornell University. Ella le abrio la casa a todo tipo de vandalismo de derecha, que luego me saboteo y ataco en ciuddes como La Haya y Amsterdam. El grupo a que ella pertenece trafica con seres humanos y ha cometido atrocidades como Barbados en 1976 y masacres recientes en Siria.
J *** A*** C*** debe ser arrestado si regresa a Cuba, al igual que O*** G*** L***. Seria un gran fallo no darle una leccion a la mafia.
Espero que comprenda
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The French police are talking on my laptop (saying, for example: "violento? - fractura!" (in Spanish), "forget!", "scandal!", "terrorist act!", "fichee!", etc.), blocking communications, as I send this email (photos and videos in Paris available). Reaching the office of the rector of Havana University by phone or email might help to better and faster understand whose/ what the intentions are; how the CIA had established a base in the Geology Department during the 70's / 80's.
------- *************** --------
Тема: Fotos incluidas
Дата: 2016-03-31 15:01
Кому: rector@rect.uh.cu
Estan son las fotos de las que le escribi, tomadas entre el 2007 y el 2009. Si recuerdo bien, la embajada de Cuba en Paris las debio haber recibido en el 2008/ 2009 con descripciones.
Mafia1.jpg, Mafia2.jpg:
Individuos apoyados por la CIA, en el marco de operaciones que incluyeron las bombas en Moscu (1999 (aparicion de Putin en el Kremlin - edificios de apartamentos) y en el 2010 (Metro de Moscu)), la guerra entre Israel y Hezbollah en el 2006 (toma de rehenes por grupo bancario, la embajada de Cuba en Paris - diaspora Cubana en Miami - Fuerza Aerea americana creando condiciones para golpes aereos en Cuba como respuesta a terrorismo antijudio (los pobrecitos bandoleros de alta tecnologia corporativos)). En el 2000 Virginie Elaine Ruiz utilizo el edificio del ayuntamiento del tercer distrito (al costado del cual fueron tomadas las imagenes), para asesinatos y bombas en España, supuestamente obras de la ETA ("empezadas" el 21 de Enero del 2000 desde Dresden, Alemania). Hay mas fotografias, mapas y videos, algunos incluidos en el primer manuscrito enviado a la Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos que mi compañia presenta. Sistematicamente el Vaticano ha sido identificado como teniendo interes en crimenes perpetrados por el grupo de Virginie Elaine Ruiz - Stephan de Roys de Roure (Democracia Cristiana - Aldo Moro - Ministerios de Agricultura de Francia y Polonia).
Mujer de Eslovenia que supuestamente viajo a La Habana, se encontro con Candida Artime Peñeñori, quien se habia mudado a un edificio de apartamentos detras de la Plaza de la Revolucion. Al parecer Nina utiliza escaneo ilegal de cerebro; unos arabes en un supermercado habian dado indicios momentos antes de que yo la encontrase por primera vez en una calle Parisiana "de casualidad". Mencionados arabes aparentemente estan conectados con Egipto y el Ministerio de Defensa Frances (en particular la Fuerza aerea).

------- *************** --------
Pay attention to the systematic "crashes" of civilian aircraft by the CIA and who its clients are (e.g.: 1976 bombing of Cubana de Aviacion over Barbados). Jewish gangsters connected with Cornell University keep illegally scanning my brain (thought-reading), hitting body parts with lasers/ other technology, blocking communications. Uniformed Polish military (targeting the White House) and uniformed Polish policemen taking part, photos available (some posted online). Cubans working from USA territory (Ybor City, Tampa, Florida, from at least 1993) for the CIA, apparently using Polish policemen and Ukrainian citizens ("in Warsaw, in need of Polish documentation, fleeing the war, originally from Dnepropetrovsk") for banking operations (Ihor Kolomoyskyi's idea of mustering clients по принуждению)...
---------- Forwarded message 2 to rector END ----------
French Jewish activists (CIA - Ministry of Agriculture - Manuel Artime (see "Youtube" section)) filming car where i sleep, streets and scanning brain (thought-reading) laser-hitting body parts (especially the left shoulder). Below-image man (you can guess who is sitting in front of him), who systematically takes part in torture (targeting the Vatican), muttered on March 29th next to me: "please stop!" (supplicatory tone):

On March 30th, "civilians" supported by NATO (US military), inciting a rebellion and harassing near United Nations building. Notice the continuation of a CIA "project" that was caught on camera in 2003/2004 in Stockholm, Sweden (Russian Navy personnel, front page videos):
On March 27th, gangsters connected with Cornell University, harassing next to the Polish Ministry of Agriculture building, police car Z023 at 10:02 pm took part (torture apparently coordinated from Paris, evidently encompassing Polish military personnel in plain clothes and the Polish policemen that illegally searched my car/ handcuffed me a few weeks ago ("punishment for not cooperating")). Private (British Council - South Africa) "security" operations continue, Ukrainians involved (photos taken). Notice impunity for assassinations that they have granted to themselves; in 2011 (before the killing of Muammar Gaddafi) a male staffer of Dianne Feinstein (senior United States Senator from California) suggested to me on the phone "we will destroy anything you build up.":
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 12:51:03 +0200
Subject: Polish police car Z 036, at 12:18 pm, implicated in terrorism, thefts and torture. The two Green cafe Nero staffers (attached images) playing the French paramilitary "FICHEE!" game (Zamalka bombing - Stephan de Roys du Roure: e. g., man standing under door frame - woman saying quite aloud "fiche!"), while Mafia policemen connected with the embassy of South Africa in Warsaw (and targeting Cuba) illegally hack my laptop, blocking its keyboard, talking nonstop on the ambience music. These are some of the gangsters involved in the NATO invasion of Libya (*)
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru
(*) Russia's Ministry of Energy targeted by this group, which had sent me earlier in the morning a spam email with subject: ~"Mega-Lottery!"

March 25th, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
On March 23rd, FBI seemingly implicated in torture (pay attention to how many federal agents and agencies are controlled by the war-engineering French Jewish Mafia, read further), Polish military van making corner as i walked by and later parking in front of Moroccan ambassador's residence ("if Obama agrees to us leaving Guantanamo we will kill him for treason" (Puerto Rico also targeted)):

Russian embassy in Riga, Latvia, warned about the ("possible") participation of US Secret Service agent, posted in US embassy in Riga in 2010, in EXTREME-RIGHT massacres and assassinations (with implication of missing name in message to Vladimir Putin):
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 14:27:00 +0100
Subject: CIA thefts and torture
To: rusembas@ml.lv
French Jew mafia continues stealing, blocking and attacking brain. Attached image is one example (obvious CIA implication). These are the vandals behind the 2015 Paris incidents. Nonstop interference of my phone mp3 player, thought-reading, laser hits

Some weeks ago, a member of above-photographed group illegally scanning/attacking my brain in a Turkish cafe and hinting at Polish family (daughter working in Krakow's Old Market Square cafe (tax-financed Polish police training to recognize faces of Russian communists), previously living/working in the UK, self-declared fan of Pope John Paul II "when i hear his voice ..."; she first approached me, possibly to sabotage the sale of my company's DVD (ISBN 978-9949-30-584-1)), likely involved in large 2015 bombing of Aleppo hotel (allegedly used by the pro-government Syrian militia Shabiha); her father drew my attention to the then-recently perpetrated killings in Odessa's Trade Union building and mentioned that "some of their neighbors have recently returned from Chicago", Illinois. Possible preparation of US military missile attack against building in civilian area.
Yesterday, at least two groups of satellite-coordinated French "tourists/students" walking by, taking part in active sabotage (photos available). This morning, this NATO-connected group remotely disabled my car engine (see French registration car parked across the street, in front of building used by lawyer-Physicist couple implicated in torture ("invasion of Russia"), read further). At 7:59 am Polish Military Medical Services van drove by, registration plate PL US 039031. Below-individuals illegally hacking my laptop, harassing as i work, while the police talk ceaselessly on the ambience music (fracturing):

March 20th, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
Vicious satellite scanning-attacking brain throughout night, to deprive me of sleep (while i lay on back seat of my car; again Deutsche bank Jewish "fracturers" targeting Vatican: "later? - mass killing!", "seeking compensation? - criminal!", "crime? - STOP!", "after killing a policeman? - amnesia!", etc.). Proposed diaries in the e-books section contain more photos of banks' staffers implicated in this CIA colonial (role-distributing) subversion and descriptions of circumstances.
Uniformed Polish policemen next to building of Ministry of Agriculture taking part in harassment; they "refuse to notice" Polish nationals (including Jewesses) (involved in/currently using) the 2014 "crash" of the Malaysian plane in Ukraine (Ukrainian Ministers of Defense - Igor Strelkov?). As I beg, right-wing paramilitary walking by; for instance: below individuals hacking my company servers - seen man mumbling "perhaps i can change this into zloties" (referring to five Euros bill i had in my jacket pocket).

(French military)-instructed activist illegally hacking my laptop/ scanning my brain and harassing as i worked for several hours with my laptop. His colleagues were blocking the WiFi signal, talking on my laptop/ambience audio, laser hitting body parts:

Similar insolence later at Mercury hotel reception area (French military thug illegally hacking my laptop, making noises (possibly targeting the White House), ambience audio harassment; time indicated in images' titles):

March 11-12-13th, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
Polish policemen taking part in torture (e.g. vans Z906, Z939), blocking access to Warsaw hostels (daily, for nearly two months, i have been sleeping on the back seat of my car). After having taken below-image, i was satellite-attacked as i used nearby hostel's showers (Cornell University - NATO argument: "because the lives of policemen are at stake in several countries (as a result of their participation in high-tech international terrorism, thefts, large banking/financial/presidential frauds, colonization attempts, torture, hostage-taking, etc.)").

My mobile phone signal cut off and its credit emptied out intentionally; these two pestering as I paid for parking ticket (time and date included in photo's title):

On January 14th 2016, below woman driving Plus (my mobile service provider) car and paying for parking ticket had harassed me:
On December 30th, 2015 I was almost hit by a speeding Jeep (on purpose) as i walked at a Statoil gas station, these individuals appeared implicated:

Message to Russian President Putin, regarding involvement of Cuban citizens in extremism (military anti-communism):

While i beg on streets, French military instructing their Polish plain-clothes colleagues in brutal satellite-torture (under the guise of training me to recognize and remember faces). Investments in Cuba by the mafia are thus protected by Cuban military/security officers (I have concrete names on the Island and abroad (Germany, Italy, France)); already in 1998 two Polish men in Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus atelier involved in this CIA French Jews' operation that later on encompassed the Sept. 11th 2001 attacks, Swiss Air flight 111/ Egypt Air flight 990 "crashes" and mass killings and assassinations on Syrian territory (such as the Zamalka funeral procession car bomb (explosives remotely-detonated when camera zoomed in on man's face)).
Deutsche Bank staffers (again mostly Jews connected with private security agencies and satellite harassment on streets (leading to internal hemorrhage), some in below images (woman seen laterally illegally hacking my mobile telephone)) taking part in torture, suggested to me foreign mediation if i wanted them to stop (this fracture pattern also applied in Krakow; the CIA purposefully supporting such vandalism, albeit well informed on recently-committed mass murders).
Compressed filed sent to attorneys, seeking their assistance in pressing criminal charges in a Polish and/or International Court:
1. 205640.JPG (Answer from Russia's Central Military Prosecutor's Office)
2. Email to Polish Military Police.pdf
3. Example of French police torturers.pdf
4. Good Israeli Judgment.pdf (Ironic)
5. Novorossia.pdf (Indirect contact with Igor Strelkov)
6. Rialto hotel - Indian embassy (United States Supreme Court message)
7. Southern CA (American Civil Liberties Union message)
8. Syrian Delegation UN.pdf (Message to Permanent Representation of Syria to UN)
9. Virginie Ruiz Armenian Parliament (My ex-wife involvement in the Armenian Parliament shootings)
10. ответ Артиме М..pdf (Answer from Chief of FSB's Public Relarions Office)
11. Разговор с ФСБ по поводу инцидентов с Су-24 и рейсом 9268 Metrojet.pdf (Conversation with FSB regarding incidents with Су-24 and flight 9268 Metrojet)
Note (extracts from email sent to attorneys and embassies):
The police (and extreme-right thugs) continue stealing (illegally hacking my laptop and harassing near building of South African embassy), scanning brain and hitting parts of body with lasers. Polish registration car PL LPA 13522, parked across the street from former USSR representation building on Poznan'ska Street (on Friday February 26th 2016 at 12:00 pm) as i walked by, with Jewess in passenger seat fixing (recognizable pattern)-shawl around her neck, suggesting 2000 collar-bomb assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes by French terrorists (my meeting with Colombian General in 2010 in the embassy of Colombia in Moscow - Jewish/Israeli international financial scams "for security reasons" - Cuban working in Moscow travel agency, situated in same building as office of Israeli Airlines). Current satellite torture and insolent police-roofed thefts are organized from France (possibly from Paris) by my ex-wife paramilitary team; plain-clothes individual passing by hinted at reparations of coup d'état (while "talking on his mobile").
Throughout the night into March 1st 2016 French military criminals filming car, in which i sleep, and scanning attacking brain. Obtained scan images used by, for example, "self-defense" Jewish groups, whose members either walked by on streets or posed as Rossmann (convenience store on Mokotowska Street, almost behind US embassy complex) staffers, who made "sterilization" comments at the cash register. Such mafia-military illegal operations take place with the active involvement of uniformed Polish policemen; for instance: last night, at around 10:20 pm, military in plain clothes passed by, as i begged, suggesting crash of Polish Presidential plane near Smolensk, with attacks on parts of my body with nuclear technology (rays and radiation) and two Polish policemen in car Z022 driving by (policewoman in passenger seat staring provokingly). Also yesterday: extreme-right thieves, customers of the French police (Sarkozy - police station on Rue de Vaugirard) illegally hacking my laptop, while the police talked on the ambience music; members of the same (business-exported team with interests in Cuba) had earlier on harassed me in front of a cafe named Beirut (on Poznan'ska Street), obviously following instructions from Paris policemen (CIA). Staffers of Deutsche Bank blamed NATO for ongoing arbitrariness and torture. As i used toilets in Rialto and Mercury hotels bathrooms, Jews attacking brain and interfering with the ambience channel, once they made reference to US State Secretary John Kerry (V******, from the Commercial Office of the Vietnamese Embassy in Poland, had sent me an email on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:09:21 +0000 (UTC)). Cornell University alumnus Joshua Grant Barratt (College of Engineering, "accidentally" met in Paris ~ 2007(*), while he was involved in covert military operations (including assassination of Muammar Gaddafi), his Polish girlfriend named Annita had been "accidentally" encountered in New York City's Metropolitan Museum in December 1998 (where she was checking entrance tickets)) appears to be using described space weapons system ((true-social parasites)-supporting police systematically using "hopeless" citizens as military laboratory guinea piggies; warning? regarding Brazilian police practices). Civilian activist had recently suggested "pawn your house if you have problems with the FBI". Uniformed Polish policemen carry on taking part in satellite torture (near embassy of South Africa building).
(*) Exactly on Sunday, May 28th 2006, at 15:25:49 hours (local time), days after French policemen/ right-wing military agents (Hezbollah - Israel ongoing conflict - Cuban diaspora in the US) had attacked me with urethra infection. He was a customer at a corner cafe (Rue de Grenelle/ Rue du Gross Caillou), together with other paramilitary "civilians" (war fabrication).

January 24th, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
I am selling books/ DVD's/ other products:
Sale receipts.
Placement of orders for later worldwide delivery.
Electronic/printed books available from USB key.
Available on CD:
European Court of Human Rights (1)
ISBN 978-9949-30-058-7
European Court of Human Rights (2)
ISBN 978-9949-30-059-4
Outgoing messages (1)
ISBN 978-9949-30-574-2
Outgoing messages (2)
ISBN 978-9949-30-575-9
(VAT, if applicable, included):
One book (one CD): 14.29 + 0.71 (5% VAT) = 15 PLN
Two books (two CD’s): 23.81 + 1.19 (5% VAT) = 25 PLN
Three books (three CD’s): 28.57 + 1.43 (5% VAT) = 30 PLN
Four books (four CD’s): 33.33 + 1.67 (5% VAT) = 35 PLN
Payment by cash or card.
Thank you for your support.

January 23rd, 2016:
Warsaw, Poland.
South African - French vandals scanning and attacking brain at Emma Hostel (Wilcza Street). On two consecutive days, two sisters from Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, occupying neighboring room ("taking about", for example, currency exchange and the Vatican): insolent thievery and "training to recognize/ remember faces" by the police (see photos taken in 2015 below, uniformed Polish policeman took part (driving by in front of Marriott Hotel, on Emilia Plater Street)). My phone remotely shut down during the night (often disabled); in following morning, while i was trying to sell books on street, a plain-clothes policewoman? stood next to me on corner, harassing with her mobile phone, saying she had the right to be there (while my brain was being scanned and body parts hit by laser). Cubans interested in perpetuating the US military presence in Guantanamo obviously implicated.
Refined sadism by military crooks includes increasing the intensity of the beamed-into-brain signal when i try to think about Mathematics (for example: graphs - topological approach to differential equations system).
Next three emails describe systematic torture at Emma Hostel by mentioned extreme-right international group. The USA embassy in Warsaw (FBI officer) was warned again by telephone regarding the participation of Polish policemen (in Warsaw and Krakow) in international terrorism (French extermination program - Ukraine's Malaysian plane):
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 11:03:50 +0100
Subject: Photographed hostel receptionist (thefts of mine and my company‘s property) told me last night: ~"the other co-owners will be pretty pissed off for me giving you more than fifty percent discount" (attached photo, staring at my left shoulder, which was being hit by satellite laser) He also muttered: "autopsy - no!". Men from Chechnya later on occupied room sharing wall, from behind which they started hacking my phone and "making noises" while my brain was subject to scanning well into the night. Jews (targeting Vatican, "talking on mobile phones" and claiming to be victims of obsession) are illegally financing such French/ South African "security" operations (CIA funding?) that continued this morning on premises of post office, which is situated in same building as the embassy of South Africa / British Council (attached images). My phone remotely shut down when i tried sending this email, more confirmations of Polish police implication by civilians, including young German female "tourist"
To: fsb@fsb.ru
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2016 10:17:59 +0100
Subject: It is confirmed: staffers of the embassy of South Africa in Warsaw involved in ongoing torture at Emma Hostel (Wilcza Street). They are talking continuously on mobile phone‘s mp3 player, laser-hitting body parts, ILLEGALLY scanning brain (thought reading). Additionally, French-speaking "tourists" (military agents implicated in multi-billion USD frauds since at least 1999 - targeting Chechnya and effectively blocking my application for Polish residence permit) using neighbouring room. These are CIA - French Jew operations, recall that after my meeting with member of Ukrainian military mission in Warsaw, Obama suddenly changed US policy towards Cuba, accompanied by Jews attempting to avail themselves of this hostel as a private prison (photos posted online)
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 08:42:28 +0100
Subject: For FBI: Staffers from South African embassy
As you can see from attached images, extreme-right French - South African state-mafia vandals are using a hostel on Wilcza Street as an illegal prison (nonstop filming, flickering ceiling lights, scanning brain, laser-hitting parts of body, even while sleeping and taking shower/ using toilets). Stephane de Roy du Rore (philosophy professor at La Sorbonne, Paris (2000) is implicated). Chechens, French "tourists", Ukrainian sisters connected with Dniepropetrovsk‘ oligarch Kolomoiski, etc. have been amongst hostel "guests".
A few days ago, a Polish uniformed policeman in front of Marriott Hotel on Emilia Plater Street took part; yesterday a uniformed Polish military officer. The Vatican is targeted by paramilitary Jewish mobsters and it has been repeatedly and convincingly shown that this "international South African high-tech police political movement" is based in Paris (Sarkozy - EMC Co - mass killing in Aleppo, Syria).
I called the US embassy this morning and asked receptionist to convey to the FBI that staffers from the embassy of South Africa in Warsaw are involved in thefts and violations of United States Constitutional Rights.
Serious legal problems coming.

December 28th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Extreme-right French military "tourism", coordinated by satellite from France using a 89/99/215? Euros/night (single room price) hotel across the street (as i sleep in my car for the fourth consecutive night) for torture/sabotage connected with the Paris 2015 attacks - the denial of Polish/ Estonian residence permits - Nathan's Villa hostel "Arabs" (Polish uniformed military caught on camera, photos below) - Algerian embassy location in Warsaw (next to Warsaw's Lycee Francais) - conversation with Estonian State Prosecutor Tristan Ploom. Polish-speaking Indian man working for the embassy of India in Warsaw "happened to walk by" and told me: "living in a car is difficult for a cat". Polish and Estonian policemen do actively take part in such privately-financed "think-tank" vandalism.
Similar activities have been taking place in Estonia since 2010:
1. French military agents arriving in Tallinn during the NATO invasion of Libya.
2. Uniformed Italian military Colonel "with his little daughter" at a diner, systematically used for US military/ NATO politico-financial lobbying.
3. Intentional mass killings of civilians in several countries (including European ones): "main-frame war computer programming".
4. Estonian-registration car parked near Domino's Pizza on Lobanovsky Ave, Kiev (2014 summer armed conflict in the East of Ukraine, photos available).
---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 14:34:00 +0100
Subject: CIA brutally attacking brain with satellite weapons at BZ WBK bank (Warsaw branch, Jews‘ French operations targeting Iran), staffers implicated. Attached-image is one of the participating clients of this international terrorist organization, which strives to create mass psychosis (Chicago group)
To: rapportistati@sds.va
---------- Forwarded message END ----------

December 25th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Throughout the night, as i (try to) sleep, (EMC Co) satellite-scanning/ attacking brain.
"Arabs", French-speaking men harassing, posing as customers of a French bakery (same as on last year's Christmas, before the Paris attacks; see below). Ukrainian? man suggested that he and his partners had eavesdropped on my phone conversation with a person from Narva, Estonia ("invasion is a criminal act", "fracture", "before invading us through NATO, see how things are going for you back at home" (stated since 2011, refer to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's address to a joint session of the US Congress), etc.; as extreme-right vandals were saying on the ambience music: ~"forget", ~"amnesia", etc.). Uniformed Polish policemen keep participating in satellite torture on streets, quelling denunciation and apparently protecting large-investment interests by French paramilitary groups (a man that claimed being from Dublin, Ireland passed by and told me: "no problem, if you can think" (assassination of Charles Bennett on 30 July 1999?)). My phone has been completely disabled, thus impeding photo-documentary.

December 23rd - 24th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia - Riga, Latvia - Kaunas, Lithuania - Warsaw, Poland.
As I drove within/ outside city boundaries, French military Jewish gangsters (connected with the embassy of South Africa in Warsaw) kept my brain satellite-"locked": high-frequency buzzing of head ((discrete jumps/ continuous) value changes), laser hits on shoulders and other parts of body, real-time interference of radio broadcasting. Intention to cause a fatal accident? (at least thrice) and leave no trace of their involvement; no less than two cars (going in same/ opposite directions), with embassy plates registration in different countries, participated.
Russian-speaking man in Riga hinted at Latvian policemen's partaking in Vatican - French police (Sarkozy) politico-financial program (Switzerland - Israel embassies location; Philippines - Puerto Rico: see "About" section of Artime Consulting's websites).
Are (future?) large investments in Cuba (by, presumably, CIA customers) in such manner protected? I draw your attention again to the complicity of private security agencies (such as G4S) in torture, thefts (illegal hacking of my laptop (even as i type this), for example) and extreme-right paramilitary financial operations with foreign participation (for instance in Ukraine; ref.: Oslo bombings - Statoil (2013 application to the European Court of Human Rights downloadable from this page) - White House - Canada (EMC Co Canadian chief engineer) - Paris 2015 attacks).

December 9th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
---------- Forwarded message START ----------
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 18:37:35 +0100
Subject: Re: This is so important, Mario
To: democraticparty@democrats.org
Mr. President:
There is an Estonian extreme-right bandit sitting next to me, who just said:
"blah blah blah blah, fractura, matalo!" (fracture, kill him!).
as i read your email.
High danger from these South African police-supported pieces of scum; I have warned you and the US Supreme Court on several occasions:
Since ~1988 in Moscow, USSR, in a building belonging to a University's Biology Department, an Estonian citizen (then USSR citizen) named Anne Lovi (then and currently living in Tallinn, on Läänemere Street; then girlfriend of a French spy of Panamanian nationality named Pedro (if i remember correctly)) has been implicated in such "fracture" efforts, in support of US international gangsters (Monaco consulate in Tallinn - Pablo Escobar), partially based in New Jersey, United States.
My phone and laptop interfered with ILLEGALLY by the mafia (even as i write this message; the former has remained out of order since it was remotely shut down yesterday evening), communications intercepted/ blocked. I visited the office of the US Secret Service in Tallinn already and alerted the US embassy in Tallinn by phone on the low quality of the Estonian Police (fascism and racism, extreme-right military experiments using customer-ordered killings and mass murders).
I will post this email publicly. Remember that my previous one to the White House coincided with the attacks in Paris and proved complicity of Estonian policemen in them.
Thank you for any assistance.
I do not take responsibility if my denunciation hurts currently-ongoing covert US military/CIA international operations.
2015-12-09 18:11 UTC+01:00, Barack Obama :
> I recently returned from Paris, where I met with leaders from
> nearly 200 countries who all feel the same urgency for addressing
> climate change ...
---------- Forwarded message END ----------
After sending above message i was harassed by extreme-right paramilitary vandals (EMC Co - "French" biochips) on street, foreign embassies targeted to prevent denunciations. Upon returning to the hostel i found my room broken into and my cat gone (at first glance, nothing from my belongings had been stolen):
I had to call Estonian Emergency Services thrice and once the Emergency Services of the United States embassy before the police arrived. The officers were told that the Estonian military regularly uses the hostel (neighboring rooms) for sabotage, thefts and torture (two mass murders and three assassinations in this context mentioned). One of the officers drew my attention to blood on the floor:
They understood that such operations have the consent of hostel staffers. Following police departure, French military satellite attack on brain resumed, even while i tried to sleep.

December 3rd, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
In the morning, while i begged for money, extreme-right, satellite-coordinated "civilians" (including Finish "tourists") walked by, harassing and attacking/scanning brain. Among them a couple with baby, man wearing jacket with "Camp David" written on its back (photos available).
---------- Message START ----------
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 11:45:16 +0100
Subject: Documented participation of the Estonian state in international terrorism, sabotage and torture (French CIA operations). The man on the right making comments such as "torture" and "TV". Last night, one of the TV anchors denounced as being involved in closed-circuit real-time torture (see "Media files" section of www.cosmictroops.com) again passed me by, this time following obvious NATO instructions (fabrication of consent to Muammar Gaddafi‘s assassination). All communications and equipment subject to sabotage, Tallinn lawyers‘ offices targeted. I warn you again that in the midst of described mafia vandalism, Jews are signaling complicity in the crash of the Russian plane over Sinai (photos available)
To: ps-rvsn@mil.ru
---------- Message END ----------
After sending above message i called the FSB's Saint Petersburg Regional Office and told them that these individuals seem to be enkindled by the idea of acting under CIA umbrella "therefore they think they can do what they please with impunity" (in the context of the Sinai crash and downing of SU 24 bomber):

The call was intercepted by Russian-speaking, (Estonian police)-supported men, members of a group that has been involved in international currency manipulations/ money-printing lobbying since, at least, January 1st 2011.

November 27th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Uniformed Estonian military personnel continue taking part in systematic harassment and thefts of my property; as if on orders from a committee on anti-french activities ("we also have no money", "we must follow orders from the colonial masters", etc.). At 11:18 pm, as i begged for money on street, Russian-speaking military men (NATO) in plain clothes walked by and insinuated: "Yes, it is us"
---------- Message START ----------
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 20:10:17 +0100
Subject: Directly from Paris, bandidos working for police station on Rue de Vaugirard (Sarkozy team) attacking with satellite weapons (lasers, high-frequency). I warn you again: amongst this *** there are Cubans. Attached images exemplify participation of uniformed Estonian police and military in extreme-right international (corporate) operations
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
---------- Message END ----------
Minutes after I sent above email from my mobile phone, Estonian police car silently drove by with rooftop flashing lights on.
Arab-looking Frenchmen (8:22 pm), Venezuelan couple (9:57 pm) and "tourists" from Finland passed by, some of the latter "confirming" implication of EMC Co in described crimes (two men (9:17 pm) suggested a war had almost occurred).
On Thursday, 26 Nov 2015 13:27:03 +0100:
Speculation on mass murders: woman in below image muttered: "embolia", "extermination", etc., later in the day they "happened to be" on the tram as well:
when I walked out of diner, paramilitary (including uniformed policemen) provokingly hinted at remotely-breaking "Hezbollah" car (mentioned on top of this page), as i was driving it:

November 24th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Two male Estonian uniformed policemen in hostel on 22/11/2015 at 6:43 pm, "asking for understanding, because it is the United States Secret Service", suggesting amnesia, etc. Such police CIA paramilitary activities also took place around ~1993, on University of South Florida campus, involving former Princeton Institute for Advance Studies visiting? scholar and (possibly) the "crash" of a civilian plane in the Bahamas (see attacks on Swiss civilian aircraft).
Photos of paramilitary activist that suggested New York (City) and Estonian military? in plain clothes participating in torture and sabotage, taken over the past two days. United States "engineers" (including French paramilitary (Colombia) in Tampa, Florida, 1993) of political privatizations in Russia and Ukraine (since 1992) are currently using Estonian military personnel in Tallinn: both groups have blamed me (then and now) for being spiteful.
Extreme-right (including Finish "tourists") today, apparently attempting to use the shooting down of a SU 24 Russian war plane near Turkish border as an excuse for ?.

November 21th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Vicious satellite attack on brain throughout the night by French Jewish military gangsters. Stockholm 2004 group (including another Cuban pilot, see "Media files" sidebar section) involved in the Beslam hostage crisis is currently using the hostel as a South African prison. Message to retired four-star General Colin Luther Powell (65th United States Secretary of State):

Estonian uniformed policemen participating in extreme-right satellite torture (brain scanning - laser hits on body parts) on streets as i beg for money, for example, car with registration plate EST 943 BFX at 8:38 pm (military agents walking by, photos available).

November 20th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Satellite attack on brain by French military gangsters continue. Last night, Estonian military personnel (in plain clothes) took part in torture (e.g.: laser hits, left-side lower teeth nerves targeted), photos available; implicated individuals suggested foreign investments in Cuba.
Meanwhile, the Estonian police refused again to grant me residence permit:

November 19th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
For a second consecutive night, French gangsters brutally attacking head while i tried sleeping. At Tallinn's Population Register Office, Jewish military vandals satellite-scanning brain - laser hitting shoulders. Evidently-aware Jewish female staffer explained that despite the fact that i cannot register because i do not possess the Estonian residence permit, the hostel is not legal ("has not asked for the city's permission", therefore it cannot be used for address registration purposes). She remained silent when i mentioned that the military is using the hostel, hence "how can it be illegal?". She suggested two other Tallinn hostels (which I know are systematically employed by the right-wing (including zionists)).
---------- Message START ----------
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 14:57:47 +0100
Subject: Another South African vandal hacking? my company servers and "talking on the phone" (deportation/ extermination/ amnesia comments). The police interfering with ambience music and attacking brain with satellite weapons
To: fsb@fsb.ru

---------- Message END ----------
My brain satellite-attacked when i passed in front of kindergarten, where Andrus Ansip (currently serving as Vice President for the Digital Single Market on the European Commission; Prime Minister of Estonia from 2005 to 2014 and chairman of the liberal Estonian Reform Party) had "stared" at me (laser hit on upper right earlobe - personal security).

November 17th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
I have paid extreme-right French Jewish gangsters, for the "service" of torturing me with participation (complicity) of uniformed Estonian military personnel and uniformed Estonian policemen, 960 Euros, from 30.09.2015 to today. As i check hostel bill, laser hitting left shoulder - brain scanned (high-frequency technology) - thugs talking on my laptop. Hostel staffers apparently intend to use NATO (Latvia) as scapegoat (photos available):

November 16th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
---------- Message START ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 13:13:12 +0100
Subject: Under police protection and with their active participation, extreme-right French military gangsters keep stealing, blocking communications (emails and phone calls), scanning and attacking brain in hostel, on streets, in public places. Attached image is an example, vandals talking on ambience music - laser hitting top of head. Estonian State Prosecutor Mr. Tristan Ploom is implicated, no doubt
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

---------- Message END ----------

November 14th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
---------- Message START ----------
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2015 13:52:58 +0100
Subject: This is another one of the French Jew "antiterrorists" (Estonian military agents) attacking brain with satellite weapons directly from Paris. He and his girlfriend making "noises" from behind the wall and real-time hacking my phone and laptop (media articles about yesterday‘s Paris attacks). Embezzlements and international thefts by the mafia (obvious French military implication), under pretext of preventing another German occupation of Paris (*). These geniuses already took down a Concord plane in 2000 (Virginie Ruiz Dresden team)
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru, spb@kprf.ru

---------- Message END ----------
(*)Further down on this page: another example earlier this year in Warsaw, Poland.
Message to the White House (before i knew anything about yesterday's Paris incidents):
---------- Message START ----------
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 23:42:31 +0100
Subject: Re: Read the President's ...:
To: ***@mail.whitehouse.gov
Maybe this will help you, Mr. President.
I cannot stand any more the French South African state-sponsored scum, which is operating in Poland ("Fatigue" car sale, details available) and in Estonia, using NATO channels as well.
Think about who is coming after you, and what ordeal they could cause from the White House (whether we could not be going back to square one):
---------- Message END ----------
The police (talking on my laptop) completely disabled my mobile phone (serving as internet hotspot), while i was connected to the server, uploading and checking this update

November 13th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
On occasions (from 2010 to 2014), paramilitary activists (at times obviously NATO-supported, invasion of Libya) on below-image street targeted Cuba, advocating private security agencies' role in protecting future? investments/ properties on the Island. This afternoon, as i walked under the street arches that delimit pedestrian passage, which traverses Russian embassy/consulate block, my head subject to high-frequency buzzing.
---------- Message START ----------
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 14:54:45 +0100
Subject: An example of participation of uniformed Estonian policemen in brutal satellite torture by extreme-right Jewish mafia. As one of the funny officers mumbled "terrorism", laser hitting head. Egyptian business front (former) next to this tax-financed ****. It is not the first time that organized crime investments in Cuba are thus protected
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru, spb@kprf.ru

---------- Message END ----------

November 9th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
French military gangsters hacking my laptop ("jerking" hard disk, talking on its audio) and laser-attacking body parts as i filled out Estonian online tax forms (they just said "i know", as i type).
Email to Estonian Immigration officer. Before and after referred-to phone conversation, i was harassed by Estonian uniformed military (below image), high-frequency /laser/ nuclear torture.

---------- Message START ----------
Date: Nov 3, 2015 12:00 PM
Subject: Phone conversation
To: ********@politsei.ee
Good morning!
We just spoke on the phone.
I am still staying at the address indicated on the application.
Yesterday i had a meeting with the State Prosecutor, in which i mentioned systematic participation of Estonian policemen and military personnel in sabotage, thefts, torture (military experiments, several assassinations and mass killings).
Since i foresee problems with you again, i warn you that this time there will be serious consequences.
Thank you
---------- Message END ----------
Email to Egyptian military attache in Berlin, with subject "SINAI CRASH", sent on 2015-11-05 18:01, contained following attachments:
(Message to Russian Central Military Prosecutor's Office and confirmation number). Mentioned Cuban pilot had invited me to dinner at Solaris Center on October 30th (~6:47 pm), hints at money and "social infections" by diner staffers.
October 30th, 9:02 pm:

October 31th, 10:12 am:
In this context:
1. The morning I arrived in Tallinn (September 7th), a "tourist couple" that claimed being from Poland participated in harassment in the reception of a hostel (~7.55 am), whose staffers were implicated in 2014 right-wing paramilitary activities in the East of Ukraine, severe satellite biotechnology torture, use of the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi and the "crash" of the first Malaysian aircraft in 2014.
2. KPRF (Russian Communist Party) site comments (V KONTAKTE) blocked (Charlie Hebdo caricature on Sinai Crash). Smolensk Regional Communist Party website also targeted (posts blocked in real-time - Estonian? military "discouraging treason", occupying room next door) by EMC Co Jews (Israelis in the Boston Area in 1998 - 1999).
3. Embassy of South Africa in Warsaw employed by Polish paramilitary thugs for large-scale financial schemes (Central/ National Bank(s?), currency issues in Cuba).
4. CIA? Cuban spearhead has been repeatedly involved in assassinations and mass murders (victims of various nationalities) in several countries, with the complicity of a number of European states (including Poland) and the CIA in the United States.
On the evening of November 8th, Jews and paramilitary activists on street "asserting" involvement in the "crash"; for example:
1. Man mumbled: ~"I have no crash on me.":

2. "Tourists" that claimed being from Saint Petersburg walked by.
3. Turkish man saying: ~"I heard you need a place to stay? Good luck!".
4. French female "student".
5. Finish male "tourists" trying to cause embolism.
6. Estonian uniformed military personnel passive-aggressively taking part (image available).

November 2nd, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Last night again uniformed Estonian military personnel on streets took part in sabotage/torture (they are also using adjacent rooms in hostel). Today, State Prosecutor Mr. Tristan Ploom personally refused to accept printout of below document (Vismari2015sgnd.pdf). He was explicitly told of connection between Tallinn and Kiev, on the eve of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 "crash" (Estonian - Ukraine links in 2014 mass murders in Ukraine). He said he takes responsibility for the State Prosecutor's Office decision.

October 31st, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Continuous and vicious satellite attack on brain (nuclear/ laser/ high-frequency technology; policemen obviously implicated), in order to disrupt presenting complaint (sleeping difficult, working impossible). CIA (EMC Co) Jewish thugs lead the operation, at times claiming affiliation with the German Secret Service (Dresden 1999/ 2000). Estonian military? man, occupying neighboring room, taking part in torture (photos of other "guests" available).
Emails to attorneys blocked. Document to be lodged with the Estonian State Prosecutor's Office on November 2nd, 2015:

October 20th - 21st, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Moscow:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 13:22:07 +0200
Subject: Estonian military vandals in plain clothes are using hostel next-door rooms to scan and attack the brain, manipulated by the CIA (French operations, Cubans participating, fall of the USSR). Satellites high-frequency /laser / nuclear weapons
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------
Among mentioned activists (microwave-attacking the brain, Vietnam financial link, photos of uniformed Estonian military personnel also available):
Example of Jewish paramilitary gangsterism (EMC Co), yesterday on moving tram:

Above-image woman made comments on her phone, such as: "I promise i will not make a claim" and "I do not remember anything at all". Emails to international organizations, embassies and attorneys systematically blocked by the mafia. Uniformed Estonian policemen taking part in torture instead of investigation into allegations of flagrant Estonian military participation in international terrorism and financial frauds.

October 7th - 14th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Please, follow: https://twitter.com/cosmictroops
Thank you
Statement of purpose to Estonian Immigration Office:
New videos (with explanations) posted. Vladimir Putin's participation in torture and South African "police work"; refer to Youtube section also.

September 26th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Hostel staffer implicated in thefts of my property and brutal satellite torture by the French police (Paris Jewish mafia - EMC Co/ Georgian embassy in Tallinn). Suggestions made by another woman at reception last night: US Secrete Service office in Tallinn - Pope Francis's address to joint session of Congress.

Email sent to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation:
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 17:39:00 +0200
Subject: Under French police protection the extreme-right continues stealing and satellite-attacking brain. Attached image is an example, ambience music interfered with, my online banking hacked. UK spy driving diplomatic registration (CD 1711) car recommended me paying satellite-connected vandals at Tallinn‘s "16 Euros" hostel (Estonian children killed in 2010). French gangsters tampering with internet, blocking article http://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/201509232218-dfxa.htm (French registration car driven by nun, attached photo, implicated)
To: fsb@fsb.ru
Third image not included in email; real-time wired hacker of my laptop, taken on same location on 24/9/2015 at 5:21 pm

September 24th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Jewish? teenager using (possibly) French police/military real-time technology to sabotage, as i filled out official application in public cafe. Complaint made to Estonia's General Prosecutor.


September 22nd, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Uniformed Estonian policemen taking part in paramilitary satellite attacks on brain ("invasion prevention", laser hits on left shoulder (even as i write this paragraph); below photos taken this morning). DPD van(s?) repeatedly involved; operation seems to be coordinated real-time directly from Paris. Almost all communications blocked (law offices in Europe and the USA targeted, proofs available). Estonian State Prosecutor's Office alerted by phone regarding the implication of the Estonian police in international terrorism.

September 21st, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Estonian military personnel and policemen participating in satellite attacks on brain; for example: uniformed military man driving car with registration plate EST 845 BNC, used by Jews (Israeli) for thievery and torture (what they call "training"), on 2015-09-17 at around 6:03 pm, next to the Estonia National Opera. French diplomatic vehicle involved in subversion (also 2015-09-17, photos sent to Estonia's General Prosecutor). Civilian aircraft flying low and hovering helicopter (with Estonian military man walking by, muttering "control"; images and videos available).
Letters sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin:

September 17th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Almost daily load on foot:
Bank refused to grant my company a car lease (first payment 506.40 PLN, thereafter 821.38 PLN monthly for 72 months; VAT included), because of low (zero) earnings.
Car dealer's offer after modifications:
At least for the cat's sake, any help will be appreciated!

September 9th, 2015:
Tallinn, Estonia.
Right-wing paramilitary group connected with the fierce battle at Donetsk's airport harassing (children used, pregnant women taking part in police-roofed thefts). Miami, Florida (CIA - Cuban community) also targeted (photos available).
Complaints sent to the Estonian Police by email ((NATO - French military) satellite torture in Tallinn with the participation of foreigners, photos included).

September 3rd, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
From August 27th to September 3rd, 2015, Poland's Office of the Prosecutor (biuro.podawcze@pg.gov.pl) received complaints and pieces of evidence that document Polish police participation (apparently on CIA instructions) in torture and international terrorism/ financial frauds.

August 11th 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Another official complaint filed at Warsaw's Central District Prosecutor's Office. Satellite street attacks continue (Uniformed Polish policemen and CIA Cuban agents participating); high-frequency buzzing of skull - laser hits on body parts. Due to torture, sleeping is very difficult.

--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 22:04:14 +0200
Subject: Extreme-right satellite attack by the French police near embassy of South Africa. Attached images are examples of participants: 1.) woman living in a studio alone and working for French multinational; 2.) "couple" with female circling ear lob with index finger and saying "loco - fractura" as i walked by; 3.) teenagers (customers of the state) threatening with deportation (Iranians passing by). CIA implication is obvious, these international thugs are out of public scrutiny
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------

July 31st - August 9th 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia/ Krakow and Warsaw, Poland.
With Cuban participation (among them: students at Moscow State University between 1987 and 1992) French mafia tampering with equipment and communications, illegally scanning brain (thought-reading) and satellite laser/ nuclear/ high-frequency attacking internal organs. French "tourists" in Krakow supported by the police taking part in military "anti-terrorism" biotechnology experiments.
A Warsaw hostel taken over by (mostly) French white-jewish citizens (Algeria, killing of Yasser Arafat and shooting down of Egypt Air flight 990/ Swiss Air flight 111), who (as in Paris hostels and apartments), are filming rooms where i stay, "making comments" on the streets/court yards that can be heard through opened windows and laser-targeting brain/external body parts ("fracturing"). Repeated calls to the Polish Emergency Services seemed to be diverted.
Below emails describe local groups' French paramilitary activities and the involvement of multinational corporations:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 09:26:35 +0200
Subject: Fwd: Policemen from the station on Rue de Vaugirard, Paris are attacking my brain with high-frequency/ nuclear weapons, depriving me from sleep. French "tourists" (hostel guests in this case) participating from neighboring rooms/ courtyard (NATO invasion of Libya, killing of Cuban General Arnaldo Ochoa). Cubans involved in such extreme-right international privatization operations (among them ***********, Cuban Ministry of Agriculture). Attached images: Frenchmen using hostel computers (Lyon team, assassination of Muammar Gaddafi), Spanish - Polish lawyer that paid two nights stay for me (Polish uniformed policemen implicated), street "phone conversation" harassment.
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 23:40:12 +0200
Subject: CIA Jewish operation continues. In the apartment of a lawyer (employee of US multinational), who said her husband is a physicist (suspension, thermodinamycs) and is currently on vacation in Greece, the mafia satellite attacking me (directly from Paris, no doubt; laser, high frequency, nuclear technology). This female scoundrel mentioned on the phone: "the Pope", "the program" and "don't worry", the man: "no obsession". An example of extreme-right paramilitary vandalism, in which Vladimir Putin is implicated.
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 11:14:40 +0200
Subject: Attack and thievery by the extreme right continues. Hostel again used as an illegal prison, laser hits as i took shower. French operations and (possibly) French military satellites. Attached photo is one of them. Servers, emails blocked
To: pressdept@mid.ru

--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 22:50:06 +0200
Subject: French Jew - police mafia continues blocking communications, hacking equipment, scanning - attacking brain. Satellite laser/ nuclear/ high frequency technology. CIA implication is obvious. See attached images
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 16:19:33 +0200
Subject: French Jews continue blatantly stealing, hacking and tampering with my company servers, blocking communications, scanning - attacking brain with satellite weapons. Attached images are an example of this extreme-right southafricanism (Jewess, both speaking German). The French police are obviously implicated
To: fsb@fsb.ru
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 20:32:25 +0200
Subject: Two Krakow Jewish families (a third one connected with the crash of the Malaysian plane in Ukraine last year and driving a Warsaw registration car also implicated, attached photos) picked me up in a Shell gas station outside Budapest, Hungary (a British Oil female staffer from Mukachevo, Ukraine (Right Sector shootout, she and her Hungarian boyfriend had been to Cuba and helped me with money and accommodations) had driven me there) and took me directly to Krakow, where the CIA (e.g.: "couple" in bicycles, with man wearing a "Diesel company" t-shirt and woman commenting "sandwich") continues blatantly stealing, filming streets and public places (ambience music interfered with) and attacking brain with high frequency/ laser/ nuclear satellite technology (attached images). I urge you again to **** against the police-mafia
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------

July 17th, 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia.
This woman was "coughing" and making "comments" as i worked in a hotel lobby cafe. My head was being beamed with high-frequency signal; my laptop's Operating System (OSX 10.4.11) tampered with, real-time manipulation of grey-colored area layer added to Mozilla Firefox web browser, in attempts to induce amnesia:

Uniformed Serbian policeman driving car with registration plate П 024 207 at 8:22 pm took part in satellite onslaught on my brain. Later on in the evening, extreme-right activists (CIA/US military operations) walked by (examples below), "overheard" remarks such as "forget", police car driving by.
I called the Serbian police (conversation recorded) and complained, noting that the NATO bombings of Belgrade were carried out by (French military) organizations, which are being assisted through torture by the Serbian police; a contradiction that should be solved on a political level.
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 15:10:00 +0200
Subject: French Jew mafia brutally attacking brain, stealing, filming street - public places and blocking communications - cutting off Wifi. Cuban embassy in Belgrade (*) targeted directly from Paris by the French police (58 Rue Charlot, the ones that infected me in 2006, during the Israel - Hezbollah war (**)). Attached image jewess shouted: "infarto!" as they blocked access to the General Prosecutor Office web site (Russian Federation (***), exactly one year after the shooting down of the Malaysian plane)
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
(*) Cuban embassy situated around the corner from the cultural section of the embassy of Iran. See "Media files" photos and videos.
(**) Image not included.
(***) with copy of downloadable document, which was sent today to the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).

July 9th, 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia.
Vicious torture on streets, public establishments and hostel (even while using toilet/taking showers); several cars/agents of private security company G4S taking part (and Cubans evidently using foreign satellite technology). As i type my brain "locked", left shoulder hit by laser. White House contacted; three emails to the US embassy in Belgrade:
-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: French military constantly attacking my brain and body parts with a satellite laser
Дата: 2015-07-08 18:51
Кому: BelgradeACS@state.gov
There will be serious problems.
I urge you do your best to stop them
-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: Re: French military constantly attacking my brain and body parts with a satellite laser
Дата: 2015-07-08 18:58
Кому: BelgradeACS@state.gov
I just contacted the White House (attached image).
Nevertheless, mentioned bandits continue hitting me with laser.

-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: Individuals participating in torture
Дата: 2015-07-08 19:06
Кому: BelgradeACS@state.gov
The man muttered: "Please, stop!"

July 5th, 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia.
Sleeping almost impossible due to brain satellite torture by French paramilitary bandits (among them Polish policeman Lukasz Kozynski's associates; read further). While i took shower, laser strongly hit my left shoulder.
Below individuals harassing near Telenor (Serbian telecommunications provider), one of whose staffers is implicated in bio-chip attacks (third image); minutes earlier, not-photographed "American tourists" "training" (shoot our enemies in the head):

July 3rd, 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia.
"American/Russian-speaking tourists" walking by, availing themselves of satellite technology to steal and scan/attack the brain.
At the site of the Serbian Communist Party (thermo factory that was recently bought by Russians, according to private security agent) a security guard made comments such as: "Germans (and Americans) come here and ask: how much is this?, how much is that?". Professional Serbian-to-Russian Armenian translator (helping out of altruistic principles) told me she had met the grandson of Josip Broz Tito, a very personable man, at a reception in the Cuban or Chinese embassy (she did not remember well).
French police anticommunist operations ("accuse our victims of wanting to kill everyone"); read further, warning sent to Russian organizations regarding Virginie Elaine Ruiz and a policeman named "Nico" that works/worked in the police station on Rue the Vaugirard, Paris. (French policemen talking on my mp3 and erasing part of this paragraph as i type).
NATO harassment coordinated real-time (Christinia, Copenhagen - 1999 bombing of the embassy of China in Belgrade - Protestant hostel near Rue de Montreuil, Paris - CIA (Chicago)).

June 29th, 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia.
Some domains became unavailable due to lack of money.
Satellite attacks on brain continue; hostel employed as prison, group of Polish "tourists" illegally eavesdropping on conversations, participating in laser/high-frequency torture (private security and police cars used).
On Gospodar Evremova Street, two cafes almost in front of each other: "La Libertad" and "Helga" (huelga, забастовка, strike) part of French police hi-tech experiments (real-time sabotage and thievery); Serbian policemen taking part; explanations suggested by "civilians" (some of whom seemed to be connected with Ukraine's Right Sector): "there will be a war and we must suppress workers' rights" and ~"we are thinking for you".
Harassment and laser/nuclear hits on head near former embassy of China location, my phone remotely shut down (which prevented photographing Jewish paramilitary activists), a civilian told me: ~"many bombs fell around here in 1999".
Above van, which belongs to company with paramilitary staffers that had bothered me two days earlier (on the 27th, parking tickets officer, following images), drove by. "We are not sorry we bombed you" provocations from middle-upper class vandals (as in Brussels 2010, near the embassy of China, photos available):

June 25th-26th, 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia.
French paramilitary groups supported by police officers harassing on streets and in public places. Working is impossible due to intensified real-time interference with my equipment's audio, keyboard, wifi connection ("electronic warfare") and biotechnology torture. For instance, following photo woman making "noises" - strongly coughing as i sent emails, her partner commented "Mossad":

One of two women connected with Cornell University made comments such as "bollo" (Cuban for "pussy") and "Christ", while the other told me ~"my parents are abroad and left me their credit card, i am responsible for what i buy with it" (images available). Following youtube video, a good example of tampering, filmed minutes after they had walked away:
French military experiments included filming small private business (located in building basement, where i spent the night) and attacking the brain. Belgrade residence of foreign ambassador used (purported expulsion of late Cuban diplomat from Brazil for offering to arm opposition movement).
Below man walked into cafe trying to provoke a fight (with subsequent police intervention): dropping remarks - rubbing his right shoulder as a laser was hitting my left one.

June 24th, 2015:
Belgrade, Serbia.
Strong hi-tech sabotage by French Jewish paramilitary groups linked to Belgrade Real Estate control and the 1999 bombing of the embassy of China (interference of my laptop's keyboard taking place as i type). Phone calls to the Serbian Emergency Services tampered with/ redirected.
Letter to the minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia:

Serbian police car with registration plate П 02475 driving by, taking part in severe satellite laser torture at 10:54 pm (one of the two male policemen bald, sitting on passenger seat; Banca Intesa female clerk possibly implicated). At 9:49 pm a Serbian (Jewish?) woman had walked by and told me: ~"sorry, but my boyfriend's business partner from Norway, both of them are having dinner right now, is staying with us tonight"; several hints at the CIA (Bush family?) heard today.
Buildings in front of the Foreign Affairs Ministry premises, hit by air strikes in 1999:

June 21th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
Hi-tech thefts persist, my equipment remotely shut down. Hungarian uniformed policemen taking part in corporate crimes and French military extra-territorial operations (torture, assassinations and mass killings):
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 10:15:35 +0200
Subject: French Jewish bandidos ...
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
French Jewish bandidos (Cuban implicated, concrete names) filming hostel - attacking brain with satellite laser /nuclear technology. All communications blocked. Room was paid for by Azerbaijani man (IT engineer, data bases), accompanied by woman that doesn't speak Russian. Reported death/injury of man/woman in Donetsk might be instrumental for the mafia. Article and photo of Scottish roommates included
21 Июнь 2015
20 июня около 23:00 в результате обстрела ВСУ в Петровском районе поврежден дом на улице Черногорская. Погиб мужчина, ранена женщина.

--------------------END of message ----------
Described operation included French-speaking "tourists" last night (while i begged on streets near hostel) and in the morning (as soon as i walked out of building), photos available. Since 2005, Paris hostels used as illegal prisons by this international extreme-right terrorist group, which is directly implicated in the "crashes" of two Malaysian aircraft last year, one in Ukraine's east (Malaysian ambassador contacted by e-mail last Friday).

June 20th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
Satellite attack on brain (including thought-reading and laser torture), coordinated from France (concrete addresses in Paris, photos and videos at hand) continues. My phone remotely shut down as i came under harassment from military thugs in plain clothes. Hungarian police cars participating, for example H NAT 937 at 2:23 am (as i unsuccessfully tried to find overnight lodging). At 2:54 am, a young German couple told me: ~"you are not far from being a political refugee". High probability of CIA involvement: 1993 University of South Florida policemen - Ukrainian immigrant mathematician - oil industry, see uncommented front page video of Syria mass assassination by stabbing/stoning.

June 19th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
All emails to Cuba concerning connection between Cornell University and the US Guantanamo Naval base appeared to have been blocked from delivery. Extreme-right paramilitary satellite attack on brain and internal organs/body parts (laser, high frequency technology) in hostels (also while i take showers; South African activists; Cubans involved, photos available), on streets, (in front/inside) buildings housing offices of attorneys/law firms. Several calls to Hungarian Emergency Services recorded.
Last night Hungarian police cars took part in satellite torture by the French military (as i begged to pay for accommodations):
H MFR 766 - 7:01 pm
H MZA 114 ~ 12:20 am (with cameras on rooftop, twice within 10 minutes, van with Serbian registration plate used)
H MHS 351 - 12:47 am (harassment by civilians, pickup truck H MGZ 627)
H MHS 351 - 1:22 am (Italian male tourists walking by, NATO assassination of Muammar Gaddafi)
H LIE 924 - 1:44 am (men in plain clothes, laser hits on my shoulders)
On late evening June 17th, a group of Russian tourists from Saint Petersburg, a Hungarian? Jewish woman and two French-speaking men that suggested the 1999 apartment building bombings (talking about an apartment in Paris) had walked by; participating Indian? family with children and a US "couple" (man claimed being from New York) photographed. Protection of US military bases.

June 13th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
Brutal satellite torture by French-Cuban extreme-right paramilitary group; cashier/customers harassing:

--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2015 15:14:19 +0200
Subject: Attack, thefts and sabotage coordinated by satellite from Paris. Attached images: French-speaking girls talking about security, a wedding. Moments earlier i had spoken with black man that claimed being from Guantanamo (*). Assassination preparations by the French police to cover up colonialism and mass killings.
To: pressdept@mid.ru
--------------------END of message ----------
Email sent to the General Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (GUSP):
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2015 10:23:50 +0200
Subject: Moscow metro bombings - illegal prisons
To: gusp@gov.ru
The police are systematically taking part in thefts, sabotage and torture which are organized by the jew mafia (Israel - banking - Real Estate control in several countries (cities)). It appears the Cornell University team is interested in playing on ongoing conflict in the Donbass area.
I will post photos of these *****, some were already sent as attachments to the anti-corruption email address of the Russian Ministry of Interior yesterday.
As a Hungarian police car drove by, woman "talking on the phone" arranged through one of her friends a free-of-charge two day stay at bar-hostel. She told me she had spent a year in Israel and that she works at the European University (English programs on (mostly) social sciences subjects for (mostly) foreigners). Hostel used as a prison (staffers participating, one uttered ~"either you say you don't remember or we keep torturing"; high-frequency and laser attacks as i tried sleeping). Mass killing of Syrian military by Islamic State rebels in 2014 summer suggested by Arabic-speaking man on street near building.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jun 12, 2015 9:36 PM
Subject: Moscow metro bombings (2010)
To: antikorr_mvd@mvd.ru
Switzerland - metro bombings - attached image individuals. It is the same Israeli - French "antiterrorists" that steal HUGE amounts from public funds.
Satellite operation is NONSTOP. See online photos posted in the "latest news" section of www.cosmictroops.com (Krakow and Warsaw incidents are examples of police implication).
As i type the bandidos are laser attacking me (lower lip and nostril).
--------------------END of message ----------
(*)and having been to Cuba a year ago, when his mother passed away. He helped me with about three Euros.
(**)Not included in message

June 11th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
EMC Co (CIA) preparation of collar-bomb assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes, "crashes" of (Egypt Air flight 990/ Swiss Air flight 111) and ongoing satellite attack on my brain. Below first two images were taken in 1998 (cubicles where i worked used for torture by (mostly) Israeli engineers), the third one is the Tallinn building housing both the Georgian embassy and EMC Co office:
Wifi cut off - ambience music interfered, man on left trying to induce amnesia while hacking my laptop as i type:

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 09:59:19 +0200
Subject: French military harassing at Radisson Blue reception cafe; man on left (attached image) talking about "when you are sentenced to death". Last night, at woman‘s apartment, while i took shower and tried to sleep, laser hitting body parts - brain under satellite lock (attached image decoration). Uniformed Hungarian policemen taking part in laser attacks (left shoulder) and brain scanning torture that is obviously coordinated by the CIA (possibly from Paris); e. g.: police car with registration plate H HWG 824, at 848 am on Vorosmarty/ Szondi corner (while i spoke with implicated woman, attached image). Civilians that belong to extreme-right French paramilitary group (attached photo) calling me a criminal and entering the metro moments later (Russian embassy corner - ongoing artillery strikes on Donetsk). High danger of terrorism by Virginie Elaine Ruiz‘s team, international bandits (mostly Jews) supported by the military (NATO)
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

May 30th-29th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
Jewish activists - uniformed policemen blocking access to attorneys; for example: when i walked into building, Jewish woman stared at my left shoulder, followed by laser attacks - man claiming "being a friend of Thomas" - French-speaking old woman telling me "i am sorry i cannot inform you more"; when i walked out (uniformed policeman driving car with registration plate MRF 002 (1:59 pm) - pregnant woman - satellite attack on head, high-frequency buzzing of skull/eardrums) caused hemorrhage (blood coming out of nostril).
(CIA - EMC Co) laser hitting left shoulder at bookstore (photos available, FBI targeted); 1997 Cornell University Hungarian grad student possibly alluded to:

Gangsters (encompassing Cubans) targeting brain with high-frequency technology caused another internal bleeding that woke me up at 4:20 am. It appears to be the CIA with local police support (concrete policemen, Catholic Church - property issues):

May 26-27th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
Woman appeared to give TU Dresden's (1999-2000) Program of Computational Logic credit for current extreme-right biotechnology abuse, in which Syrian? civilians "confirmed" (French - Cuban) military participation. Driver of Hungarian diplomat to Poland could be implicated in this French (Israeli) mafia operation (possibly coordinated real-time from Paris: NATO Libya invasion - embassy of South Africa in Warsaw - Poznanska Street, read further). My phone systematically shut down, preventing photos. From approximately 10:05 pm to 1:30 am, while I begged on street to pay for accommodations, Hungarian uniformed policemen and military personnel in plain clothes passing by ("fracturing"), high-frequency buzzing of skull and eardrums, (scanning of (thought-reading)/ attacks on) brain, laser hitting left shoulder, spinal cord and other parts of the body.
Two South African black men walked by, one ascribed criticism of French police complicity in international terrorism to immaturity (~grow up, money matters!), the other ambiguously suggested contradictions between North and South.
Hostel staffers (below images, Cornell University "German agriculture" - massacre in Aleppo, Syria (see "youtube" section) - Malaysian plane shut down (*)) partaking in torture, which is applied even while i take showers/ try to sleep. (On streets and indoors, my lower lip is often target of laser rays? (traceless attempt at embolism?); in a Krakow convenience store i was recently slightly "attacked" by a Jewish mercenary, who hit my lower lip from behind (the police took him away, no incident report filled out)). French-speaking black women among hostel guests (one commented: "i do not have the means ..."):
Warning sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, regarding (year 2013) uniformed Polish policemen near former State Agricultural Bank's building, occupied by the Wehrmacht during WWII, which now houses one of their honorary consulates. EMC Co employed Dominican national, apparently involved in hostage-taking since the year 1993 (Florida, USA) - collar bomb assassination of Colombian farmer in the year 2000.
Email receipt:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Relaciones Exteriores relexteriores@mirex.gob.do
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 12:50:16 -0400
Subject: Leído: Consulado Honorario en Varsovia
Your message
To: Relaciones Exteriores
Subject: Consulado Honorario en Varsovia
Sent: Wed, 27 May 2015 12:15:50 -0400
was read on Wed, 27 May 2015 12:50:16 -0400

May 25th, 2015:
Budapest, Hungary.
Ongoing satellite torture apparently involves the Vatican, South Africa and Israel (for example: American and French-speaking couples, Hungarians, individuals that claim being Chinese, Ukrainian, etc.; photos available). Yesterday, some of them hinted at Mr. Csaba Hende, the Hungarian Minister of Defense, in connection with the Hungarian Parliament; hostel used as illegal prison by "democratic values activists" (high-frequency buzzing of skull, thought- reading, biotechnology harassment, interference of my phone-real time noises from neighboring room, two Arabic? women leaving loft at around 3:20 am, etc.).
French policemen ("anti-terrorists") filming Budapest streets, attacking brain, repeatedly shutting down my mobile phone, talking on its mp3 player; Iranian embassy in Paris targeted (2006 Israeli - Hezbollah conflict, 58 Rue Charlot - 2000 crash of Air France Concord). "Israeli business" laser-hitting left shoulder at public cafe in front of Synagogue (ambience music subversion - illegal hacking of my laptop), customers and staffers taking part (below images):
Woman sat behind me in trolley-bus, "talking on her mobile", saying, for example: "you too", "sterilization", "doctor" and "shoah".

May 18th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 22:28:11 +0200
Subject: French police organizing sabotage and attack on brain at Krakow's train station. Emails to attorneys and media blocked, my equipment systematically shut down. Attached image
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

May 17th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Extreme-right group in hostel (connected with French military/Syria civil war), for second day in a raw, torturing and threatening to tamper with my luggage. Similar activists remotely and permanently took my laptop's optical disc drive out of order in Brussels public cafe (2010), photos available:
Man below, walked next to me in the morning, as i tried to sleep, and said: "suplicio". His harassment caught on downloadable audio-file (of diminished intensity, in comparison with a few seconds (minutes) before i started recording):
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 10:42:16 +0200
Subject: Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi: Attached audio file (noises made by attached-image bandit) is an example of CIA attack. At the same time, my brain is subject to high-frequency buzzing, laser hitting larynx
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

AUD0238.amr audio file was sent as attachment

May 15th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Krakow uniformed policemen continue taking part in thefts, illegal hacking of my laptop/communications and biotechnology attacks, for example:
van G738 at 9:42 am, May 12th, 2015
van G193 at 10:02 am, May 13th, 2015
car G135 at 10:34 am, May 14th, 2015
car G212 at 11:18 am, May 14th, 2015
van G738 at 12:35 pm, May 14th, 2015
van G739 at 12:38 pm, May 14th, 2015
car G218 at 12:40 pm, May 14th, 2015
(All driving by in front of cafe, mentioned below in connection with letter to US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, where ambience music is used for subversion - my laptop regularly shutdown - extra-layer added to Mozilla Firefox for real-time brain scanning (EMC Co, details posted). Chicago military team, operating in February - March from a "hostel" on North Mason Street, appears to be satellite-coordinating street harassment (in Krakow and Warsaw). US/French military group (58 Rue Charlot, Paris - shooting down of Malaysian aircraft over Ukraine) systematically emptying out phone credit/blocking outgoing connectivity; Plus service provider, photos at hand.)
Today, French-speaking military in plain-clothes (assassination of Muammar Gaddafi) walking by, harassing and satellite-hitting brain/internal organs:

I bought and accumulated lotto tickets that i checked today:
It was too late to claim the only win (10 Pln); satellite attack on brain at lotto shop, on the way to which (and after) paramilitary activists (linked to Ukraine's Правый Сектор?) hinted they knew the exact ticket amount in question.

May 8th-10th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Satellite attacks on brain interrupted street dialogue with Polish woman, who took me to her studio to stay overnight; Polish paramilitary men, standing on street when we got off the bus, commented "it is not for free" (as if they hadn't stolen already enough). Her conversation and apartment's internal decoration suggested CIA 1970's operations against Cuba and my 1998 studio (on 1640 Worcester Road, Massachusetts), where EMC Co Irish women occupied flat on same floor. In the morning, the military? carried on scanning and attacking my brain on moving bus (connected with mass killings in Syria?),
followed by Polish policemen's harassment in front of building that houses embassy of South Africa:
(as i type the police are high-frequency beaming my head and talking on the ambience music of Krakow cafe)
The higher-ranking of the two was (illegally hacking my laptop)-(talking on his mobile phone, walking to and fro on the sidewalk) as i sent e-mails to attorneys/embassies. The other officer said he had the right to search me and take me to a police station "because he is a policeman and someone had called them about a suspicious person that looked like me, etc.". After i warned him he could lose his job for it, their plans seemingly changed: he hinted at my conversation with Polish border-guards on the Polish side of the border with Ukraine; other policemen and staffers of the US embassy arrived by car/on foot ...; fleeting threat of deportation, etc. by the Polish police. A Spanish Professional Poker player, customer of the cafe, gave unofficial oral evidence "in my favor".
The Polish police's "fracture" attempt might be connected with the September 11–12, 2012 killing of US ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens. Then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton publicly took the blame in an interview to CNN:
"I take responsibility ... I'm in charge of the state department's 60,000-plus people all over the world (at) 275 posts. The president and the vice-president wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals (who are) the ones who weigh all of the threats and the risks and the needs and make a considered decision."
Polish uniformed military harassing in hostel on the eve of Moscow's Victory Parade (08/05/2015, 9:10 pm):
Below activists might be linked to Benjamin Netanyahu:
Date: Sun, 10 May 2015 15:36:11 +0200
Subject: French Jews are using the FBI for huge thefts. Attached images. My equipment interfered continuously
To: spb@kprf.ru
Answer letter from specialist, speaking on behalf of the Minister of Justice:

May 7th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Another email to the Polish military police (last three photos not included):
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 15:01:23 +0200
Subject: French jews (police and military participating; hostel, Rialto hotel on corner of Wilcza/Emellie Plater streets and Mercury hotel on Krucza street used by the mafia) keep stealing, attacking brain with high frequency satellite technology, blocking communications and shutting down my laptop/ mobile phone. See attached images
To: rzecznikzw@mon.gov.pl

May 6th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
French military customers brutally attacking brain with high-frequency satellite weapons; on streets, paramilitary harassment is carried out mainly by Jews (men and women).

May 5th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
"IRA" group using last-night's prepared laboratory scene, making comments, which unequivocally imply: "you are US-naturalized, not born, therefore a lawful guinea pig for our French-military experiments". In 2013, "social scientists" such as these ones (same location), called the according-to-internet-articles-now-killed Syrian liver-eating rebel commander Abou Sakkar "the cardiologist".
Not for shock, read further.
Abou Sakkar gave an interview to BBC explaining his actions; his posted photograph indisputably hinted at uniformed French military personnel, who had harassed me in Paris Metro station "Ecole Militaire" (2009, another instance of French military illegal coercion in the Paris Metro). Email to Polish military police:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 11:11:35 +0200
Subject: Fwd: French military - Jews stealing, satellite attacking brain. Uniformed Polish military and police officers participating. CIA obviously implicated. See attached photos
To: rzecznikzw@mon.gov.pl
--------------------END of message ----------
MIT Mathematics Professor's (author of university text book on Point Set Topology) note to me (1998 admissions rejection), used by below individual (police-supported "anti" terrorists reading my thoughts - talking on the ambience music - involved in (1997-2013) thefts/embezzlements of large sums from state budgets), as a reference to the REAL and CONTINUITY splinter branches of the IRA.

--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 20:45:14 +0200
Subject: Police van A010 involved: One of the real /continuity IRA thieves stealing from/ attacking me with complete police support. *************
To: rzecznikzw@mon.gov.pl

--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 14:15:56 +0200
Subject: French jewish military bandidos keep stealing, shutting down my equipment, attacking brain. Working is impossible. Several police cars used by the mafia. Laser hits at basement computer shop (near ministry of defense building); attached image jewess had the nerve to call me their (her) client
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru, spb@kprf.ru

--------------------END of message ----------
Some foreign/ Polish nationals engaged in hostage-taking:
Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi. He has lain next to me in two rooms, making noises as my brain in scanned (not letting me sleep):

"Couple" involved in "anti-genocide" french police operation (Rue de Vaugirard police station team: Hungary - the fault is the victims' - policemen's participation in international terrorism and hierarchy of turn-into-corporation police force ignored). Laser hitting my left shoulder as i walked in/out of room:
CIA agents stealing from me, targeting the embassy of Cuba in Warsaw (firing squad-executed Cuban general Arnaldo Ochoa (Virginie Elaine Ruiz), commanding officer of Cuban forces in Angola), below-shown hostel on Wilcza street (23 Apr 2015 14:43:52 +0200 email) occupied by same gang:
Ukrainian (hostel staffer) has shut down my laptop (indirectly?) as i worked (saying "I know"), when Russian-poem reader reached ~"we are not like others, we have steel feathers" (before April 18th, 2015 Ukrainian bodyguards). She has also repeatedly used laser hits on left shoulder, once making comment ~"and later (now) torture!". Such agents might be unofficially employed by EMC Co to prevent a law suit:
Man making noises and scanning my brain as i sent emails to attorneys/ embassies/ international organizations (UN):

Nonstop harassment, possibly coordinated by the French police:

Woman wearing habit walked by (near embassy of South Africa) saying ~"Now you are old, suplicio":

April 25th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
As if anticipating israeli air strikes, a Russian-speaking Jewish couple with (actively involved in embezzlement) teenage daughter, a man from Northern Africa (French Algerian?) and other hostel guests taking part in French military's satellite torture (even in showers). Heightened Jewish street sabotage with police participation. Last night diplomatic car (W 083777) seemingly employing uniformed Polish policemen for harassment ("one can be abused, the police will not help, one has to kill"; Virginie Elaine Ruiz was implicated in such type of paramilitary fabrications (Chechnya) in Paris in the year 2000; possible connection with 2005 suicide of diplomatic worker in Japan's Shanghai consulate), photos available. My equipment repeatedly (remotely) interfered/ shut down, communications blocked.

April 23rd, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Individuals apparently implicated in the shooting down of the Malaysian aircraft last summer are attacking my brain, repeating on android mobile phone's audio player: "Renato! - Inteligente!" (a reference to Cornell University and the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture). French gangsters using the police to crush witness(es).
While i begged to pay for hostel: satellite torture, harassment connected with embassy of South Africa in Warsaw:
Police car Z 786 (laser hits on left shoulder, brain "locked on", call to emergency services interfered)
NATO (Copenhagen, 2004) activists driving several cars, photos taken
Police car Z 819 (brain targeted)
Conversation with black man (who claimed being from Angola, walking by with white "girlfriend"; high frequency buzzing of skull - my phone remotely shut down, US military obviously implicated, 11:29 pm). Moments earlier a group of "girls" had passed by, one said: "racism"
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 14:43:52 +0200
Subject: Fwd: The French Jew mafia brutally attacking brain, hemorrhage provoked, my laptop disabled, phone shut down. Attached photo is an example
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

April 21st, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
While working, my equipment remotely shut down; emails to/from (attorneys/ embassies/ international organizations) blocked, nonstop audio harassment (mp3, ambience music, laptop), real-time manipulation of extra layer added to Mozilla Firefox. Uniformed/plain clothes policemen taking part in street satellite torture while i begged to pay for hostel room:
Z006 (11:13 pm and 11:44 pm)
ZZ 328 (brain scanning - laser hits, EMC Co availing itself of street derelicts for Israeli "training")
PL WI 1257 X (1:40 am, attacks on Yasser Arafat)
Walking-by Polish "students" (one Spanish-speaking) hinted at right-wing paramilitary supranational embezzlement: from 2013, French Jewish activists in Warsaw engaged in Euro - Polish Zlotys conversion scam connected with the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah conflict and Crimea; photos available
Hostel's foreign guests passing by, photos available (French military complicity in the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi; "don't even think about supporting Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy")
This woman, hacking my laptop, just said: "bravo! - coma!" (as the police talk on ambience music); her interlocutor had also hounded me ("conversing on mobile phone"):

This month's statistics for one of the servers:

April 18th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Last night harassing Jewish female activist hinted at Deutsche Bank. Email sent to Russia's Federal Protection Service (only first image included):
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 09:12:04 +0200
Subject: French Jewish gangsters continue scanning and attacking brain (thought reading - image capturing - brutal torture); two Ukrainian men (my "roommates") participating (one claimed having worked as bodyguard for Kolomoisky). Cubans obviously (operating/clients of) such satellites; hostel staffer hinted at Hungarian? guest (guests?) that paid for two beds but ended up not showing up. Attached image
To: smev.fso@gov.ru
The bodyguard made comments such as: ~"Kolomoisky is not ostentatious", ~"It is not good that in a country as rich as Ukraine there are a few billionaires", ~"the war in the East started as a conflict between two oligarchs, Kolomoisky and Russia-supported Akhmetov" and ~"The US sent the equipment we used to protect Kolomoisky, the chief of his personal security showed me bullet-proof vests, etc.". My laptop remotely shut down by the "Cornell University's global police" as i wrote this entry, police van "Z 752" involved (Emilia Platter Street, 11:20 am), ambience music torture.
Email to US professor, originally from the USSR:

April 17th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Communications with US attorneys (as usual) blocked; US Democratic Party object of hi-tech sabotage. Brutal and vicious high-frequency/ laser torture in hostel. French-speaking man from North Africa occupying next door room; Frenchmen (Service de Renseignements?) walking by on street (while brain undergoes scanning/hits)/ standing next to me (as my laptop is interfered/disabled). My equipment remotely shut down, these women implicated; policemen making comments on ambience music, such as: ~"if a criminal case is opened we will be in trouble":

April 16th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
My laptop and mobile phone systematically disabled; uniformed policemen taking part in torture (organized in conjunction with concrete private bank (photos available) and the US military (New York City), below image; South Korean man also involved), for example: car Z021, at 1217 pm, on Emilia Platter Street, laser hitting my left shoulder, brain scanned and attacked, Cuba targeted. Letter from the Office of the Prosecutor (Warsaw's central district) addressed to me, received by hostel staffers:
Policemen illegally hacking my laptop and talking on cafe's ambience music as i typed above paragraph; this woman "anticipating" word ("example") and saying it to her companion, who, in his turn, uttered: "stop!". This "business" group had interrupted three calls to the Polish Military Police from my mobile phone, about 18 minutes earlier.

April 15th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
French military satellite torture in hostel (bedroom and showers) and on streets continue; mostly Jewish women evincing already-conventional methods of waging extreme-right business-paramilitary hi-tech warfare (expansionism, below image). Proximity of Algerian embassy and Lycee Français in Warsaw used by the team that was involved in the Charlie Hebdo shooting (read further). French Lyceums in Kiev, Stockholm and Vilnius have been employed for similar purposes (i stayed overnight in the apartment of a teacher of the latter, where satellite attacks occurred). One more attempt at modeling France-Algeria/ USA-Cuba colonial relations as one.

April 14th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Call to Sinn Fein and to the Science and Technology Section of the embassy of China in Washington DC; atrocities committed by the CIA.
Extreme-right sabotage connected with embassy of South Africa in Warsaw; laptop and mobile phone remotely disabled. Laser hitting body parts (particularly left shoulder), satellite torture in hostel (even in shower room). French registration car involved (yesterday, in front of Mercury hotel, induced "suicide", FR 495 BZL 44, photos available).

April 12th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Satellite attacks as i tried sleeping on the stairs of a building. Below teenagers took part; the guy was particularly vicious (he suggested operation of the criminal brigade of the police). Policemen in car Z036 involved in torture on Poznanska Street (read further). My laptop remotely disabled, contents of one file deleted (military possibly tampering with information sent to the Prosecutor's office).

April 10th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Uniformed policemen passing by in car Z049, "civilians" in PL WND 01001, Straz Miejska van 2127, all in front of hostel (passive-aggressive harassment), while i underwent laser/ high-frequency satellite attacks (from approximately 10:11 pm last night to 12:33 am), phone remotely disabled to prevent taking photos. Ray hitting internally my right nostril as i tried to sleep, produced a large bloody clot (thrombus) that easily flowed out in the morning. Hostel staffers suggested French military's "anti-terrorism" (photos available).
High-frequency torture at lawyer's office by Virginie Elaine Ruiz's Dresden - Paris team (overheard comments: ~"you suffer from schizophrenia", ~"if you stop we stop", ~"nghnbfhg (unintelligible mumble) - terrorism! - No!", ~"illegal scanning of brain", etc.). Military personnel in plain clothes walking by on street, acknowledging troubles are coming ("we better stop").

April 9th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Satellite attacks on brain continue (laser torture in showers, while i try to sleep, etc.), communications by email (President Bashar al-Assad's interview to Portuguese journalist - tampering with SMPT, last image) and telephone diverted. "Arabs" trying to gag denunciation concerning the January 7th 2015 Charlie Hebdo incident, in/near hostel. French-speaking man shaking his shoulders in a wavy fashion (below); his colleagues (talking on the ambience music, making comments such as "embolia", and hitting internal organs) had caused minutes earlier internal hemorrhage (blood came out of right nostril). Yesterday, at Warsaw's Mercury Hotel, French military officers (continuous and illegal hacking of my equipment, catholic priest? and agent of the Gendarmerie (Military Police) among them) used the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi for harassment and forceful recruitment ("you will tell us when it starts"; first two photos). The Prosecutor's Office ignores such subversion and terrorist operations by the extreme-right; two Spanish female "tourists" told me last night: "everywhere we go, we pay with credit cards":

April 5th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Even though i am sick with a cold (possible fever), French military activists filming streets (e.g.: at 2:13 am, while i begged to pay for room) - Frenchman and Polish military personnel in plain clothes harassing/ walking by; left shoulder often hit by laser, brain subject to illegal scan/ attack. Severe and vicious torture in hostel (FBI appears to be involved, US embassy in Brussels in 2010); i called the emergency services and the military police (both conversations recorded) and clearly stated to the latter (whoever answered was also taking part and suggested i should go to ...) that employees of the embassy of South Africa in Warsaw are involved in denounced satellite operation since the summer of 2013 (Russian Institute for Strategic Studies). Woman driving car with diplomatic registration plate W083016, tightening her lips while making turn around Mercurie Hotel's Hoza Street corner at 1:18 pm; followed by Italian Jewish "couple" (my phone was remotely shut down after taking their photo) and other "civilians" connected with Virginie Elaine Ruiz and the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi:

April 4th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
International organized crime with access to French military satellite weapons (addresses in Paris available; see "About" section). Below photographed incident connected with death of Mario Jose Pedroso Milian. Israeli gangsters flagrantly stealing, hacking/disabling my equipment/communications as i work, brutally attacking brain (even while i sleep, laser torture in showers).
PL WE 2997 U Jeep (Jewess behind steering wheel), when i walked out of hostel (illegal prison), other individuals on spot "reminded" of their iron-fist financial control. Cubans participating, among them ****** (Cuban Ministry of Agriculture - Malaysian aircraft incidents - Egypt Air flight 990):

April 2nd, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Private security agents using illegal satellite high-frequency and laser technology to create a "fracture" at reception of building housing foreign embassy; one of them (Jewish woman) muttered: "lottery" and ~"there is a crazy guy here, let us call the police". Polish policemen participating in thefts, torture and sabotage; among their clients: foreign teenagers that illegally hacked my telephone, occupying next door room in hostel (sharing wall). During sleep laser hits on left shoulder and buzzing of head that woke me up. This police car (Z 021) slowly driving by, next to me, policeman in passenger seat staring, as laser persistently hit my left shoulder; another policeman, across the avenue with gun, walking in front of me moments later (while brain still underwent onslaught):

CIA (and its French-Israeli customers) obviously behind these "universal secret service's" operations, in which billions have already been misappropriated in Europe/ the USA, e.g.: two international robberies in less than three years, partially committed from Estonia.

March 28th - 29th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Polish policemen carry on savagely attacking brain as i work with my illegally-hacked laptop. Brain scanning and laser attacks in hostel, sleep deprivation, woman from Tampere, Finland involved (photos available). The two men below sitting next to me, harassing and making comments such as "genocide", while policemen talked on the cafe's ambience music/ on my mobile phone's mp3 player and tampered with Mozilla Firefox browser. Errors often caused by such sabotage:
CIA (MIT) group speculating on mass murders over the last days; two Warsaw hostels used, activists photographed, private security agency participating (Solid). Flight MH17 remains:

March 27th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Yesterday, at and near attorneys' offices, satellite attacks on brain (lasers used); military agent, who coughed after saying "... to the end!", posing as client of one of the firms (phone shut down to avert photos), lawyer commented (for example): "Hitler - coma!". At bus stop and on moving tram similar israeli harassment, military personnel in plain clothes evidently taking part:
Extreme-right (mostly French) group in Krakow and Warsaw (which, since 2013, with the support of Polish policemen have implemented illegal space technology (South African embassy in Warsaw) for brutal torture (leading to loss of hair and weight, hair graying on sides of head));

carried on in hostel and on streets this morning. Uniformed Polish policemen caught on camera, shoe shop employed in operation (legless woman, "invasion plans"):
The Office of the Prosecutor has two weeks (up to April 6th) to decide whether to start investigations; hostel staffers/guests hinted that "it is not for free".
March statistics (visits/day) for:
"/latest.php": 70
"/foroff.php": 22.6

March 24nd, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Satellite laser/nuclear torture continues, even while using showers; military personnel (NATO) in plain clothes participating in street harassment.
Yesterday i lodged the appeal of the decision to refuse Polish residence permit and an official denunciation with the Prosecutor's Office (Warsaw Central District):

March 22nd, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Polish policemen continue driving by - remotely and systematically shutting down my phone - attacking my brain (e.g.: Z034, Nowodrogzka Street, today at 12:08 pm; Cornell University alumni unmistakably implicated). All sources of income blocked, communications with attorneys tampered with. Torture in hostel, even while i take showers; audio/laser harassment as i work with my (illegally hacked) laptop.
Uploaded extract from appeal of decision to refuse Polish residence permit.

March 16th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
French military satellite attacks on brain in hostel (even while i used toilet/took shower), in public places and on streets. Jewish woman behind cash register laughed and said ~"complot! - Krakow", "combing" her forehead with the palm of her right hand. When i walked out of the supermarket, undercover police/military criminals harassing next to car (one of them made "fracture" comment; woman tried not to be photographed).
Such type of subversion is constant, NATO (US military) implication obvious. Individuals in above-mentioned Warsaw hostel were involved in the preparation of the (7 January 2015, as understood later) Charlie Hebdo shooting, photos available.

March 14th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
Satellite-attack on tip of my nose carried out (most probably) from Paris (Rue Beaurepaire, Sarkozy's election - EMC Co - Egypt Air flight 990 "crash") as i took written note about a group (man from India - Russian-speaking Polish couple (woman/man)) that passed me by earlier in the evening near Palace of Culture (below images taken on location in June, 2013, Warsaw Book Fair). Ukrainian embassy targeted by the French Ministry of Defense, which is evidently coordinating Israeli-Jewish street activism (Hezbollah - Israel 2006 war).
Right-wing harassment near embassy of South Africa, by (including) French-speaking civilians that used children "as shield" (Paris addresses, from where operation partially undertaken, available). After I had unsuccessfully tried to find accommodations in cheap hostels, Spanish-speaking Jewish woman (connected with the Polish military) offered me to stay overnight at her mom's apartment, ~"but since the taxi ride would be almost as expensive as a nearby hotel, she would prefer letting me pay 40 Pln (hostels' standard price), while she foots the rest of the bill". The hotel turned out to be an expensive one (since 2013 employed for Israeli schemes), my brain scanned/attacked in the night/ morning (criminalization of efforts to de-escalate armed conflict in Ukraine, etc.); female receptionist (two Ukrainian-speaking guests ("girls") present) suggested a car bomb as a way to settle the invoice later.

March 11th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Torture and sabotage by the police continue (mainly Jewish "activism").
Decision to refuse Polish residence permit, border guards' report and parts of my official denunciation against the police found here.

March 4th - 10th, 2015:
Krakow and Warsaw, Poland.
On the way to the Cuban embassy in Warsaw, (mainly) Jews connected with EMC Co availing themselves of aware Polish policemen, "locking" on my head, tampering with mobile telephone and shutting it down ("training" me). Cuban embassy in Paris targeted (NATO invasion of Libya - Nicolas Sarkozy); police van registration plate: HPZ A154 (March 10th, at around 11:38 am).
Uniformed Polish policemen taking active part in torture; my laptop and mobile phone remotely disabled. Krakow and Warsaw hostels used as illegal prison (in latter case, South African embassy? staffer involved last December); a woman told me on Warsaw street (while i was begging to pay for the room): "Bizarre! I must find money to be "trained"!"
Emails sent to the Cuban embassy in Poland:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 00:13:43 +0100
Subject: Para **** 1/3
Hola ***:
La planilla la he descargado y llenado en lo que no he tenido dudas. A continuación le envio dos emails que describen la participación de la CIA (y de militares franceses) en toma de rehenes. Dos entrevistas oficiales en Cracovia con la oficina de extranjeria fueron saboteadas recientemente, por ejemplo:
1. impidiendo que yo durmiese mediante ataques al cerebro las noches anteriores (tecnología de alta frecuencia, etc)
2. tortura con láser en tiempo real
En dicha operación subversiva hoy participaron dos hombres (uno americano, conduciendo Jeep con matrícula de Oregon 827 FWX que ~me dijo "quiero que olvides", el otro (su colega) un ruso?) en la calle Poznanska (Israel - embajada de Sudáfrica).
En diciembre pasado hablé con el consul angoleño en la embajada de Angola en Varsovia. El día 5 de este mes (FR CD 614 NY, mire los siguientes mensajes), se publicó una entrevista del presidente sirio Bashar al-Assad con RTP (http://sana.sy/en/?p=30927).
Gracias, nos vemos el martes.
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 01:54:29 +0100
Subject: Para **** 4/3
To: consulcu@medianet.pl
French filming Warsaw street and satellite - attacking brain, even inside building, where lawyers' offices are located (attached images). My laptop has been taken out of order by remote control. Business front possibly targeting Cuba. At Deutsche bank, Bahrain embassy staffer mumbled "nbvhhg hhb .. NATO - coma!". The two photographed women and their male Jewish companion are involved in illegal financing of the Chechen war (1999 - 2000) through German banking (Noemi - Miriam **** **** - Fatima).
--------------------END of message ----------
Approximate translation/ explanations:
I have downloaded the application form and filled in the blanks, where i have not had doubts. Next, i send you two emails that describe the participation of the CIA (and French military) in hostage-taking. Two recent official interviews with the immigration office in Krakow were sabotaged, for instance:
1. preventing me from sleeping by attacking the brain on the prior nights (high-frequency technology, etc.)
2. laser torture in real-time
In mentioned subversive operation today participated two men (one, an american, driving Jeep with Oregon registration plate 827 FWX, who told ~me "i want you to forget", the other one (his colleague) a Russian?) on Poznanska Street (Israel - embassy of South Africa).
Last December i spoke with the Angolan consul in the embassy of Angola in Warsaw. On the 5th of this month, a French diplomatic car was used (FR CD 614 NY), timed to released interview given by the Syrian president Bashar al- Assad to RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal):
Interview's official transcript: http://sana.sy/en/?p=30927
Youtube video (in English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlC3nS0mroI

On March 4th, Jewish women and uniformed Polish policemen engaged in (NATO's Libya invasion)- related harassment on Krakow street/ public establishment (photos taken).

February 23th - 24th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 09:49:46 +0100
Subject: Attached photo: This is one of the Polish policemen stealing from me, satellite-attacking my brain; bandits talking on the ambience music - hitting top-left area of my skull. You should launch an official complaint against the Polish police; I will call the White House later today. At least two police cars participating (G217 and G740, between 9:02 am and 9:46 am); as i type, my laptop's keyboard blocked
To: WarsawMedia@state.gov

--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 11:20:45 +0100
Subject: French mafia (mostly Jews - police) walking by - satellite attacking brain while i begged on streets; one jewess told me: ~"if you need something you should go to the police, they either help you or they chip you". This international *** has disabled my laptop again to prevent me from contacting attorneys
To: WarsawMedia@state.gov
For the last hour Polish policemen have been shutting down my laptop (it cannot be even booted up) (*), talking on the ambience music of a public cafe (and on top of my mp3 player), attacking brain. French military operation, there is no doubt. A lady at the bakery put a Institute Français card on her head to hint at whose satellite weapons the mafia is implementing
--------------------END of message ----------
Igor Strelkov's "Novorussia" movement contacted in the midst of brutal satellite (nuclear - high frequency) "locking" on my brain by French Jewish gangsters. Phone conversation with staffer of Ukraine's Minister of Defense:
Laptop "suddenly" started normally when a Fire Truck was making a turn around the corner.

February 21th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Message for Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.
As I sent e-mail (which apparently did not reach members of the Cuban Academy of Sciences), French? policemen talking on my laptop's audio system ("fatigue!" - "forget!", "you are tired!" - "forgive us!", "assassination" - "eat!", etc.). French activists walking into below-mentioned cafe, standing next to me and threatening: ~"for exaggerating, there will be a police control". Polish policemen driving by - my laptop's Operating System hacked (manipulation of extra layer added to Mozilla Firefox) - laser hitting my left shoulder. Communications with servers appeared to have been blocked; SMTP (email reception confirmations) also subject to sabotage.
Last night and this morning i was severely satellite-attacked in hostel, even while taking a shower (photos available), by the group of Polish policemen to which warrant Lukasz Kozynsky, ID A057812, belongs.


February 13-14-15-16th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
For the third day in a row the police are remotely shutting down (and disabling) my laptop; individuals openly blame the Mossad. Police cars/vans taking part in torture (for example: HPG B513 and HPG A403 possibly targeting lawyers' offices within 12 minutes span (Feb. 15, ~4:10 pm - 4:21 pm); my mobile phone remotely turned off to prevent photos, laser hitting my left shoulder and other body parts). Paramilitary thugs laser-attacking brain on streets and in public establishments, for instance, below Cornell University-connected lady (Feb. 12, 7:25 pm) making "comments" intended to destabilize me while i worked and saying "stop!" the moment her accomplices shut off my computer:

--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 10:22:07 +0100
Subject: French Jewish international gangsters (Israel- EMC Co) viciously attacking brain with satellite weapons, even while i try to sleep, use toilet/ showers. Left knee "locked", hits on the left shoulder and other body parts, high frequency buzzing of skull. Hostel staffer participating (attached image). CIA implication is obvious (Cornell University)
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 10:24:32 +0100
Subject: The Polish police are shutting down my laptop remotely - talking on the ambience music of public cafe ("bravo! - coma!", "bravo! - kill yourself!", etc.) as i search for attorneys online. Satellites nuclear and laser attack continue. French military obviously participating (Nicolas Sarkozy)
To: WarsawMedia@state.gov
--------------------END of message ----------
(Arrival date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 13:56:27 +0400):

Approximate translation:
In the General Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, as a result of having studied your petition dated 19.01.2015, received through the general use information systems, it is established that in it are absent necessary facts for its resolution, namely: time, place, circumstances of occurred events and data about persons violating your rights, freedoms or lawful interests on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Considering the exposed, I propose to complete your petition with the lacking data, necessary for its consideration in the General Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation.
At the same time I explain that, according to articles 1, 10 of the Federal law "About the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation", in the agencies and institutions of the prosecutor's office resolutions are taken upon petitions, complaints and other appeals, which contain facts regarding law violations on the territory of the Russian Federation. The jurisdiction of the Prosecutor's office's agencies do not extend to the territory of foreign states.
Head of the second section of the directorate of legal assistance of the Main directorate of international legal cooperation:
V. I. Mikheev

February 11th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Phone conversation with agent of the FBI (US embassy in Warsaw). Uniformed policemen continue taking part in torture by right-wing paramilitary groups. French military spies in Cuba that were sent as students to the USSR have been identified.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 00:35:18 +0100
Subject: This woman from France ("talking on her laptop" and interfering with my mobile phone as i type in text) is directly participating in brutal attacks on brain (high frequency buzzing, laser and nuclear satellite weapons); a Ukrainian man (my "roommate") next to her. This is the team, who under French police protection, shut down the Malaysian airplane last summer. Head "locking" (assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes) is absolutely normal for these international state-mafia terrorists
To: ... president@acluaz.org, director@laaclu.org
--------------------END of message ----------

February 3rd, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Torture by French (Jewish) military gangsters; US embassy in Warsaw contacted by email and telephone:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 11:04:25 +0100
Subject: There is a problem with the Polish police.
To: WarsawMedia@state.gov
There is a problem with the Polish police. Please call me at
+48 ************
The Emergency Number operator that rang my phone (in answer to my call) is participating in brutal satellite laser /nuclear attack in hostel, on streets and in public places
--------------------END of message ----------

--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 12:33:13 +0100
Subject: Re: There is a problem with the Polish police.
To: WarsawMedia@state.gov
After speaking with Ms. **** ****, French Jewish military criminals (Israeli) continue hitting me with satellite laser, blocking my communications, hacking my laptop, talking on top of its audio system (as well as on the ambience music of a Krakow public cafe), etc.
I told Ms. **** **** clearly that the Polish police is roofing right-wing paramilitary terrorists, some involved in the shooting down of a Malaysian plane near the border with the Russian Federation last summer. If the FBI's limitation on investigating crimes committed by the US military persists, I will contact other individuals.
Thank you
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 00:11:41 +0100
Subject: Fwd: Heavy satellite attack by the french mafia. Attached images, descriptions in body
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
Jews continue stealing and attacking. Some walking by in front of hostel. Two groups of Frenchmen (1-8), an Algerian, Ukrainians, uniformed Polish police (HPG A089, HPG B261 and others). Lasers used. From ~1039 pm - ~1135 pm. Military obviously involved.
--------------------END of message ----------

January 30th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
French policemen that are satellite-torturing me literally said: "... and later, fatigue!" (later, when you want to bring us to court or any other form of justice, you just get extremely tired!); similar technique used by right-wing military officers/ paramilitary bandits. In hostel: (my laptop illegally hacked - ceiling lights flickered) as i work, laser attacks while trying to sleep/ taking showers (Cubans living in Paris involved, Cornell University - Israeli air strikes); provoking Spanish female "tourists" occupying next-door room heard from behind wall. There might be a connection between the January 13th, 2015 artillery? attack on an intercity bus near Volnovakha and "architects" present in 1997 in Ithaca, New York.
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 00:34:19 +0100
Subject: Two French-coordinated military thugs walking by while their colleagues were satellite-attacking my brain with ultra-high frequency drone. Minutes later (e. g. at 11:25 pm) two police cars participated in similar torture. You must understand that their operation encompasses a UK private security agency involved in the shooting down of a Malaysian civilian plane last summer. I called the Emergency Services.
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

January 26th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Open letter sent to almost all US Senators.
Uniformed policemen (several vans, as Jews/right-wing military activists connected with Copenhagen's Christiania walked by harassing, for example HPG B509 at 8:30 pm, HPG B543 at 8:38 pm) and private security company agents partaking in satellite torture (which encompasses laser attacks on internal organs, nerves and external body parts). Members of international paramilitary group involved (from Brussels, 2010) in NATO's invasion of Libya/ assassination of Muammar Gaddafi photographed in the morning. US General Martin Dempsey might be indirectly part of below-described "laboratory experiment":
my laptop/ communications illegally hacked by the police (with real-time comments, such as "fracture", from wired customers (e.g.: image)), ambience music interfered (synthesized voices), electricity cut off, etc.
Sharp increase in Jewish sabotage (mass murders preparations) seems to be linked to Moscow conference on Syria.

Female activist riding bicycle (MH370/MAS370?) suggested having eavesdropped on one of two telephone conversations with staffers of US Senators:
Begging for money on rainy streets under police-mafia harassment in my ~one-year-old boots:

January 17th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
French police-paramilitary onslaught:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 11:30:47 +0100
Subject: Police station around the corner from former Gestapo HQ building hostel implicated in torture (filming room- attacking brain/ body with satellite weapons/ lasers while i sleep, use toilet and showers, ceiling lights flickered, my equipment/ communications/ company servers illegally hacked, etc.) and terrorism (Aleppo hotel bombing last year). Next door room occupied by noisy/quarreling paramilitary "couple": two policemen came by to "intervene", with female "victim" making "noises" to indicate it is just another Jewish brain scanning operation (Cubans implicated). The participation of the Polish police in similar operations has been repeatedly documented. Yesterday there was a suggestion at the Polish? security police responsibility for having destroyed my laptop's power supply in another hostel (*) the previous night, when the staffers assigned me to a different room (attached images). By pattern repetition, the involvement of NATO is very likely
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:22:43 +0100
Subject: Another example of French Jewish gangster. He and his reception colleague at "XXXXXXXX" making comments such as "ça commence", "a Ukrainian couple staying in available room", "shoah", ~"suplicio", etc. Uniformed police around the corner, stopping cars. Satellite attack on brain directly from Paris, team includes the ex-wife a military helicopter pilot connected with assassinations in several countries
To: zyuganov@kprf.ru

--------------------END of message ----------
See photos from November 20th-22nd, 2014 below

January 11th, 2015:
Krakow, Poland.
Letter to United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was received in Washington DC on November 11th, 2014, at 11:34 hours.
Sleeping almost impossible due to vicious satellite onslaught on brain by French military gangsters. Below individuals are part of street sabotage, which included later this morning: 1.) a young "couple" walking by, with the man mumbling "I have no money, i cannot help you. Stop!" (following instructions from Polish police/military officers that attempt to enslave using the subconscious) 2.) a girl who said on the phone: ~"You are losing weight. Stop!" 3.) (Catholic?) activists muttering "infarct!". The Cuban male/female "fracturadores" (the "psychic fracturers") (some are Jews connected with EMC Co, Mexico and European banks; e.g.: a black Cuban female biotechnology student at Basel University around September 11th, 2001) for years have often murmured "abre!" ("open" in Spanish).
On May 30th 2014, at the Ukrainian/Polish border crossing, male/female Polish border guards (comprising two "israelis") and Polish policemen, engaged in similar torture; the Ukrainian side made no trouble, on the contrary.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 12:23:45 +0100
Subject: Two of the extreme-right police-supported paramilitary thugs brutally attacking brain and stealing in hostel. One of them commented about the evacuation of ethnic Poles from the Donbass. I clearly warn you that this operation is run from Paris with the participation of Cubans working in a Cuban restaurant on Rue Moret (CIA)
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------

January 6th - 9th, 2015:
Warsaw-Krakow, Poland.
French policemen organizing street paramilitary harassment on Krakow streets. Laser/high-frequency buzzing torture (brain, internal organs/body parts targeted) in hostel as i try to sleep, when in bathroom/toilets, throughout the night (walking me up, e. g.: due to satellite onslaught by policemen from the station on Rue de Vaugirard, Paris, i almost could not sleep the night from the 8th to the 9th; I had to call the US embassy in Warsaw and Polish emergency service), etc. Krakow policemen taking part in traceless assassination attempt, availing themselves of Catholic Church property to the approval of (not only) Jews (United States state-church separation laws), police cars/vans (turning around corners)/(driving by) while i undergo satellite attacks. Activists carry on with illegal thought-reading (in open air and indoors).
Vietnam (read further for photographed instances of (uniformed) Polish military personnel involvement in French organized crime):
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 23:20:31 +0100
Subject: Two jewesses working in a krakow pizzeria are using ILLEGAL Israeli? satellite technology to read thoughts, while their colleagues interfere with TV audio and pump paramilitary garbage through MTV -like channel. From day first right-wing krakow activists are using Polish police officers in their street satellite coordinated (from France) operations. USA-French military attacking brain in Warsaw- Krakow train. See attached images
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------
Since torture and blatant thefts persist, I have released details of a CIA scheme that encompassed a Cuban diplomat in London (1986), USA military personnel (student receiving a check for ten of thousands of USD after admission to military academy, three Generals) and space laser/nuclear weapons.
Copy of summary written by Polish state functionary at Polish residence permit application interview (in the presence of a voluntary translator) and my statement of purpose. I was attacked with satellite laser during the official conversation. The interviewer was clearly told that I had a brief meeting with a member of the Latvian delegation at NATO HQ in 2010, that a Polish citizen then had given me a lift to the military compound, that on September 1st 2014 i had spoken with the military attache in the embassy of Ukraine in Warsaw and that for unknown-to-me reasons, after 2010, frictions with Polish paramilitary/ military groups emerged; Krakow military police received complaints by phone and email:

January 5th, 2015:
Warsaw, Poland.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:13:05 +0100
Subject: Report to the Belgian Police Internal Affairs Unit (Committee P)
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
Report to the Belgian Police Internal Affairs Unit (Committee P). The French military continues stealing, filming hostel, streets, public places and satellite-torturing nonstop. Sleeping, taking showers, using toilets, nothing is exempt from this mafia's onslaught
--------------------END of message ----------

Embezzling right-wing paramilitary group trying to promote funding for covert military operations, organized satellite-coordinated harassment (and illegal hacking of my laptop/ blockade of emails) after i had spoken with functionary of the US embassy in Warsaw. These thugs (also present in Estonia and Ukraine) follow the pattern of French "security" subversion in Paris, which is connected with (French?) oil company's involvement in Libya, Russia and Venezuela; they were using satellite technology to scan my brain (thought reading) and attack internal organs. I received a (real-time) email from Spain confirming the cashier's "maybe complicity".
A few days ago i met on Warsaw streets a "Mexican" man who helped me with a few coins and told me that he is working in financing (no taxes) in a Persian Gulf state, fluctuating salary of around ninety thousand USD per month, adding: "that is what oil can do!"
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 19:53:40 +0100
Subject: Fwd: Jews continue stealing and attacking using police and military satellite technology. Another cashier busted, mumbling as the radio played "La Bamba" and her mafia colleagues talking on top of the broadcast. Cubans participating
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------

December 25th, 2014:
Warsaw, Poland.
French policemen are blocking my laptop keyboard as i type - interfering with ambience music of "Vincent" French bakery. female staffer uttered rapid mumble, followed by ~"little pussy - i do not remember" to two police officers, then the policeman said: ~"Pressing charges? I do not remember anymore. It was a long time ago":

Other photos available, showing Jews and right-wing activists that use illegal satellite (thought-reading) technology in this cafe to steal, trigger amnesia, fabricate espionage case, etc.
Satellite-coordinated Jews walking/ driving by last night while i begged on rainy streets, provokingly insinuating their involvement in the Dresden 1999-2000 CIA operation that brought Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin. My mobile phone continuously shut down by remote control to prevent taking photos and "stimulate a pileup of frustration" (Cubans implicated).
Example of today's "income earning":
From around 5:25 pm to 7:20 pm, standing on a street corner, avoiding the rain, while over 15 military agents in plain clothes and paramilitary "activists" (including a female EMC Co "Israeli" riding a bicycle) passed me by harassing, provoking (one told me: "i know how to cry" ). Satellite scanning brain - attacking body parts and organs through bio-chip. A policeman making a turn on this corner involved. In all, 10 Pln (2.30 €) received, from one of the provocateurs:
Earlier today three men might have tried to start up a fight by shouting as i walked by:

Among "customers" of the police and private security agencies are neo-fascist middle-class "civilians" (politico-military lobbying) connected with Germany, who are possibly manufacturing massacres (for example: after right-wing Russian-speaking Ukrainian men had walked by (one hinted to me: "be strong, because satellite attacks will increase"), a bald man and his son? got into expensive car, as the police said on ambience music "erection", etc.).
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 10:39:21 +0100
Subject: French policemen are blocking my emails, stealing and satellite- attacking brain. I have concrete names. Attached image is an example (Turkish embassy in Belgrade)
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

--------------------END of message ----------

December 24th, 2014:
Warsaw, Poland.
Private security agent working in the building where the embassy of South Africa is situated illegally hacking my mobile phone (which is frequently shut down); twice a Jewish? woman that participates in described space weapons "suplicio" (sadism), who claimed being staffer of the embassy (of South Africa?), provokingly driving by. www.iom.com indirectly used for torture.
Savage satellite attacks by French policemen involved in the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi throughout the night (Cubans taking part, concrete names available). Phone calls to the Emergency Service, email with image sent to Krakow military police.
Message to ICC:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:26:39 +0100
Subject: The French Jewish military mafia interfering with SMTP servers: email confirmations from Kuala Lumpur embassies of Cuba, Austria and Kazakhstan (attached image), while brutal satellite torture is applied (4:52 am). Local businesses appear to benefit from this Warsaw illegal CIA prison, again uniformed Polish policemen taking part in extreme-right operations, photos available. Repetition of Vietnam scenario?
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

--------------------END of message ----------

December 23rd, 2014:
Warsaw, Poland.
Hi-tech thefts continue, thought-reading satellite scanning by French international gangsters (some are connected with EMC Co: hostel staffers/ guests occupying neighboring/same rooms), who block sources of income (undergoing torture I beg on streets, while harassing military/ right-wing activists walk by, photos available, my mobile phone regularly shut down by remote control). USA-supported NATO team in Riga (2010) seems to be behind sabotage of e-mails, among addressees: members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, attorneys and embassies.
Russian Military Prosecutor's Office warned regarding possible relation between below-described attacks on MH aircraft and Kolomoisky - Cuban USSR student, whose travel agency is/was located in the same building as Israeli Airlines office (2010) - "fracture" techniques implemented by the French, Polish, Latvian (Israeli and Swiss embassies situated on the third floor of Riga's World Trade Center), Estonian police forces.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:14:25 +0100
Subject: French Jews brutally satellite-attacking brain throughout the night, caused internal bleeding at 6:34 am. Cubans participating. As you can see from attached images, part of the forceful "training" by these thieving extreme-right **** includes scanning the brain (thought-reading) and turning off/on hall ceiling light (often clicking heard from bed as i tried to sleep). Hostel staffers moved reception from one room to another yesterday, one of them threatened me (if i lodged a denunciation against the Vatican?). Again i called the emergency services.
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
--------------------END of message ----------

December 17th, 2014:
Warsaw, Poland.
All e-mails to US attorneys seemed to have been blocked. Jewish "activists" connected with EMC Co attacking brain while i try to work. Obvious involvement of Polish policemen in nonstop satellite torture, intented to cause amnesia.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:22:58 +0100
Subject: Jews continue stealing and attacking brain with satellite weapons on street and public establishments. Attached-image cashier implicated in such extreme-right paramilitary mafia, she said: "yes, maybe" when my shoulder was hit by laser.
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

--------------------END of message ----------
Thugs uttered "bravo!" with patronizing female synthesized voice on my laptop, as I found the first of below messages, searching through my e-mail account:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 02:20:07 +0100
Subject: At 3:19 am two French policemen (at least gangsters following orders from Paris) making noises next door room, from behind the wall, as their colleagues attack my brain with satellite weapons. They were earlier hacking my laptop while i worked.
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
These are highly dangerous paramilitary thugs.
AUD0155.amr audio file was sent as attachment
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 08:56:40 +0100
Subject: Fwd: The French bandits next door room, even during sleep, attacking my brain with satellite weapons. Recorded noises are relative lulls
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
AUD0156.amr audio file was sent as attachment
--------------------END of message ----------
--------------------START of message ----------
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 08:40:13 +0100
Subject: Fwd: For acting minister Andrii Deshchytsia
To: emb_ee@mfa.gov.ua, embassyofukraine@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mar 7, 2014 1:09 AM
Subject: For acting minister Andrii Deshchytsia
To: zsmfa@mfa.gov.ua
Hello Mr. Deshchytsia:
I left some documents and visual/printed information at the Ukraine embassies in Brussels, Paris and Estonia (from 2009 to 2011). There might be serious problems in the near future, which could involve both space (nuclear/ laser) weapons and extreme-right French paramilitary groups that operate in various countries. ...
--------------------END of message ----------
On July 16th, 2014, on the eve of the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, a Russian-speaking woman emphasized the word "Утрировать" ("exaggerate"):
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 13:31:58 +0100
Subject: Утрировать
утрировать несов. и сов. перех. и неперех.
Представлять в преувеличенном виде, искажать подчеркиванием чего-л. одного.
--------------------END of message ----------
From Wikipedia:
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on Saturday, 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia to Beijing Capital International Airport, People's Republic of China. Air traffic control received the aircraft's last message at 01:20 MYT (17:20 UTC, 7 March) when it was over the South China Sea, less than an hour after takeoff. It was last plotted by military radar at 02:15 over the Andaman Sea, 320 kilometres (200 mi) northwest of Penang state in northwestern Malaysia. At 07:24, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) reported the flight missing. The aircraft, a Boeing 777-200ER, was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 15 nations.
Incident summary: Missing 239 (all)

December 14th-15th, 2014:
Warsaw, Poland.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:51:04 +0100
Subject: Brutal satellite attacks by the French Jewish mafia in hostel continue, even while i try to sleep and take a shower. Attached-image "Spanish tourist" (one of a Spanish-speaking paramilitary group staying next door that is illegally hacking my equipment/ communications) walked in, as if stepping on the Moon, and asked in English: "Are you finished?". Cubans part of this CIA (Chicago) gangsterism, apparently some had served in the Batista military(*).
To: pressdept@mid.ru

--------------------END of message ----------
(*)... and their foreign-trained offspring. Since the eighties periodic attempts to establish analogy between paramilitary (post-1959 revolution Cuba / USA) and (Algeria / France post-independence during neo-colonization) relations; workers of the Cuban Foreign Affairs ministry entangled; it should not be difficult to identify them by name, given disclosed information. (An employee of France Culture (Radio France International) introduced me to an Algerian that mentioned alleged brutal repression of intellectuals, writers and poets by Algerian military in the early nineties. A Leningrad Polytechnic Institute 1989 Algerian student was threateningly walking behind me in Copenhagen 2004 (near the port); other (Russian-speaking) Algerians have been involved, in Leningrad, Paris and Dresden(?), the latter comprised the implication of a "Cuban" student named Estael Ochoa and Virginie Elaine Ruiz in the assassination of Abdelkader Hachani in Algiers.) Last night - today's orchestrated outburst might be intended to divert attention from devaluation of the Belorussian and Russian currencies and the use of the Vatican by NATO.
Below-image illegally-wired couple is interfering with my laptop as i write, making distracting comments (French-police instructions) as i type.

The "sipping woman" took part in the evening in street satellite torture (security experiment with allusion to (NATO - Cuban American National Foundation)) that (again) encompassed uniformed Polish policemen, among whose clients was a "Jewess- white man couple", who after muttering (man) "You are angry", gave me ten (10) Pln to help me pay for overnight accommodations. Local police-supported activities include export of (terrorism, puppet governments/ political parties) and assassinations by French paramilitary groups in Syria (see front page videos, graphic)
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 13:29:40 +0100
Subject: The French police are satellite-attacking my head, blocking communications as i send emails to attorneys, nonstop talking on my laptop audio. Jews personally participating (attached images); woman sipping entered cafe, took off her coat and when provocatively held her left buttock, my left shoulder was hit by laser. The other parasites said: "fracture", ~"it serves you well", ~"get a lawyer (if you can)", etc. Among this ****** there are Cuban "security" agents; location: South African embassy building. French "tourists" last night and this morning took part in similar laser "treatment"
To: pressdept@mid.ru
--------------------END of message ----------

December 12th, 2014:
Warsaw, Poland.
My phone regularly shut down by remote control, emails to attorneys, embassies, mass media obstructed (Cubans living in Paris obviously implicated). Street harassment on December 10th included a Spanish-speaking Polish man (seen before), who suggested that the French "anti-terrorist" police wish to prevent next-round talks between conflicting parties in Minsk, Belarus. This is one of the thieves, who implement military space weapons to torture on streets (apparently fabricating an invasion of Russia):

Below image man threatened me ("if your work is sold/ published/ printed, you will meet the same end as Manuel Artime"). Woman mimicked Virginie Eleaine Ruiz on the eve of the October 1999 Armenian Parliament shooting.

In similar fashion, e-mail confirmation from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer of the US Department of Agriculture, received on 2014-11-20 at 20:43 (Moscow time), might have been manipulated:
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 10:29:39 +0100
Subject: Instance of how the French Jew - police mafia steals, blocks communications and attacks brain. Ambience music interfered, synthesized voices saying: ~"kill the Pope" (etc.), email reception "confirmation" from consulate of Austria is Paris - female "ambience" voice uttering "stop me" - armed "private security" agents. Individuals tampering with emails suggested earlier this morning the Mossad was busted (hostel staffers)
To: pressdept@mid.ru
--------------------END of message ----------
Email "confirmation" from embassy of Mexico in Lebanon (10:14 am, Moscow time) used by below embezzling Israeli thugs, who, by means of constant satellite attacks (high-frequency buzzing, etc.) caused internal bleeding at around 8:27 am. Last night, as i worked, one of the receptionists hacking my laptop and making "noises" (by whose authority?); Cornell University implicated in torture on streets and in hostel (wealthy gangsters implanting "bio-chips" on witnesses).
At 1:46 am savage satellite onslaught on head (possibly intended to cause a coma) was preventing me from sleeping.
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:49:08 +0100
Subject: This is an example of the use of French military space weapons to promote extreme-right international movements. Hostel guests AND STAFFERS attacking my brain brutally in the morning, similar scheme (privatizations) is being exported to Cuba. High danger of French military colonization (mass criminality must be punished in mass). Attached images include address
To: fsb@fsb.ru
--------------------END of message ----------

December 3rd, 2014:
Warsaw, Poland.
International Civil Aviation Organization alerted:
--------------------START of message ----------
Тема: (3) Warning: CIA - MIT military operation in Poland. Letter to US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Дата: 2014-11-27 14:10
Кому: W******@icao.int, avsec@icao.int
Letter to US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas posted on:
--------------------END of message ----------
I had spoken to the ICAO by phone on December 21st, 2010; the "Arab Spring" had begun three days earlier, on December 18th (as i type, Jewish gangsters talk on my laptop, satellite-hit my left shoulder):
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 19:30:17 +0100
Subject: avsec DENISE
To: avsec@icao.int
I just talked to Denise at "aviation security". At the same time a Jewish group was interfering my laptop (I dialed using Skype), talking over laptop audio, talking over cafe local audio, repeating "bravo! - coma", etc. This mafia torture and sabotage is described in detail in some of the following emails. Before calling ICAO I talked to the US Department of State Liaison office with the ICAO who suggested to call you directly.
Several mass murders (plane crashes) have been committed to influence USA foreign policy. I have concrete information and supporting material. Following 28 messages should not be treated as SPAM.
I will call you in two days.
Thank you,
--------------------END of message ----------
Regularly while i work: satellite attacks on brain and body parts/organs, Jewish activists employing Polish policemen for ("corporate") training (Cubans involved), nonstop mobile phone's mp3 interference, communications with attorneys blocked.
As i composed below email the police remotely shut down my telephone and "discharged" its battery; now they are tampering with my laptop's keyboard and talking on its audio (Hostel staffer takes part in such extreme-right paramilitary banditry).
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 20:05:21 +0100
Subject: French jew bandidos are filming Warsaw streets and satellite -attacking my brain: very high-frequency buzzing of the skull - laser hits. I called the Polish emergency services (attached image). Polish police participation in torture is beyond any doubts
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

December 1st, 2014:
Krakow - Warsaw, Poland.
French "security" operation:
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 15:34:47 +0100
Subject: Military jewish thugs attacking at train station and in bakery. Man with children "buying many tickets" is one of the gangsters talking on top of my mobile phone mp3 player. Attached images
To: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
Satellite attacks on brain on streets and in hostel (even while using showers/ toilet). Communications tampered with, income sources effectively blocked.

November 27th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
1. As i prepared for upcoming meeting with military attache of Ukrainian embassy, this individual sitting nearby, used illegal satellites to scan and attack my brain in real-time regime; he would utter: "amnesia", "i do not remember", ~"ok, we are scanning your brain", etc.
2. Uniformed Polish policemen walked by while I was begging and mentioned: ~"Later? Torture!". Right-wing French paramilitary group (Concord crash, see below) trying to cause brain (internal) hemorrhage:
3. While i deposited small amount in bankomat, French Jewish (Cuban - Israeli) activists, who target the Palestinian Representation office in Stockholm (2003, videos available), satellite-attacking brain (done routinely before, suggesting embezzlement of USA Federal resources).
Yesterday and today:
Hostel used as prison: throughout the night satellite laser hitting body parts/organs (lower lip, neck, eardrums, spinal cord, testicles, shoulders, ribs, feet), high-frequency buzzing of skull, thought-reading. Staffers and guests participated (possibly linked to the Danish military and Copenhagen's Christiania (CIA), self-proclaimed policemen preparing mass murders on ethnic principles). Email to press service of Russia's Foreign Affairs Ministry:
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 06:28:39 +0100
Subject: Jews ("Israelis") continue attacking brain with satellite laser and nuclear weapons. Sleeping is practically impossible. Call to emergency services re-directed to one of the French military mafia agents (not the first time), who try to discourage criminal investigations.
To: pressdept@mid.ru

November 24th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Polish police - right-wing paramilitary group connected with Cornell University (CIA threatening with military invasion and having fun, watching the reaction) carry on stealing and attacking brain in hostel, streets and public places. From November 16th to the 23rd, 3928 Polish attorneys in Warsaw and Gdansk were (police are talking on bakery's ambience music and blocking my laptop's keyboard) contacted by e-mail. The overwhelming majority of these messages seemed to have been extraterritorially blocked by French "anti-terrorists".
While i use hostel bathroom, showers, satellite torture applied; Polish military agent posing as Krakow university library staffer (photo available), suggested "not to be ashamed of being linked to one of the killers that stabbed and stoned to death unidentified individuals in Syria" (see front page walls/ceiling "fracture" clip). My laptop and mobile phone remotely shut down (disabled), uniformed Polish policemen keep causing trouble, following foreign instructions.

November 22nd, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Yesterday: uniformed Polish policemen again took part in satellite-coordinated attacks on brain and street/public establishments harassment (see "officers" section for an example, in the context of current Syrian civil war with American involvement), French "tourists" walking by (provokingly), Spanish "activists" from Malaga as well (attempts to manufacture excuses for political repression). Communications with Polish attorneys seemingly blocked. High-frequency buzzing of skull by paramilitary group, which apparently tries to prevent intervention of international justice body (ICC?). (The police are talking on bakery's ambience music and tampering with my laptop's hardware as i type.)
Another warning to Krakow's military police:
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:06:40 +0100
Subject: Attached-image bandit (my "roommate") is using ILLEGAL satellite technology to scan and attack my brain. Well-organized Israeli mafia (Cornell University - CIA) operation targeting Cuba. As i type, he is making "threatening" guttural noises. Cubans are thus FRENCH military Space technology "customers" (Smolensk crash of Polish President plane - French Jew investments in L'vov, Ukraine)
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 20th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
For over three years, company income has been completely blocked by the police-mafia (zero), i have hardly been able to foot costs. My personal Polish bank accounts were recently sabotaged by the French police: two Euros conversion "disappeared" from end-user online banking for weeks, satellite attacks on bank premises, staffers involved, photos available.
Space weapons onslaught on brain on streets, with French right-wing paramilitary group overtly using Polish state employees in systematic "training" (face recognition of "Algerian, Georgian, Chechen, Libyan, etc. terrorists") - Virginie Elaine Ruiz's involvement in the "crash" of Air France Flight 4590 Concord in the year 2000 (see "About" section); USA Federal Agency taking part; email to Krakow's military police:
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:08:47 +0100
Subject: This is one of the (Russian-speaking) Jewish thugs attacking brain with satellite weapons this morning (previously involved in incident, in which French? diplomatic car was used). While i was taking a shower he walked into bathroom, laser attacks on parts of my body- brain "locked". The financial gang is so insolent that he had "said on the phone": "suicide for being a nationalist". Cubans participating in such investment mafia; other agencies will receive a copy. These hi-tech-supported individuals are embroiled in mass murders.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 19th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Yesterday, at around 11:40 pm local time, while I was contacting USA attorneys, French gangsters cut off my phone's wifi Internet service, using synthesized voice on my laptop to say "paliza!" (Spanish for "beating") - "не помню!" (Russian for "I don't remember"). French-speaking individuals, walking by in the evening, had "commented": ~"military involvement is obvious"; my phone repeatedly (remotely) shut down; email communications (including with the USA) throughout the day, seemingly obstructed.
Middle-class Polish men on street hinted at Hezbollah, in connection with Cuban, French and Polish police/ military efforts to conceal (by embroilment of apparently-disconnected facts) foreign-planned embezzlement, misappropriation/misuse of (whose?) Space biotechnology, etc.
Today, again hostel filmed - nonstop satellite attack on brain. Krakow military police warned regarding Cuban military participation:
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:22:28 +0100
Subject: French Jewish military criminals (my phone was remotely shut down just before i could write the word "criminal", both French-speaking individuals in attached photos participating) keep stealing with insolence, blocking communications and satellite-attacking brain. Cuban military officers taking part, there is no doubt. I am contacting other agencies about this outrageous mafia, there will be serious consequences
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 16th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
File stored on my laptop's hard disk was edited, female synthesized voice on top of the ambience music employed to utter: "bravo! - you made a mistake!". Police vans used for harassment, laptop remotely shut down, photograph sent to the military police of Krakow; same location as described in introduction to letter to Justice Clarence Thomas.
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 09:37:36 +0100
Subject: French Jewish military mafia satellite attacks on brain continue, attached image is one of them. Spanish "tourists" is hostel alluded again, just as in the Spring of 2013 in Krakow did Spanish "students", to mass killing in Syria. Uniformed Polish policemen are directly participating in military operations, including blatant thefts, which appear to be satellite-coordinated from Brussels (NATO). Other agencies will receive a copy of this email
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 12th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Even on the premises of government buildings the French military mafia is attacking my brain with satellite weapons. Thefts of my company's property by individuals involved in police-supported, large-scale covert military schemes and by concrete policemen, continue. As described further on this page, it is the same group as the Warsaw one on Poznanska Street ("Brain for rent" - "Funeral Services" - "Tel Aviv").
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 09:27:07 +0100
Subject: My phone systematically shut down by remote control as i make this denunciation against the mafia. Cubans obviously participating in brutal satellite attacks on brain. Two of the French Spanish-speaking Jewish bandidos in hostel, who (take part)* in extreme-right paramilitary terrorism (e. g.: in Syria). As i was contacting lawyers and foreign organizations last night by email, they were hacking my laptop and even editing contents copied from official website of Iraqi Foreign Affairs Ministry. Such is the self-styled "police"
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:37:48 +0100
Subject: The bandido with the orange shirt is using illegal satellite technology to attack my brain. Macbook shop at Galleries Krakowskie. Other agencies will get this scumbag if you cannot
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 8th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
As i begged for money yesterday in the evening/ night, (Polish, Norwegian, Italian, Spanish) satellite-coordinated right-wing activists walking by, among them Jews apparently instructed by EMC Co (for example, a young "couple", the man muttered ~"ok, coma for thinking.").
Email with image sent to Krakow military police: the two photographed men came up, stood under awning, as if avoiding the rain, and started making intonational provoking comments, such as: "Fatigue! Fracture!", while my head was hit by satellite weapons; a stocky, bald colleague of theirs walked by and intentionally bumped against my arm. "Passerby trainers" possibly concerned about the suspension of program funding by US Congress (hostel guests turned out to be among them). Female hostel staffer this morning scanning and attacking my brain. By whose authority is the French military censoring emails to US media?
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 00:22:56 +0100
Subject: EMC Co operation: Two of the extreme-right police-supported vandals attacking brain with satellite weapons (microwaves, lasers, nuclear). Uniformed policemen participating. Military is planning censorship, practically all emails to US media were blocked.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 6th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Letter to United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas:


November 4th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Satellite attacks on brain continue (while i try to sleep, wake up, use toilet/showers, on streets, at lawyers' offices and state institution), a "suplicio". Jewish woman walked by and challenged that nothing will happen to them for using ILLEGAL space military weapons in private business (torturing and thieving). French military implication is obvious (same individuals since the year 2000); uniformed Polish military personnel taking part in such street operations. English-speaking civilian suggested the military is getting too close to me. e-mails to Krakow military police and Cuban embassy.
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 10:04:19 +0100
Subject: Military keeps stealing from me, hacking my equipment, blocking my communications and attacking my brain. Attached image are two of the ***, who think they can do what they please.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 08:13:33 +0100
Subject: Syria: These bandits were attacking my brain with satellite high frequency buzzing, walking in/out of room, making noises when i sent email to Cuban embassy. Ambience music used to steal and torture. CIA appears to be behind this wealthy ***, who threatened me if i get a lawyer
To: embacuba@medianet.pl
Syrian embassy personnel in 2003 (Brussels) might be implicated.
As i entered password to banking website account, below-image individual said: "I know!". I complained to the emergency services by telephone; this is not the first time he has participated in torture and thefts:
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 16:38:44 +0100
Subject: Another bandido stealing from me as i work. My laptop and financial sites hacked. These photos and explanations are being sent to other agencies.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 2nd, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Last night and this morning: satellite attacks on brain at hostel by the French mafia (while I slept, tried to work with my laptop, used toilet, etc.); Cubans obviously involved (CIA). My phone call to the emergency service appeared to have been diverted.
One of the police - military bandits participating in laser torture (my face hit, localized burning sensation) was photographed in a public cafe, suggesting he is a "trainer"; Krakow military police received image.
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 11:48:02 +0100
Subject: This is one of them
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

November 1st, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
With tomorrow's elections in the self-proclaimed people's republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, French Jewish mafiosi keep attacking my brain with space nuclear/laser weapons. Some French "tourists" walk by as i beg for money; there are also Russians, Englishmen, Spaniards, Ukrainians, Italians, Germans, Polish civilians and Polish uniformed policemen among the paramilitary activists that are coordinated by (apparently) a CIA satellite system (Leon Panetta - Virginie Elaine Ruiz team). I recommend reading the free petition to the European Court of Human Rights and buying the 2013-2014 diaries.
Brain scanning (torture) and thefts at the hostel persist (even while using toilet and taking showers), another receptionist participating. Last night: English spies tried causing a heart attack/ internal bleeding; email sent to Krakow military police regarding rampant satellite violations by multinational corporation.
Cuban embassy in Madrid warned about the mafia's intention of controlling the future of Guantanamo base:
Zakharchenko in Ilovaysk - 14.10.14
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2014 10:48:39 +0100
Subject: Los bandidos judíos franceses de la CIA que están atacandome el cerebro con armas nucleares espaciales quieren controlar el futuro de Guantanamo. El ministro de defensa y el premier de la RDD (DNR) utilizan el atentado contra Cubana de Aviación en Barbados 1976. Está probado.
To: secreembajada@ecubamad.com

October 30th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
After years of toil, these thieves simply grab from my laptop my company files and distribute them. They work as staffers in the hostel where I stay; a Spanish group posing as guests over the weekend appeared to be involved in extremely violent crimes on Syrian territory. In addition, the male receptionist (twice photographed) is implicated in currency exchange scams (Pln - €).
As i worked in the room, which on Sunday had been occupied by a young man that claimed being from Malaysia: ceiling lights flickered, French thugs talking on my laptop and blocking Internet communications, receptionist "making noises" real time, satellite hits on head. English spies harassing on Krakow streets suggested on Tuesday morning they have access to the videos thus made and that I am a hostage of French military activists that operated in the US (1997 Ithaca, New York and 1998 Boston, Massachusetts) in connection with the US invasions of Iraq.
Two days ago a group of four Polish border guards came up to me on Karmelicka Street (while my brain was subject to satellite attacks and two Norwegian women "happened to walk by") and implicitly threatened with deportation. They asked me: "what can we do for you?"; their "boss" offered "legal advice" (to discourage me from contacting attorneys); his harassment included putting his right thumb into his right nostril and pressing the flesh against his right index, rubbing my right shoulder patronizingly, rubbing his submandibular gland ("threatening with satellite torture if i refused to give information on what I was doing in Ukraine") and making remarks intended for me to understand that he is one of the gangsters stealing my company files (what can i do against them?). It turned out that this team had been dispatched by the extreme-right ("the customers"). I sent an email to the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry and to the FBI during the incident:
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:51:04 +0100
Subject: Warrant Lukasz Kozynsky. ID A057812
To: pressdept@mid.ru
Polish border policemen are bothering me. Norwegian women walking by.
Other individuals involved in the shooting down of the Malaysian aircraft were photographed last night and this morning on streets. US General Martin Dempsey seems to be entangled.

October 28th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
2013 - 2014 Diary (two parts) released. Quality and contents surpassing your expectations!

October 16th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
As soon as i sat down in front of a computer at internet point, satellite buzzing my skull, individual next to me making "noises", trying to force me to look at photographs of men wearing dark glasses on his computer screen. Later, he made comments (while "talking on his mobile phone") such as:
~"The girl does not want to do what we say, put her into coma", etc.
Uniformed Polish policemen again taking direct part in street extreme right activism.
My mobile phone remotely shut down, its signal blocked. The mafia is using (father-underage son) paramilitary teams for hi-tech thefts in public places, since 1999-2000 they have wielded "La Documentation Nationale" as a zionist method for exploiting foreigners (Gulf Air August 24th, 2000 crash near Bahrain, photos and videos available).
Another email to Krakow's military police:
Date: Oct 16, 2014 7:54 PM
Subject: French bandits at Chez Kafka attacking brain with satellite weapons and microwaves. Extreme-right group supported by the police and military. Mass murders.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl
Receptionist made comments such as:
~"torture as therapy"
~"french anti-terrorism"
~"only an invasion will stop us"
There are reasons to consider possible CIA (USA military) implication.

October 13th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Phone and laptop regularly shut down by remote control; emails to attorneys, media and embassies appeared to have been blocked.
The last two nights I have slept on the stairs of a building, whose front door key was given to me last May by a Russian-speaking woman that once had helped me pay for a night in a hostel, claimed being from Donetsk and temporarily staying in one of its apartments (preparation of the Malaysian civilian plane incident in the east of Ukraine, as understood now). This woman has "appeared" on streets twice during the last month and a half, once the day I had made a reference to her in an email. Very dusty stairs, all floor levels covered by hanging nylon curtains (below images), possibly insinuations at the Iranian embassy in Paris, the 1976 Cubana de Aviacion bombing and a visa requirement that all Iranians must provide fingerprints. On both nights, corporate gangsters implemented satellite weapons to scan and attack my brain while I tried to sleep; during the first one, a man inside the building participated. They have managed to recruit Polish military and police officers in Krakow (I do not know since when).
Among the state employees locking on my brain on streets there could be officers that I met on the Polish side of the border crossing between Ukraine and Poland, the day I entered Ukraine. They tried to cause trouble, mentioned expulsion, etc., but most of them were kind.

Yesterday, Polish uniformed policemen were photographed taking part in satellite-coordinated (from France, obviously) harassment, well-organized thefts, onslaught on brain. The "couple" in (my laptop at the moment of typing this is being interfered with by the police, who are blocking keyboard letters and talking on the ambience music of pizzeria, photos available) below image is only an example: the policeman, on their way back, "said on his mobile phone": "crazy!" (in English); van registration number: HPG B282. Right-wing activism has been documented on this corner:
* on the day the US military sent additional troops to Poland, as a response to the events between Russia and Ukraine (photos available).
* Turkish "Nelson Mandela team" young men.
* Jews and military agents in plain clothes have come up to me, some have "offered" a place to sleep, money to eat, etc. in exchange for keeping my mouth shut; a woman suggested punishment for remembering about crimes committed by the military.

* Russian Navy activists avoiding a public scandal regarding international banking and the involvement of Virginie Elaine Ruiz in the 1999 assassination of an Algerian Islamic Salvation Front leader, ETA killings, crashes of Swiss and Egyptian civilian aircraft, the Moscow apartment buildings blasts, Rwanda 1994, etc. French counter-espionage on Cuban territory (Guantanamo base and neo-colonialism).

October 9th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Bandits staying in the apartment directly above me are hacking my laptop real-time and "dragging the furniture" to try inducing amnesia; nonstop male/female synthesized voices torture by the police (who are interfering its hardware) and high-frequency buzzing of the skull with "jumps", in order to create a "fracture" ("TV-head", below image). Yesterday, a group of uniformed Polish policemen was caught on camera taking part in this operation, targeting Jewish (Zionist) elements that work at Krakow's central district Taxation Office.
Date: Oct 9, 2014 1:52 AM
Subject: Attacks on brain by the French military mafia continue. I cannot sleep due to high-frequency buzzing of head and laser /nuclear hits on areas of skull. Photos of individuals who participate are posted online (US military "Corona" personnel at Tallinn's Mamo)
To: secreembajada@ecubamad.com

October 8th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Date: Oct 8, 2014 3:26 AM
Subject: At 3:23 am Jewish gangsters do not let me sleep, buzzing my head with microwaves, scanning brain (reading thoughts) and satellite attacking.
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov

October 7th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Uniformed Polish policemen carry on taking part in brutal Jewish mafia satellite torture.
Message to the White House:
A few days ago, a right-wing USA group that appeared to be guests of the Radisson Blue hotel in Krakow, were criticizing President Obama's speech in the UN, indirectly suggesting that Palestinians should get no money. When i walked out of the hotel, satellite-coordinated Jews harassed me. They are connected with NATO and the elections in Latvia (background of events in Ukraine); they are trying to trigger a regional war, in cooperation with Russian military officers that participate in a "Mexican project" in the USA. Space nuclear/ laser weapons implemented. One of the American "tourists" commented, ~"I guess you should call an ambulance (if you do not like us stealing from/ attacking you constantly)". (I had a cold, was trying to work with my laptop in the lobby cafe). Other French activists in a Vietnamese restaurant in Krakow have been photographed interfering with my equipment (a "family", teenagers, etc.), members of a police-supported French-USA politico-military group that wants to export Sarkozy-style political parties.
I am staying at the apartment of an *************, next door to the Islamic Cultural Centre on Sobietstka Street. I have warned the Krakow Military Police that Cubans and French Jewish gangsters are attacking me here with satellite laser/ nuclear/ microwaves while ILLEGALLY filming it (Guantanamo Base - killing of nearly 200 Syrian air base personnel ~August 27 2014). President Obama should stop this FRENCH military program, at least the american participation in it: last year on this street, a team of "Brussels international students" was involved in ethnic-cleansing statement by a Syrian military Colonel (Banias - United Nations NYC).

October 2nd, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
My mobile telephone and laptop repeatedly shut down by remote control. Brain subject to satellite laser/ nuclear attacks and high-frequency signal buzzing. Call to the Krakow emergency service was terminated by the operator, with a background sound of breaking glass/ crash?
Date: Oct 2, 2014 8:23 PM
Subject: The polish military is directly taking part in satellite attacks on brain. One of them came up to me on the street to harass. Immediately afterwards they started shutting down my laptop by remote control. You are the military police, you are supposed to take care of this garbage.
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl
Date: Oct 2, 2014 7:56 PM
Subject: Again uniformed Polish policemen participating: Jewish bandidos continue stealing and attacking brain in public places. Attached image is another one of them.
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov

Date: Oct 2, 2014 8:02 PM
Subject: Example of jew military mafia satellite onslaught on brain on streets. The French police are obviously implicated (Nico, a policeman working at the station on Rue de Vaugirard and other thugs). Communications either blocked or diverted (including emails to attorneys).
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov

September 26th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 09:19:06 +0200
Subject: French Jewish military gangsters keep stealing with impunity, blocking communications and satellite-attacking brain. Attached photo are two of them, hacking my laptop real-time, their colleagues promoting a military-banking program (Vietnam) using the ambience music. The second image was taken yesterday at a Vietnamese restaurant in Krakow.
To: Boston@ic.fbi.gov, chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov

September 25th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Satellite laser/nuclear attacks on brain continue, even while I try to sleep. US military involved (~1994 Tampa, Florida "suicide" of US Special Forces Cuban man named "Mario" - General Norman Schwarzkopf - 1997 Omagh bombing and crimes committed by the English Royal Family with absolute impunity).
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 11:37:36 +0200
Subject: This is another thief, hacking my laptop real-time, speaking in Italian on his mobile phone, supported by gangsters that nonstop interfere the ambience music
To: sip@policja.gov.pl

September 23rd, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 20:51:28 +0200
Subject: This self-denominated policeman (extreme-right thug) is "talking on his phone" repeating: "yes, i am crazy", real-time hacking my laptop as i work. My head is being buzzed with a very high frequency satellite signal. The "international police" is talking nonstop on the ambience music of Radisson Blue hotel. I already warned you that the CIA/ US Congress might be sending "tourists" to Krakow to trigger a war in Ukraine.
To: sip@policja.gov.pl

September 17th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Conversation with the Foreign Desk of the Washington Post at around 22:20 (local time) yesterday.
Uniformed Polish policemen carry on taking part in French Jewish paramilitary operations, overtly being employed to harass a witness of "financial" operations, such as the May 8th 2014 large bombing of a hotel in Aleppo, Syria. It is difficult to believe that the police do not fully understand what duties they are performing (which international bandits they are protecting/ serving). My laptop repeatedly shut down as I work; satellite attacks on brain even while i try to sleep. "I am a malleable doggy" suggested this citizen:

September 15th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Military gangsters shutting down my laptop remotely (also repeatedly when editing this paragraph) as I work in public places and on sidewalks. Right-wing "civilians" (photos available) harassing when I was signing a contract with a European company and hacking my laptop real-time when connected to online banking / developing company files. Sporadically, synthesized male /female voices on top of the ambience music repeated, for instance, "make a mistake!", "yes!", "no!", etc. Is this the normal way of doing business? To me, it looked like corporate-military preparation of mass murders (possibly in Iraq: Norman Schwarzkopf - assassination of Spanish policeman in Barcelona in December 2000).
After having made a phone call to the Washington Post (~23:03 local time) and my laptop having been deliberately and persistently turned off in the course of sending emails to US attorneys, an activist walked by and suggested they are obstructing Internet traffic. This Krakow international Jewish group speculates with the possibility of being deported in mass, the fact of the misuse of the United States Federal budget, agriculture, the Catholic church - private property, etc. A number of police vans/ sedans (among them HPG B517, 11:48 pm and HPG B501(?), 12:23 am) and at least two cars with UK registration plates were employed in well-organized, satellite attacks on brain.

September 13th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Uniformed Polish military man (below image) had walked past me and muttered: "bravo! - criminal case!" (possibly meaning that efforts to bring them to justice for mass murders, assassinations, thievery, torture, hi-tech sabotage, etc. will be futile). Again private security agent from the company "Solid" took part in described abuse.
Some civilians evince discontent with rampant right-wing paramilitary criminality, which is undoubtedly connected with the "crash" of the Polish President's plane near Smolensk (e.g.: Jewish teenagers using undetectable illegal satellite technology to attack and steal in public places, while security cameras film); others make: "embolia!", "infarct" and "coma!" comments as i/they walk by.
Recently-committed massacres and continuous torture ("training by the French police") are elements of illegally-funded attempts to inhibit political representation and the assertion of civil rights in various countries.
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:30:23 +0200
Subject: Again military implicated in French jewish mafia satellite attacks. All emails were blocked, servers hacked. Attached images are examples.
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov
Bad food served on purpose by jewish group, some of whose members are working in a pizzeria (photographed men commented: ~"experiment" and "therapy"). Uniformed Polish policemen participate in such INTERNATIONAL corporate subversion; an embassy in Warsaw might be giving them instructions.
Throughout the day, uniformed Polish military men have taken part in brutal satellite attacks on brain, as you can see from the other photos. (taken in and near hostel where i stay).

September 12th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Uniformed Polish policemen partaking in sabotage of my equipment and communications, street harassment, satellite attacks on brain. Military instructing hostel staffers to leave me on the street overnight: "we have no rooms", "only single rooms are available and they cost ...", etc. Right-wing civilians hacking my online banking, email accounts, etc.: who is giving them hi-tech support?
French police and/or military interfering with ambience music of Krakow Jewish mafiosi's business to impose consent to international organized financial/banking crimes (photos available).
While sending emails to US attorneys from a public cafe, my left shoulder hit by satellite laser (and a man sitting in front of me "consoling" his girlfriend by embracing her and rubbing her right shoulder; i had photographed them both harassing me in previous days). This sort of "exquisite torture" is also implemented by teenagers (most of them Jews). Communication seems blocked (SMTP server).
Photographed thugs involved in: shooting down of Malaysian airliner - French/ South African military satellite subversion - thefts/ violations of intellectual property rights - (Igor Strelkov (former defense minister of the self-proclaimed DPR) - member of Latvia's representation to NATO in 2010) - Gaddafi's assassination.
Message sent to the Polish police; paramilitary agents, such as these ones, have repeatedly protected Virginie Elaine Ruiz from criminal prosecution. My phone data transfer connectivity disabled during this incident (it remains out of service as of 11:45 pm). Last image was not included:
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 21:14:51 +0200
Subject: The French military mafia is blocking all communications. It is impossible to work. Attached-image man "talking on the phone", saying that causing vexation is a way to fabricate a fracture. When are you going to stop this garbage?
To: sip@policja.gov.pl

September 7th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Two illegally-wired Jewesses harassing for over an hour, making comments such as " coma!" and ~" lower the prices by groszy!"; ambience music (radio) interfered real-time:

Once again French policemen from the station on Rue de Vaugirard (Paris), who are connected with Nicolas Sarkozy's presidential fraud:
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2014 11:24:50 +0200
Subject: French Jewish "police" thugs continue stealing, attacking brain with satellite weapons. This operation is obviously coordinated real-time from Paris. Attached-image bakery staffer is illegally hacking my laptop as i work, repeating: "bravo! -infarto!", ~"if you want to stop us, then organize an invasion", etc. Military obviously participating
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov

September 5th, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
As I send emails to embassies in London, French Jewish military scoundrels scanning my brain in a Krakow public cafe (thought- reading) - talking nonstop on my mobile phone's mp3 player (e.g.: repeating fragments of what i think or visualize mentally); synthesized female/ male voices used; among their comments: "get angry and kill yourself!" (photos available). Ambience music torture also applied: ~"always look twice before crossing the street" song lyrics, etc. Just before stepping into the cafe, satellite had attacked my head, cafe staffers implicated. Once more uniformed Polish policemen taking part in street "Catholic Church property issues".

September 2nd, 2014:
Krakow, Poland.
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 09:47:04 +0200
Subject: One of the police-protected French gangsters implementing satellites to attack brain while i sleep, take shower, use toilet, etc. He is one of the staffers of Krakow's Lenin hostel on Dolnych Mlynow street. About three months ago i photographed a group of French right-wing "tourists" in the common room of this hostel, who were taking part in similar harassment. Police van with registration plate HPG B018 possibly involved.
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov

Above-mentioned photos were taken on May 14th, at around 7:32 am:
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014
Subject: Polish policemen taking part in illegal military operations and torture
HTTPS link added
Virginie Elaine Ruiz - Dresden 1999/2000 ("Fiasco" street-organized, satellite-coordinated activism connected with the September 1999 apartment buildings bombings in Russian cities, the "accidental" air strike on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, the 2000 assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes, etc.).
I arrived from Ukraine August 30th in the morning; in the night, attached-image thugs plus two uniformed Polish policemen (a man and a woman) participating in French (Jewish military mafia) satellite attacks on brain. The guy frontally shown commented "Donetsk" and "tomorrow". Real-time interference of my equipment by wired German-speaking "tourists" at the reception cafe of hotel "Kossak" had occurred earlier.
Polish police participation in illegal (French military) satellite attacks on brain continues on September 1st; photos available. All communications to servers have been blocked. As i sent this email, satellite laser hitting top of skull, my laptop's software and hardware subject to real-time interference.
Please, check regularly below links:
https connection:

August 30th, 2014:
Ukraine sum-up:
* Police and military personnel participating in French - USA paramilitary thefts, intense sabotage/ interference of equipment/ communications, satellite torture. Some uniformed policemen insinuated: ~"what are you going to do?" (to whom are you going to complain?). Covert attempts to escalate the conflict in the east into a regional war.
* Internet-developing company involved in the assassination of Syrian city mayor. Uniformed Ukrainian policeman took part; Kiev mayor targeted, EMC Co employee. Cubans partaking in the preparation of French - USA military operations (Guantanamo base - Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
* English espionage and English international extreme-right covert subversion incorporates satellite-coordinated street harassers and professionals that seemingly favor the Federal Government of Russia, photos available.
* Most answers to ~"how are these expensive Kiev cars bought?": "stealing". Some added: "government/ state employees", one individual: "judges".
* Banks apparently regulated by the French mafia with the backing of the French police (Paris - Sarkozy - racism factor). ITAR-TASS site or/and my mobile telephone browser were hacked: disappearing article about Russian court's arrest order against Kolomoisky. International Diplomacy employed locally for fostering (Jewish urban control and) Israeli terrorism, efforts which are possibly coordinated from, and partially financed since 1992 by France (concrete examples, photos available). Embassy of the Czech Republic used. It would appear that the high - middle class in Kiev and L'vov has its own international police, which implement ILLEGAL satellite (bio)technology to steal (hack equipment), sabotage and attack (torture) in public places, besides with the purpose of blocking internet and telephone communications. Probable Russian- Israeli hegemonic circle, photos available.
* Possible (foreign states)-encouraged support of right-wing paramilitary groups involved in the armed conflict in the east. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine refused to grant me relatively simple request (in a telephone conversation, it seemed that following instructions from Paris, police station on Rue de Vaugirard). Another telephone conversation with the Ministry's Europe section was eavesdropped by the Right Sector.
* More than once Ukrainian police/ military asked in my presence: ~"who gave the order to shoot down the Malaysian airplane?" Satellite - civilian plane flying over - interference of my mobile phone in order to suggest Transnistria (Приднестровье).
* Black street activism in Kiev and L'vov connected with Chernobyl and the conflict in the east. Libyans "accidentally" met on streets.
* I bought and gradually gathered lottery tickets that I checked just before leaving Ukraine. ~167 UAH spent, ~60 UAH won. Numerous suggestions from civilians (who stared at my shirt pocket, where I was keeping them) at rigging as purposeful sponsorship, once as a reference to nominal salaries, but never as humanitarian aid:

August 27th, 2014:
L'vov, Ukraine.
Dutch-speaking "activists" at L'vov's Astoria Hotel lobby cafe harassing as I worked, my laptop remotely shut down, satellite laser attacks on skull. When I typed about them in an email, the woman in below photo impudently said: "you are under surveillance". This extreme-right group might be connected with an Amsterdam (Jewish- German) private company and a group of Egyptian men street-harassing near an Amsterdam prison, videos available (crash of flight Egypt Air 990 on September 1999).
Uniformed Ukrainian military officer took part in satellite-coordinated street attacks (banking - salaries).
My laptop shut down repeatedly as i tried to effect online payments for my company, these two individuals hacking it in real-time regime and "making comments". Ambience music used in USA-French military operation (VietNam-related) to harass, steal and threaten with imprisonment.

August 26th, 2014:
L'vov, Ukraine.
Notice how satellite attacks on brain are prepared by paramilitary groups ("fracture through suplicio") and for which purpose. Cubans participating.
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:04:33 +0200
Subject: French Jewish gangsters keep satellite-attacking brain in L'vov, Ukraine. Attached images are two of them. Ambience music used to steal and torture, my laptop remotely shut down as i work. Hostel room also filmed. These extreme-right thugs are out of political control.
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov
Satellite-coordinated harassment by youngsters and military agents. One of the latter (man leaning against wall in buffet car) said: ~"Since it is impossible to prove that we are scanning your brain and reading your thoughts, nobody will give you anything." Ambience music employed to suggest Igor Strelkov was lying in the interview he gave on July 28th, 2014. Last two images were not included.
Date: Aug 25, 2014 8:05 PM
Subject: Jewish geniuses keep stealing and attacking brain, under police protection, of course. Attached image is one of them, on the train from Kiev to L'vov. Military satellite ILLEGAL technology used.
To: chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov
It is the French mafia involvement in a conflict that could turn full-fledged civil war.

August 23th, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
Callous satellite attacks on brain throughout the entire night did not let me sleep. Ukrainian policemen implicated in this French Jewish military (most probably oil industry) mafia illegal imprisonment. As i type with my laptop at a Kiev Cuban restaurant, thugs shut it down by remote control (e.g.: just before entering password); when I am about to call the police to complain, they use a synthesized female voice on top of the ambience music to say:
"... threaten them, you are crazy!"
Letter left on August 12th, 2014 at door of Kiev publishing house that specializes on military history. Possible CIA implication (from Tampa, Florida, 1993 to the present):

Letter shown to foreign embassy in Kiev on July 26th, 2014:

On July 28th, 2014 I returned to above-mentioned embassy and spoke to a diplomat from the political section. Igor Strelkov gave an interview also on July 28th, which I first saw on August 22nd and downloaded on August 24th from youtube to a lobby computer of Kiev's Holiday Inn. When I walked out of the Holiday Inn, "suddenly" Americans appeared on the Jewish satellite-coordinated street-sabotage scene, one of them told me: ~"Sorry, i cannot help you, because I left my wallet in my hotel ...", another one: ~"We don't do that" (shooting down civilian aircraft); two black men (who claimed being from South Africa) took part, driving a green BMW with Latvian registration plate; photos available.
The video interview is available in Russian from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25bj6QoroXw
My laptop twice shut down remotely as I added this clarification.

August 20th, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
French jewish satellite attacks on brain as i read ITAR-TASS news on Ukraine using my mobile phone. Ukrainian uniformed military personnel again participating; my laptop repeatedly shut down by remote control as I work. Earlier today a jewess walked by and had the nerve to say "on the phone": ~"Well-deserved punishment" (below photo):

From: Mario Artime
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 09:48:37 +0200
Subject: Ukrainian-speaking men (attached image) using satellite laser and nuclear weapons to attack my brain as i work with my laptop on the street. Lasers are hitting the back of my skull, thought-reading allows these two French mafia thugs to catch separate words, which one of them tells the other in their conversation.
To: "Boston@ic.fbi.gov", "Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov", "chicago@ic.fbi.gov"

August 16th, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
From: Mario Artime
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:02:58 +0200
Subject: Throughout the night satellite high-frequency buzzing of head did not let me sleep. These three individuals sitting on bench directly below my open window now making comments such as "torture", "scandal -stepping down" and "if we don't get what we want from you for free we put you in prison". There is no doubt this is a French Jewish mafia operation.
To: Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, chicago@ic.fbi.gov

August 12th, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
SMS to Ukrainian policeman. Sent at 10:02 am. His telephone number: +380675075751
"Vicious satellite attacks by the French Jewish mafia in hostel continue. Even while i take showers.
Policemen in two police cars participating in torture this morning. I warned you clearly: you are going to learn a lesson now!"

August 1st, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
(Mostly) Jews participating in satellite-coordinated street paramilitary operations (Note 1) in Kiev and twin sisters working at different banks might be involved in the (very few of its kind) reception of automated email, generated after I left a message with subject: "Manuel Artime - Bay of Pigs - Ongoing operations." through the contact page of the US Supreme Court. One of the sisters had "offered" yesterday to provide me with internal contact information on her bank's Latin America area commercial customers (Note 2).
French military mafia sabotage of communications and vicious satellite biotechnology onslaught on brain on streets, while i try to sleep, during conversations, etc. Below example is one of the scoundrels, sitting outside my room door with a laptop, harassing and making comments such as ~"the terror of being assassinated for political reasons", while I try to work under satellite "head lock". (See youtube section for 2000 murder of Colombian farmer; illustrations of state services to the extreme-right, including operations designed to deplete resources dedicated to combatting international crimes).

---------- Forwarded message start ----------
From: PIONoReply@supremecourt.gov
Date: 1 Aug 2014 09:49:58 -0400
Subject: Supreme Court Submission
To: ****
Thank you for your submission, it has been received and should it require any other information we will contact you at this e-mail address. - Public Information Officer, U.S. Supreme Court
---------- Forwarded message end ----------
Note 1:
While I type with my laptop, EMC Co Israeli agents are satellite-following my eyes on the screen, manipulating its brightness, "jerking" the HD, talking on its audio system, etc.
Comments from mentioned "activists" include: "After having declaimed during Maidan protests "if a bullet in the forehead, then a bullet in the forehead", the Ukrainian Prime Minister wants to resign because he smells war ..." (female office worker) and "My relatives in Lugansk told me that a large convoy of tanks from Russia had crossed the border last night" (as if by direct orders from Putin) (female anesthesiologist - turned "beauty" doctor).
Note 2:
Vladimir Putin's Latin American tour - waiver of Cuba's external debt - 1898 Spanish-American war - Guantanamo base. Meanwhile, for the development of an anti-air attack defense system, the israeli mafia today unanimously received from the Senate extra 225 millions (from the 2015 US military budget), which still must be approved by the lower chamber and signed by the President (my brain satellite-attacked and my laptop repeatedly shut down remotely as i typed this sentence).

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Main Military Prosecutor's Office
Your petition on the 30.06.2014 arrived at the Main Military prosecutor's office and was analyzed.
In accordance with part 3 of article 8 of the Federal law "About the order of analysis of petitions of citizens of the Russian Federation" it was sent for analysis to the Federal Security Service of Russia.
They will inform you of the results.
Military prosecutor of the section of management of the supervision of the execution of federal security laws.

July 23rd, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
-Internal medicine doctor's help needed.
-Increasingly recurrent teeth problems, including pain.
-Medicines required.
From: artime.mario@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:59:16 +0200
Subject: Brutal and vicious French Jewish military mafia attacks on brain continue in hostel and on streets. Cuban military officers participating. Whoever is running the servers used to host my company sites, is obviously blocking data transfer in order to impede any income. For the last THREE YEARS these thugs have manage it for me to receive ZERO money, either from sales or donations (I have paid them bills, summing up to over 700 Euros).
To: ****

July 18th, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
From Wikipedia:
The aircraft departed from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Gate G03 at 12:14 CEST (10:14 UTC). It was due to arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 11 hours and 45 minutes later at 06:00, 18 July MYT (22:00, 17 July UTC).
Malaysia Airlines released a statement saying "it received notification from Ukrainian ATC that it had lost contact with flight MH17 at 1415 (GMT) at 30 km (19 mi) from [the] TAMAK waypoint, approximately 50 km (31 mi) from the Russia–Ukraine border."

---------- Beginning of Forwarded message ----------
Тема: Kiev, Ukraine. Cornell University - Germans - Cuban Ministry of Agriculture.
Дата: 2014-07-18 12:51
Some days ago, on the official site of the Russian Communist Party, I left a note (attached image) for the chief of the pro-Russia rebels in East Ukraine. Approximate translation:
"Convey to Igor Strelkov that i know who blew up apartment buildings in Russian cities in September 1999 (...) Deeds of French spies. (...)"

French military plunderers and terrorists, evidently supporting (mostly) Jewish financial schemes, continue brutally attacking my brain with satellite laser and nuclear weapons; which allow them to read my thoughts. Thefts and sabotage are increasing: now my laptop is regularly shut down, preventing me from even logging in, my telephone connectivity blocked.
In mentioned bombings on Russian territory, a USA citizen from Ithaca, New York was implicated. Also involved were/are Cornell University students (one possibly presently in Paris) and professors (fabricating mass murders and selective assassinations with the help of the French National Police).
---------- Beginning of Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jul 12, 2014 5:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: Brutal and vicious satellite (nuclear) attacks on brain continue. Police involvement in this mafia operation is evident. Attempts to block report on Estonia - Ukraine extreme-right paramilitary groups connection. Sleeping is impossible, 6:37 am
To: "Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov" , "Boston@ic.fbi.gov"
---------- End of Forwarded message ----------
On July 13, 2014 satellite attacks on brain continue. Hostel used as a prison, two female Ukrainian military effectives (wearing uniform) take part in torture; they occupy neighboring room. I called the police (102) in the midst of it (8;48 am), the connection was cut off immediately after the operator answered. My laptop ILLEGALLY hacked (and systematically shut down by remote control), its audio interfered, screen brightness manipulated (measurement of intelligence (understanding) against wideness of eyes' pupils). These "experiments" are carried out by French military gangsters, who represent a global danger to civil society: the ones that organized the transition from Fidel Castro to Raul Castro, Sarkozy's presidential fraud, Guantanamo base "Afghanistan detention center", the attacks on the Pentagon and WTC, mass murders in Syria, Russia, Libya, Martinique, Lebanon, assassinations in several countries (proven). In Paris, France, I was told not to waste time trying to find legal help to put members of the "unified Russian-American military company" behind bars.
I have asked the US Supreme Court and the ACLU to intervene. Such implementation of Space nuclear/ laser weapons is likely to proliferate.``
` On July 14, 2014, at Cuban restaurant, my laptop shut down when I am about to enter passwords to (email) accounts. Ambience music used for torture and thefts (photos of French "Jewish police" customers available). Street activism with the participation of uniformed policemen.
On July 15, 2014, attacks on brain and sabotage continue, even as i send these emails (wifi interference - talking on my mobile phone's mp3 player - disconnecting power supply, threatening with shutting down my laptop, etc.). Satellite attacks on street, public transport, hostel. Most probably it is the French National Police.
On July 16 - 17, 2014, French police-supported crooks (Cubans participating) keep remotely shutting down my laptop, impeding login. Space nuclear/laser weapons locked on brain. Building where (supposedly, photos available) three generals of the Ukrainian military live, used for biotechnology-weapons (international) property/financial control (most probably coordinated from Paris real-time: Paris Metro, business fronts located in the 10th-11th districts involved). Emails and web hosting servers obviously tampered with; insolent attempts at hiding behind Ukrainian "counter-espionage" (two possible Massachusetts Institute of Technology "activists" photographed in the Kiev Metro, image #A1); teenagers carrying significant amount of money took part in late-evening street satellite biotechnology attacks.

Images #A2, #A3 and #A4 are ceiling ambience music interfered speaker/ individuals implicated in severe torture (making "real-time comments" to protect multinationals from prosecution - hacking my laptop, which was repeatedly shut down when I was about to enter passwords). In described scenario, armed-with-gun-on-waist uniformed Ukrainian policeman entered cafe's kitchen in the company of a male civilian (CIA - Chicago - assassination of Robert Kennedy). After repeated thwarted attempts, I was able to complain to the Ukrainian police by telephone at 11:17 am. Attacks and sabotage continued nonetheless; it is difficult to determine whose satellites, bandits, who make reference to youtube videos of the war in the East of Ukraine, use on Kiev streets. NATO appears to be one of their sources of finance. For the first time, access to Google mail server blocked.
After second complaint telephone call to the Ukrainian police (at 2:47 pm, lasted 3 mins, 34 secs, recorded, under severe satellite attacks) interference of mobile telephone, shutting down of my laptop, onslaught, continued unabated. As I send this email, my head buzzed with ultra-high frequency signal - laptop audio interfered.
Again web traffic to/from the USA seems to be re-directed. Please check regularly below links:

Interaction with embassies and international organizations (this section appears to be under censure):
Interaccion con embajadas y organizaciones internacionales (esta seccion parece estar bajo censura):
---------- End of Forwarded message ----------

July 5th, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
====Message start====
To: Boston@ic.fbi.gov, Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov
Mario Artime
Date: Jul 4, 2014 7:22 PM
Subject: Jews continue stealing, blocking and attacking brain with satellite ILLEGAL weapons. It could be the Mossad; attached-image man making "comments" on his mobile as my head is buzzed with very high frequency signal. Purpose: causing amnesia (witness destruction).
How long must we put up with this self-styled pseudo police?

====Message end====
Above-mentioned incident took place a few meters from a Justice Ministry building, in front of which activists had suggested someone was attacked for political reasons (remains of pools of blood):
I brought to several embassies printed copies of denunciation sent to the Russian President:

Brutal and vicious satellite nuclear attacks on brain in hostel (even while I sleep/ take showers), on streets/ public places continue; the Mafia openly calls it "suplicio". Attempts at sterilization, recommendations of the need to get the support of the Right Sector (Правый Сектор) to try stopping satellite-coordinated Jewish international criminality.
Jewish "self-defense" groups (Israeli corporate patriots) indeed, treat the state as their property. The day after a top policeman had been put in charge of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense (promoted also was a multi-millionaire agricultural magnate), activists were harassing near the Ministry of Interior's National Academy (heavily "coughing" old woman insinuated mass murders, below images) and next to the regional HQ of its anti-organized crime section (hints at Russian-speaking Jewess that posed as a secretary at the Cuban embassy in Kiev, who at first could be seen at a window, and later came out and talked to me from behind the fence, while holding a mobile phone against her left ear ("fracture")):

June 15th, 2014:
Kiev, Ukraine.
All individuals in below images attacking my brain on moving public transport, supported by illegal satellite biotechnology weapons (my equipment continuously intercepted, communications blocked). Possible NATO-supported anti-Chinese crusade/ General Martin Dempsey/ French (predominantly Jewish) segregationist financial crimes (documented in several banks of Ukrainian and foreign capital, photos available). Often "couples", where the man is taller than the woman by a head, used for "head-locked" experiments:


On the previous day, (mostly) Jewish activists availing themselves of the shooting down of a Ukrainian military transport plane for broad-daylight, satellite-supported, street subversion:


Russian embassy building and diplomatic workers' cars attacked by angered protesters, photographed later in the evening. Policemen and military personnel near the embassy appeared not willing to intervene. To my skeptical question -"Has an explosion really occurred", one of the agents apathetically replied -"Not yet.":


Nuclear and laser satellite onslaught continues; working is practically impossible, sleeping difficult. Torture in hostel (even while I take showers) is part of the "Israeli" paramilitary "training". It should not be difficult to find the state-paid officers participating in described "corporate security" program.

June 4th, 2014:
L'vov, Ukraine.
To my question, woman indicated that on the second floor, above a pizzeria, there is an internet place called "Comuna", where later I printed out an application for full identification with a Russian company, needed under new Russian regulations. Before I entered the building, this young activist provoked me on the sidewalk, when I asked him whether he spoke Russian:

-"No, only Ukrainian!" - in angered tone and walked away.

The application may be delivered either through an agent in Donetsk or by regular mail:

Depicted (illegally-wired) activist harassed me while I was completing the application in downstairs pizzeria. The "company" uses the ambience music for nonstop thefts and torture also in Ukraine. Severe satellite laser/ nuclear attacks continue on streets, public places, in hostel (while I try to sleep), etc.
Other photos available (individuals possible linked to Odessa Trade Union building incident), uniformed military personnel with unclear objectives participate in street harassment, which is obviously coordinated from France (Paris). Suggestions by civilians of a similar confrontation scenario between the state (NATO) and the Russian population in Latvia.

May 19th, 2014:
French military gangsters' brutal satellite attacks on brain, thievery and tampering with communications continue, despite warning to Krakow Military Police:
From: Mario Artime
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 14:02:08 +0200
Subject: For Pawel. XXX.XXX.XXX
To: ozwkrakow.rzecznik@wp.mil.pl

Please, pay attention to the Application sent to the European Court of HR. I will meet various attorneys.

May 9th, 2014:


http://www.youtube.com/embed/kdpg4p6TR7c              http://www.youtube.com/embed/6dMIp7zAJdw

One of the mafia agents attacking brain real-time with satellite nuclear weapons (hostel staffer). Other extreme-right paramilitary "activists" in the neighborhood (including an agent of the private security company SOLID) took part in this particular operation. Image taken on 11/05/214 at 17:42.
On April 27th, 2014 (Canonization of John Paul II), when two French agents involved in embezzlement ("communism prevention") proposed helping me with over-night accommodations and took me to this hostel (paying for the room), he was also "working" at the reception. My brain was then brutally attacked with mentioned space weapons; a group of hostel guests (young male/female students, one wearing a t-shirt with "ARMY" written on its front) participated in harassment the morning after.

April 21st, 2014:



November 15th, 2012
Government of Saint Petersburg
Administration of the Governor of Saint Petersburg
Section of Petitions and Complaints
Smol'ny .....
Your petitions to the address of the Governor of Saint Petersburg G. C. Poltavchenko were analyzed by the Section of Petitions and Complaints of the Administration of the Governor of Saint Petersburg.
Since the facts exposed by you in your petitions, which according to you took place outside the borders of the Russian Federation, do not have real confirmation, answering your petitions is essentially impossible.
Director of the Section

Petition to open a case against Vladimir Putin dated October 11th, 2010, shortly after the bombing of the Moscow Metro and other French-organized attacks against the Russian Federation that had internal support. Two Libyan military officers in the vicinity of the Office of the Prosecutor (men) apparently tried to get involved:

April 17th, 2014:
Brutal satellite nuclear/laser onslaught on brain by French military gangsters intended to cause a coma; strong headaches caused by nonstop buzzing of the skull with ultra-high frequency signal used for thought-reading. Activists posing as attorneys/ staffers of a Warsaw firm (photos available) suggested inflammation of face tissue due to torture, private security agents guarding building entrance used German words when I walked in.
A Jewish "mother-daughter" team near below-mentioned Israeli satellite laboratory neighborhood proposed: "do something to yourself if you cannot stand it". Some civilians have warned that the criminal brigade of the (French?) police is the one stealing/ sabotaging/ blocking communications/ attacking brain; others that foreign military intervention is the only way to stop the so-called criminal brigade.
At a hostel in Warsaw's Old Town, staffers/ guests using ILLEGAL technology, for instance: when I walked into my room, a young man in the reception said ~"stop!" or ~"amnesia", etc. (my head under nonstop drone), several times my laptop shut down, file transfers over the Internet tampered with (checked by number of bytes), etc. This group appears to be in liaison with portrayed, police-supported, tax-embezzling "South African" activism, which tries to split the Self into a discontent jailed female (e.g.: concrete black/ Algerian/ Palestinian/ African/ Native American woman) and a passive male counterpart (illegal arrest by policemen from the station on Rue de Vaugirard, Paris ("Embassies and International Organizations" section) and the assassination by collar bomb of Elvira Cortes in Colombia, 2000 ("You Tube" section)). Cubans obviously involved in these French military experiments, which included inoculating infections in Havana (during the 80's).

April 12th, 2014:
Extreme-right activists using ILLEGAL satellite laser/nuclear weapons to attack the brain (especially its left side):

In their dialogue they mentioned:

-"Oh! Oh! I am so angry I will commit suicide!".
-"Policeman!". - Uttered in authoritative tone.(*)

On whose authority do they act? (Above-mentioned 2013 Aleppo massacre ("You Tube section")).
On the same spot, other members of the group suggested: -"Are now taxes going to be used in our favor?" (Photos available, South African embassy in the background.)

In a cafe (about 60 meters away) two French-speaking male customers "preventing terrorism" (across the street from the "Norway House"):
Apparently in this operation GOOGLE EARTH satellites are somehow embroiled (refer to "Media Files", **): the day I had briefly visited the embassy of Kazakhstan in Warsaw (2013), one of their cars passed me by in the afternoon (possibly taking 3-D street photos).
Areas of this neighborhood have been transformed into indoor/ outdoor satellite laboratories by Jewish agents that count with the support of the police (Beirut - Tel Aviv - brain scanning - Hezbollah, read further). There have been suggestions of Chicago complicity.
(*) They might have been alluding to pro-Russia activists' takeover of police/ security buildings in eastern Ukraine, as reported by the media today. Egypt Air flight 990 "crash" has been repeatedly insinuated. (Black box recording. Where was General Colin Powell when the plane went down?)
(**) Baikanour/ Guantanamo base.

April 3rd, 2014:
French paramilitary activists ("possibly" using the November 21st, 2013 collapse of a Maxima building roof) sabotaging on Riga streets/public places (photos available, below activists made "comments" such as "fracture", "the Black Sea Fleet" and ~"swallow your tongue"). Military obviously partaking in brutal satellite NUCLEAR attacks on brain.

On March 29th (possibly) the car (with flag) of the US ambassador to Estonia was employed for satellite-coordinated real-time sabotage, as woman with child (her son) passed by and told me:

-"We have been to Costa Rica".


Extreme-right activists, who are hacking my emails and communications, harassing on streets and in public places. Ambience music used for torture (very possibly by the ones who prepared the Queiq river massacre, see "You tube section"), one of the shop staffers commented:

-"Today is the last day i work here". (March 30th)


Uniformed policemen participating in satellite onslaught. My laptop has been disabled by remote control, telephone signal partially blocked.

March 20th, 2014:
Satellite laser/ nuclear attacks, ILLEGAL interference of my equipment/ communications and street/public places harassment continue. Through server/ data transfer/ laptop backdoors right-wing paramilitary activists are receiving updates and company files without paying anything. Satellite brain scanning allows the mafia to read my thoughts:
This afternoon in the hostel, while resting in bed and thinking about concrete French military spies in Havana (e.g.: section "Embassies and International Organizations") that caused considerable social damage (70's - 80's) and the NATO assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, satellite nuclear/ laser beam hit the side of my left cheekbone for several seconds.
Chest, lower spinal cord/back and other parts of the body subject to similar bio-intrusions.

March 19th, 2014:
I added the possibility of advertising in this site yesterday (section "other products"). Please, help by contacting bookstores and editors. Mass media and attorneys with experience in international criminal law, humanitarian law and/or procedures against the military for assassinations/ massacres/ other abuses might wish to get involved.
French Jewish paramilitary thugs continue blocking communications, ILLEGALLY hacking servers/ my laptop (stealing), filming hostel room/ streets/ public places and attacking brain with space weapons. This morning in the hostel, slight internal bleeding (my uneducated guess: flowing from the Eustachian tubes into the larynx, possibly the result of laser).
These hi-tech military "experiments" (1998, MIT Department of Computer Science, Professor Tom Q____eri) are also carried out from a Tallinn hub for international financial crimes, below images taken this afternoon. Uniformed policemen again participating (having fun).
More often street comments of an impending scandal, renunciation, military intervention; among such activists: a french girl, who asked me: "what are you doing here?" and her Indian boyfriend; as other "pedestrians" suggested ongoing anti-communism operation ("Captain Christophe").

March 17th, 2014:
Strong lower back pain persists; I always carry on my back/ shoulders about 30 kgs. Uniformed Estonian military personnel continue taking part in thefts, sabotage and torture. One soldier said, as he walked by this afternoon: "you are being tortured because you are envious." There is no Military Prosecutor's Office in Estonia at the moment, although Estonian uniformed military involvement in described subversion obviously follows French- Brussels instructions. A high-ranking Cuban military and/or security officer, somehow connected with A. Davis, could be using real-time satellite technology not in parallel (whose?), not for the sake of introducing a multi-party political system on the Island.
Space weapons implemented nonstop to scan and attack brain, servers hacked, emails blocked, equipment interfered with; all done illegally and without my consent.
Mafia's diversionary attempts to blame a supposed Iran's Space Military Program, the Mossad, the European Security Agency, the CIA, etc.
How much money have they already cost me and/or stolen from me (a street beggar)?

March 16th, 2014:
French Jewish mafiosi brutally attacking brain with satellite nuclear/ laser weapons, some of them operate from Tallinn financial institutions. Lower part of spinal cord hit while taking shower yesterday, causing strong, persistent (for over twenty four hours already) encroaching pain and possible damage (walking/ bending down very difficult). Cubans participating, (IPECE - Olof Palme assassination).
During nights and in the mornings brain "locked on" by satellite, very high-frequency signal buzzing skull ("cat imprisonment" technique used inside the Paris Metro (see "youtube" section), on streets of Tallinn (near another hostel, below image), Paris (Rue de Vaugirard police station), Stockholm, Copenhagen, in several cities of the USA, etc.). Telephone signal blocked. (Possibly) police agents are occupying at least two neighboring rooms, from where they ILLEGALLY hack my laptop and participate in brutal torture.
Yesterday, when I walked out of the hostel (illegal prison), onslaught on brain continued. At the tram stop and on the tram, passive-aggressive harassment from woman, who tightened her lips while passing in front of an Argentinean restaurant (she has a scar under her right nostril, below image).
Biotechnology and physiology space weapons in the hands of organized crime, policemen in uniform take part in street paramilitary harassment. Two nights ago military activists implicated in assassinations and torture walked by, while I was begging for money to pay for food and accommodations; one of them commented:
~"You are under police surveillance because you are a killer."
Last night, as a car with Russian embassy registration plate drove by, a man who claimed being Ukrainian from Crimea made belligerent comments such as:
~"This is not over, the Ukrainian military will react, etc."
A bald black man who claimed being American and having been to Panama, several Estonian policemen in various cars, French extreme-right activists, etc. going by, as my brain was subject to vicious attack.
In these covert military activities, cars from the Georgian embassy have been employed. Right-wing thugs have threatened me with police brutality (if I find legal representation, photos available). In addition, servers are hacked, emails re-directed, synthesized male/female voices on my laptop used for audio torture ("fracture") and its hard disk/ plastic casing hit by a satellite signal that causes structural sounds, which (in 2006) actually cracked the metal frame around the keyboard of my Gericom laptop (and possibly broke another laptop's DVD drive in 2009). Such pattern of blunt/ hi-tech provocations indicate possible involvement of the US Secret Service.

Interaction with embassies and international organizations. This section appears to be under censure by military consortium:

March 4th, 2014:
Financial and technological sabotage continues. Hosting servers, my equipment and communications sabotaged. Lack of resources.

February 24th, 2014; 16:48 - 18:07 hours:
These two "undercover policemen" are involved in extreme-right paramilitary assassinations and mass murders prepared from Paris (11- 13 Rue Gambey, 75011) in 2008 - 2009. One of them said on the mobile phone: "coma!"

On the same Tallinn location moments later, below individuals caused an internal hemorrhage (after hours of continual harassment, other photos taken). They were making provocative comments, distinctly twisting/ jerking their shoulders, sipping water, etc.; supported by satellite attacks on my brain, relentless audio torture on the ambience music as i attempted to work with my (illegally-hacked) laptop, which was remotely shut down several times.

There have been suggestions of a connection between the trial at the International Criminal Court's Special Tribunal for Lebanon in The Hague and denounced assassination of Hariri's financial advisor. It could be that the individuals (as if) caught on video planting evidence in the mass murder depicted at the bottom of News 0 are involved (Dresden 1999 - 2000 operation).
Satellite nuclear attacks on brain continue. Uniformed Estonian policemen keep taking active part in EMC Co- coordinated satellite biotechnology harassment; for example a policeman driving van with registration number 382 BKZ, at around 18:00 hours local time, on January 27, 2014. Such systematic torture appears to be organized from Paris -Tel Aviv (The Sirena Project).

Decision by the European Court of Human Rights:

Certified receipt of letter that follows:

Tallinn Administrative Court judge's refusal to extend working permit:

Some www.artimeconsulting.com statistics from Dec. 1st to Dec. 13th:

Email to Office of Inspector General (OIG)/U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors:

Uniformed Estonian policemen keep torturing:

Application to the European Court of Human Rights (165 color pages), which was mailed on November 18th, 2013 with attached DVD, may be downloaded from:
Solicitud a la Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos (165 paginas en color), enviada el 18 de Noviembre del 2013 con un DVD adjunto, se puede descargar desde:
Заявление в Европейский Суд по Правам Человека (165 цветных страниц), отослано 18 ого Ноявря 2013 ого года с приложенным DVD, можно скачать по ссылкам:




Reply by the State Prosecutor of Estonia:

Complete denunciation presented to Estonian State Prosecutor's Office, which should be of interest to international criminal law and/or Human Rights attorneys (password required to view file):


Signed receipt:

Extracts from appeal to the Circuit Court. Satellite (nuclear/ laser) attacks on brain and sabotage of communications by the French military go on:

Entire document (password required to view it) may be downloaded from:


An example of what nonstop Jewish military satellite biotechnology sabotage/ torture means:


Second response by the Estonian Prosecutor's Office. Brutal satellite attacks on brain persist:

Violations by Estonian policemen continue. Links to signed petitions and signed receipt by the Prosecutor's Office. Jewish military gangsters and policemen carry on illegally scanning and attacking brain, even inside the Prosecutor's Office, while I was entering/ signing the official complaint (recording conversation - flickering ceiling lights - walking by).
In the coming days severe problems are expected from the state - mafia; this morning satellite nuclear attacks on brain were particularly harsh (before the meeting).
Zipped folder of electronically signed Pdf's, photos of  signed-by-hand petitions and official receipt may be downloaded from:


The second petition to the Estonian State Prosecutor’s Office may be downloaded from:


File contents:

Reply by the Estonian Prosecutor’s Office.
Documents refused.
Their official translation.

Additional information (in English and Spanish):

1. Screenshots of emails sent to the Estonian Prosecutor’s Office.
2. Plates of Estonian police cars involved in international thefts and covert military operations, in which satellites are used to torture, scan and attack the brain.
3. Email sent to Cuban embassies and United Nations Permanent Representations in Geneva, regarding espionage and international terrorism by foreign agents in Havana. Their colleagues in Tallinn.
4. Other

Zipped folder of electronically signed Pdf's, photos of signed-by-hand petitions and official receipt may be downloaded from:



Email exchange with Estonian Police/ General Prosecutor's Office:



May 27th, 2013. Mass media alerted:

Below you will find the almost complete copy of a letter sent to several embassies in Poland, with the purpose of receiving support and helping establish a connection with the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, in the context of the possible prosecution of members of a French extreme-right think tank, who are responsible for torture, violations of civil/ human rights and a series of assassination and mass murders recently committed.
Audio-visual material available online; consider preparing and releasing as soon as possible an article/ review/ program dedicated to these developments. Some large mass media companies are currently employed to dull public awareness and anticipate, for military reasons, potential denunciations.
I do not represent any NGO, government, social group or political party. Internet traffic hampered since this document started to circulate (photos of participating “activists” taken); please verify hash signatures/ make screenshots.

June 24 th, 2013 To His Excellency the Ambassador:
I conveyed the following message to the Permanent Representation of your country to the United Nations (New York City and Geneva missions):
Subject: United Nations: ICC (Reference: OTP-CR-811/09/001) and European Court of Human Rights (petition number 38967/09)
During Mr. Kofi Annan's appointment as the special envoy for Syria, the UN was alerted about the use of Space Nuclear/Laser weapons for torture and the manufacture of assassinations and mass murders. Satellite ( possibly nuclear) attacks on brain, illegal hacking of my equipment and obstruction of Internet communications continue. The embassy of Egypt was warned that it is done by the same group that took Egypt Air Flight 990 aircraft down on October 31 st, 1999. Updated information may be downloaded from:
French paramilitary participation in other mass killings has been documented. Additional material (graphic images not for shock):
You could contact me either by email or telephone (0048 698 428 226).
Thank you,

Nonstop satellite onslaught on my brain (and other internal organs/ body parts) continues, sleeping is difficult, working completely impossible. In such conditions, I am daily forced to beg on streets for money to eat/sleep, and last week I participated as an exhibitor in the annual Warsaw Book Fair (“Russian Institute for Strategic Studies”); for explanations, please refer to:
www.artimeconsulting.com/ loginpage.php
www.biosatellites.com/ loginpage.php
www.cosmictroops.com/ loginpage.php
On the achievement of this independent project, and the outcome of the possible confrontation therefrom arising, might depend the wellbeing of other civilians, who are direct and indirect victims of hi-tech, extreme-right paramilitary groups ...


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Maxim.vasjukov@dp.ru, Denis.lebedev@dp.ru
info@aif.spb.ru, novosti@aif.ru
Please, contact redaction to verify reception!

Attorneys in several countries and USA media contacted from artime@cosmictroops.com. French Jew military criminals were interfering WiFi signal, hacking my laptop (and threatening), altering the text, blocking server traffic, attacking my brain with Space weapons, etc.; some caught on camera (photos available).

kbranch@berryandbranch.com, cberry@berryandbranch.com Flight 990 11:30 AM 8.59 KB

ehe@eheasesores.net Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 11:27 AM 8.57 KB

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glenn@holzberglegal.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:49 PM 8.56 KB

lexi@holzberglegal.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:49 PM 8.55 KB

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Carlos.Zumpano@InfanteZumpano.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:30 PM 8.57 KB

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tom@culmotrialattorneys.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:29 PM 8.56 KB

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pmatos@malloylaw.com, jsmalloy@malloylaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:11 PM 8.58 KB

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ajr@frvf-law.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:07 PM 8.56 KB

mgarcia@zpwlaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:06 PM 8.56 KB

dohara@wickersmith.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:06 PM 8.56 KB

dgold@goldchavezgold.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:05 PM 8.56 KB

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jp@yourattorneys.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:05 PM 8.56 KB

pgerson@gslawusa.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:04 PM 8.56 KB

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sasha@sampaiolaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:03 PM 8.56 KB

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delao@dmmllaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:01 PM 8.56 KB

jespinosa@etlaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:55 PM 8.56 KB

avitale@vitalehealthlaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:55 PM 8.57 KB

michael@mvwlawoffice.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:54 PM 8.56 KB

info@machadolaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:54 PM 8.52 KB

bmc@kubickidraper.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:50 PM 8.55 KB

info@edamlaw.net Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:48 PM 8.55 KB

info@antoniolaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:47 PM 8.55 KB

ortarodriguez@bellsouth.net Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:46 PM 8.56 KB

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dmarkus@markuslaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:44 PM 8.56 KB

jared@beckandlee.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:43 PM 8.56 KB

gonzalez@russellaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:43 PM 8.56 KB

rd@kubickidraper.com, gk@kubickidraper.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:40 PM 8.58 KB

info@southfloridatrademarks.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:40 PM 8.57 KB

rick.horrow@ssd.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:39 PM 8.55 KB

dechezarreta@barthet.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:39 PM 8.56 KB

hpatricoff@shutts.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:38 PM 8.56 KB

arodz@shutts.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:37 PM 3.8 KB

dmorgado@ffmlawgroup.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:36 PM 8.56 KB

AFernandez@FeldmanGale.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:36 PM 8.56 KB

lcatanese@goldfarbpa.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:35 PM 8.56 KB

gcesarano@carltonfields.com, sbrodie@carltonfields.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:35 PM 8.59 KB

ms@TheMiamiLaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 07:34 PM 8.55 KB

lowell@kuvinlaw.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 07:34 PM 8.6 KB

info@sanchezjordiabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:08 PM 8.62 KB

bufete@bufetebustamante.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:07 PM 8.62 KB

abogados@dikastis.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:07 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@triguerosalarconabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:06 PM 8.62 KB

garamago@garamago.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:06 PM 8.61 KB

info@eliasymunozabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:06 PM 8.62 KB

info@lexabogacia.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:05 PM 8.61 KB

abril@abrilabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:05 PM 8.61 KB

info@mglegal.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:04 PM 8.6 KB

indemnizaciones@indemnizaciones.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:04 PM 8.62 KB

consultas@abogadosrep.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:03 PM 8.61 KB

consultas@abogadosrep.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:03 PM 8.61 KB

madrid@asigno.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:02 PM 8.6 KB

Info@fgabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:02 PM 8.6 KB

corominas@corominasabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:01 PM 8.62 KB

info@duguechdip.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:01 PM 8.61 KB

infoabogados@via.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:00 PM 8.61 KB

amago@amagoabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:00 PM 8.61 KB

rgandarias@acgasesoreslegales.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 05:00 PM 8.62 KB

joseluis.huerta@hoganlovells.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:59 PM 8.62 KB

mad@rocajunyent.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:58 PM 8.61 KB

madrid@bardajihonrado.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:57 PM 8.61 KB

asociados.igf@gmail.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:57 PM 8.61 KB

info@globalconsultingabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:56 PM 8.62 KB

info@eprabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:56 PM 8.61 KB

info@lexabogacia.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:55 PM 8.61 KB

administracion@lucasfrancoabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:55 PM 8.63 KB

info@eduardococa.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:52 PM 8.61 KB

info@aestimatioabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:52 PM 8.61 KB

info@sanchezydelacoba.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:52 PM 8.61 KB

info@sagasta21.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:51 PM 8.6 KB

info@reclamatuslesiones.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:51 PM 8.62 KB

ferrersama@icam.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:50 PM 8.61 KB

jcabrero@infonegocio.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:49 PM 8.61 KB

informacion@manosalvasabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:49 PM 8.62 KB

despacho@gomezsanjose.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:49 PM 8.61 KB

mad@bufetegimeneztorres.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:48 PM 8.62 KB

bufete@mdemorales.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 04:48 PM 8.61 KB

info@jimenezastorga.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 02:42 PM 8.61 KB

info@accabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 02:02 PM 8.61 KB

info@morososcomunidades.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 02:02 PM 8.62 KB

abogadoadomicilio365@gmail.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 02:01 PM 8.61 KB

info@abardiabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 02:01 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@lopez-valenzuela.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 02:00 PM 8.62 KB

consultas@madrugaabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:59 PM 8.61 KB

suarezdeladehesa@sdanet.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:59 PM 8.62 KB

amya@amya.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:58 PM 8.6 KB

abogado@daniel-cano.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:58 PM 8.61 KB

legal@legalsoluciona.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:57 PM 8.61 KB

info@planetaley.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:56 PM 8.61 KB

bufete@mascalvet.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:55 PM 8.61 KB

fernando.clavijo@vialegisdutilh.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:55 PM 8.62 KB

info@madridabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:54 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@leh-cab.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:54 PM 8.61 KB

javier@gonzalezmenendez.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:53 PM 8.61 KB

sz.estudio@syzabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:53 PM 8.61 KB

info@ar-abogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:52 PM 8.61 KB

mail@jimenezastorga.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:52 PM 8.61 KB

qvadrigas@qvadrigas.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:51 PM 8.61 KB

alvaro.sainz@herbertsmith.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:51 PM 8.62 KB

vandenbroele@alfarolaw.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:50 PM 8.61 KB

info@abanlex.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:50 PM 8.61 KB

madrid@sboabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:49 PM 8.61 KB

firm@delorenzoabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:49 PM 8.61 KB

info@pereztemplado.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:48 PM 8.61 KB

peritos@depericias.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:48 PM 8.61 KB

gsc@gscabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:47 PM 8.61 KB

luis.briones@bakermckenzie.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:47 PM 8.62 KB

juan@montalvoyduranabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:41 PM 8.62 KB

info@bufetefernandezdoyague.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:41 PM 8.62 KB

a@ortizabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:40 PM 8.61 KB

iriasgonzalez@igabogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:40 PM 8.62 KB

advocatia@advocatia.net Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:39 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@berguer.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:38 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@berguer.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:38 PM 8.61 KB

advocatia@advocatia.net Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:37 PM 8.61 KB

info@lopeznavarroasesoria.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:36 PM 8.62 KB

aguirreyspinolaabogados@gmail.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:35 PM 8.62 KB

mail@mariscal-abogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:35 PM 8.62 KB

grb@grblegalfinance.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:33 PM 8.61 KB

bufete@romeroabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:33 PM 8.61 KB

contacto@oxigenolegal.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:32 PM 8.61 KB

sara@rodriguezchacon.es, rafael@rodriguezchacon.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:32 PM 8.64 KB

info@abogadoglobal.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:31 PM 8.61 KB

despacho@eiusabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:30 PM 8.61 KB

dm@geslex.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:30 PM 8.6 KB

info@larraurimarti.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:29 PM 8.61 KB

Vives.Gomez@garrigues.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:29 PM 8.61 KB

info@sterlingygoyria.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:28 PM 8.61 KB

madrid@medina-maza.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:28 PM 8.61 KB

despacho@forumjuridicoabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:27 PM 8.62 KB

mah@forumjuridicoabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:26 PM 8.62 KB

josecarlos@garciavillegas.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:11 PM 8.62 KB

despacho@brenesabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:06 PM 8.61 KB

info@audenslegal.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:06 PM 8.61 KB

info@simajuridicos.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:06 PM 8.61 KB

info@lerroux.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:05 PM 8.61 KB

info@gallego-martos.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:05 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@garciavillegas.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:04 PM 8.61 KB

despacho@hernandezveneroabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:04 PM 8.63 KB

info@abogadosmilitares.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:03 PM 1.42 KB

info@abogadosmilitares.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:02 PM 8.62 KB

ferran@ferrangonzalez.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:02 PM 8.62 KB

abogados@losada.com.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:01 PM 8.61 KB

OFFITEC@offitec.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:01 PM 8.61 KB

info@iclaves.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:00 PM 8.61 KB

madrid@uria.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 01:00 PM 8.61 KB

iuvo@iuvoabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:59 PM 8.61 KB

consultas@abogadosdeley.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:59 PM 8.62 KB

rafaelruiz@bufeteruizreguant.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:59 PM 8.62 KB

abogados@rato.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:58 PM 8.61 KB

info@bufetepib.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:58 PM 8.61 KB

arnelabogados@arnela-abogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:57 PM 8.62 KB

jose@diazgomezabogados.com, info@diazgomezabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:57 PM 8.64 KB

abogadosayj@abogadosayj.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:56 PM 8.62 KB

madrid@gabinetebegur.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:56 PM 8.61 KB

despacho@gomezyasociados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:55 PM 8.62 KB

picon@piconyasociados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:55 PM 8.61 KB

dcr@dcrconsultores.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:54 PM 8.61 KB

dikeos@dikeos.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:51 PM 8.61 KB

info@bernad-abogados.es, jorgebernad@bernad-abogados.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:51 PM 8.64 KB

arbitraje@gonzalez-soria.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:50 PM 8.62 KB

lalfaya@abogadosalfaya.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:50 PM 8.61 KB

agustin@agustinsaboya.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:50 PM 8.62 KB

madrid@periciales.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:49 PM 8.61 KB

javiermartinez@icam.es Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:49 PM 8.61 KB

contacto@caballeroabogados.org Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:48 PM 8.62 KB

correo@asesoriacastander.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:45 PM 8.61 KB

info@gnpabogados.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:44 PM 8.61 KB

madrid@scornik-gerstein.com Vuelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:44 PM 8.62 KB

info@araozyrueda.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:42 PM 8.61 KB

madrid@schillerabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:42 PM 8.61 KB

avrabogados@avrabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:41 PM 8.61 KB

despacho@hernandez-vilches.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:41 PM 8.62 KB

abogados@gomezacebo-pombo.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:40 PM 8.62 KB

rlandholm@gomezacebo-pombo.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:40 PM 8.62 KB

info@indemnizacionrapida.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:39 PM 8.62 KB

abogados@casconycaballero.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:39 PM 8.62 KB

info@eliasymunozabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:38 PM 8.62 KB

info@labeabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:38 PM 8.61 KB

info@iabogado.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:37 PM 8.61 KB

infomalaga@charroyasociados.com, infomadrid@charroyasociados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:37 PM 8.65 KB

info@lawbrokers.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:37 PM 8.61 KB

contacto@fraileyasociados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:36 PM 8.62 KB

info@indemnizacion-abogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:36 PM 8.62 KB

consulta@gonzalezalegre-abogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:35 PM 8.63 KB

info@civilisabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:35 PM 8.61 KB

vegaabogados@hotmail.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:34 PM 8.62 KB

admin@gomezdemercado.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:33 PM 8.61 KB

info@detectives-abogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:33 PM 8.62 KB

diazarias@diazarias.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:32 PM 8.61 KB

gullonasociados@gmail.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:32 PM 8.61 KB

nacho@gonzalezmenendez.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:30 PM 8.62 KB

javier@gonzalezmenendez.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:29 PM 8.62 KB

info@gonzalezmenendez.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:24 PM 8.62 KB

david.navarro@cnsvabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:24 PM 8.62 KB

info@hamiltonabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:24 PM 8.62 KB

info@x-novo.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:23 PM 8.6 KB

contacto@lspabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:23 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@bhermoso.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:21 PM 8.61 KB

bufete@altenabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:20 PM 8.61 KB

info@bsabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:20 PM 8.61 KB

info@bufeteabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:19 PM 8.61 KB

internacional@icam.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:19 PM 8.61 KB

secretaria@valmoralgestion.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:11 PM 8.62 KB

ehe@eheasesores.net Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:10 PM 8.61 KB

info@sanzycabrejas.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:10 PM 8.61 KB

fjrois@icam.es, juancrois@icam.es, gustavofajardoc@icam.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:09 PM 8.65 KB

admin@friasabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:09 PM 8.61 KB

abogados@vacelar.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:08 PM 8.61 KB

info@wintermute-aaa.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:08 PM 8.61 KB

diana.garcia.abogados@gmail.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:07 PM 8.62 KB

asesores@rodasramos.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:07 PM 8.61 KB

info@cyaa-abogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:06 PM 8.61 KB

merloasesoria@merloasesoria.e.telefonica.net Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:06 PM 8.63 KB

fcomjica@telefonica.net Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:06 PM 8.61 KB

pericias@conteoperse.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:05 PM 8.61 KB

lopd@harveylluch.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 12:04 PM 8.56 KB

asesores@gonzaloymonroy.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:04 PM 8.62 KB

lmm@icam.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:03 PM 8.6 KB

info@solutiolegalis.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:03 PM 8.61 KB

info@eliasymunozabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:03 PM 8.61 KB

info@gestorialorenzo.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:02 PM 8.62 KB

info@martinboado.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:02 PM 8.61 KB

info@legalitas.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 12:00 PM 8.6 KB

eliot@rtrlaw.com, nick@rtrlaw.com, lance@rtrlaw.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 11:56 AM 8.59 KB

info@lawson-cruttenden.co.uk Flight 990 06-12-2013 11:54 AM 8.57 KB

jaudenes@jaudenes.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:21 AM 8.61 KB

kbranch@berryandbranch.com, cberry@berryandbranch.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:21 AM 8.64 KB

rees@kmblegal.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:20 AM 8.6 KB

Fitzpatrick.law@verizon.net Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:20 AM 8.61 KB

reception@cooperkirk.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:19 AM 8.62 KB

ccamp@charlescamplaw.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:18 AM 8.62 KB

WLC@washlaw.org Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:18 AM 8.6 KB

info@cooperkirk.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:17 AM 8.61 KB

info@robertbfitzpatrick.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:17 AM 8.61 KB

clientes@jbasesores.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:16 AM 8.61 KB

grupo@miraabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:16 AM 8.61 KB

abogados@nunezplazuelo-abogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:14 AM 8.62 KB

anfilabogados@telefonica.net Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:13 AM 8.62 KB

abogadosnuevosiglo@gmail.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:13 AM 8.62 KB

abogados@nunezplazuelo-abogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 10:00 AM 8.62 KB

verisa@verisaasepyme.es Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:59 AM 8.53 KB

lexterloi@lexterloi.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:58 AM 8.61 KB

alcalasolas@icam.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:58 AM 8.61 KB

veronica@calvouzcudunabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:57 AM 8.62 KB

abogados@esperanzapeña.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:57 AM 8.62 KB

llarena@asistencialegal.net Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:53 AM 8.61 KB

aparra_abogados@yahoo.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:53 AM 8.62 KB

aselex@aselexabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:52 AM 8.61 KB

info@bufetelopezmunoz.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:52 AM 8.61 KB

abogados@cyfabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:51 AM 8.62 KB

forumlegis@forumlegis.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:50 AM 8.62 KB

joseluis@rodriguezybustosabogados.es, david@rodriguezybustosabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:50 AM 8.66 KB

abogado@ignaciopoza.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:49 AM 8.61 KB

bufeteonline@bufetecasado.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:49 AM 8.61 KB

info@garciamazario.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:47 AM 8.61 KB

info@gespina-abogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:46 AM 8.61 KB

palomero@palomerogallagher.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:46 AM 8.62 KB

info@silvaortizabogados.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:45 AM 8.62 KB

contacto@abogadostortajada.com Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. Discurso de Gaddafi en la ONU 06-12-2013 09:45 AM 8.62 KB

info@ayrabogados.es Vulelo 990 - Flight 990. En Ingles. 06-12-2013 09:43 AM 8.58 KB

info@barahonadelvalabogados.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:41 AM 8.57 KB

gonzalo@deleitoprocuradores.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:41 AM 8.56 KB

info@ober.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:41 AM 8.54 KB

inquiries@milchev.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:40 AM 8.56 KB

jbennett@radix.net Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:39 AM 8.55 KB

plfpc@aol.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:39 AM 8.55 KB

informacion@leonmoro.es Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:38 AM 8.56 KB

secretaria@despachoesteban.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:38 AM 8.56 KB

abogados@cardenassmith.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:37 AM 8.56 KB

branislav.buso@clg.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:37 AM 8.55 KB

kanis@kanis.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:36 AM 8.54 KB

info@beatow.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:35 AM 8.55 KB

plavakova@beresova.sk, nagy@beresova.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:35 AM 8.58 KB

rippe@spr.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:34 AM 8.55 KB

nespalova@stonline.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:34 AM 8.55 KB

jan.misura@praetor.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:27 AM 8.56 KB

perspecta@perspecta.eu Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:27 AM 8.56 KB

tardik@tardik.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:26 AM 8.54 KB

info@pravnydom.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:26 AM 8.55 KB

belka@belka.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:25 AM 8.55 KB

office@dedak.com, blahusiak@dedak.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:25 AM 8.57 KB

alex.csemiova@gmail.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:24 AM 8.56 KB

kozakova@domicilium.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:24 AM 8.56 KB

office@zovicpat.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:23 AM 8.55 KB

pavel_kulich@nextra.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:23 AM 8.56 KB

office@akpeschlova.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:22 AM 8.56 KB

office@ak-majerikova.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:22 AM 8.56 KB

dolezelova@nextra.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:21 AM 8.55 KB

almasi@almasi.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:21 AM 8.55 KB

office@papsikova.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:20 AM 8.56 KB

alexandersokol@advokat-sokol.sk, lubomirsablica@advokat-sokol.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:19 AM 8.6 KB

pekar@ba.telecom.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:19 AM 8.55 KB

kancelaria@ficek.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:18 AM 8.56 KB

bizub@bizub.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:18 AM 8.55 KB

rastislav.hanulak@clg.sk, michal.mastena@clg.sk, branislav.buso@clg.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:17 AM 8.6 KB

jbizon@bizon.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:16 AM 8.55 KB

office@peterkapartners.cz Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:16 AM 8.56 KB

office@b-p.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:15 AM 8.55 KB

office@cechova.sk, brussels@cechova.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:14 AM 8.57 KB

silvia.simkova@adlegis.sk, peter.gemeran@adlegis.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:12 AM 8.58 KB

office@huttova.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:11 AM 8.55 KB

judrkalinova@slovanet.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:11 AM 8.56 KB

office@advocatus-law.eu Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:10 AM 8.56 KB

info@kubovcak.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:10 AM 8.55 KB

kralova@stonline.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:08 AM 8.55 KB

bmt@bmt.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:08 AM 8.54 KB

office@ovlegal.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:07 AM 8.55 KB

advokatskakancelaria@advokatskakancelaria.eu Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:06 AM 8.57 KB

futej@futej.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 09:06 AM 8.55 KB

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advokat@advokat-s.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:56 AM 8.56 KB

timcsak@timcsak.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:54 AM 8.56 KB

ludvik@gestum.sk, markova@gestum.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:53 AM 8.57 KB

ludvik@gestum.sk, markova@gestum.sk Flight 990 06-12-2013 08:53 AM 8.57 KB

sbutler@wlaf-law.com Flight 990 06-12-2013 12:01 AM 8.56 KB

gfernandez@wlaf-law.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:50 PM 8.56 KB

aalvarez@wlaf-law.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:49 PM 8.56 KB

info@roblespa.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:49 PM 8.55 KB

info@miami-criminal-defense.net Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:14 PM 8.57 KB

Eric@Waraftig.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:14 PM 8.55 KB

hickey@hickeylawfirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:13 PM 8.56 KB

sde@tewlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:13 PM 8.55 KB

ac@tewlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:12 PM 8.55 KB

macevedo@homerbonner.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:12 PM 8.56 KB

phomer@homerbonner.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:11 PM 8.55 KB

info@taulerlawfirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:11 PM 8.55 KB

alcoba@miamipatents.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:10 PM 8.56 KB

ccespedes@adams-adamslaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:10 PM 8.56 KB

Info@sueformyinjury.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:09 PM 8.56 KB

arthur_tifford@tiffordlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:09 PM 8.56 KB

michelle@torresvadillollp.com, mjvadillo@torresvadillollp.com, gusg@torresvadillollp.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:08 PM 8.62 KB

cogomezpa@aol.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:08 PM 8.55 KB

legalteam@moralesdolan.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:07 PM 8.56 KB

rmcid@PODHURST.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 11:07 PM 8.56 KB

rcabrera@fowler-white.com, kdelgado@fowler-white.com, cdeleo@fowler-white.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:37 PM 8.61 KB

sdunn@dunnandjohnson.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:36 PM 8.55 KB

contact@advocatesofjustice.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:36 PM 8.56 KB

sanchezbarciaL@comcast.net Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:36 PM 8.56 KB

kap@kporterlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:35 PM 8.55 KB

info@ellslaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:35 PM 8.55 KB

scott@schaffer-law.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:34 PM 8.56 KB

Hugo@HugoRodriguezLaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:34 PM 8.56 KB

KFernandes@KelleyKronenberg.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:34 PM 8.56 KB

KSDwyer@Florida-Law.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:31 PM 8.56 KB

email@DuboffLawFirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:31 PM 8.56 KB

info@markwolin.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:30 PM 8.55 KB

gbodner@nautiluslegal.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:30 PM 8.56 KB

edieppa@dieppalaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:30 PM 8.56 KB

jleon@johnleonlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:29 PM 8.55 KB

miami@1NLF.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:29 PM 8.55 KB

blevy@pblmklaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:28 PM 8.55 KB

pblackmon@pblmklaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:28 PM 8.55 KB

Callisonlawfirm@gmail.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:27 PM 8.56 KB

LETICIA@STFLEUR.COM Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:27 PM 8.56 KB

langbeinpa@bellsouth.net Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:27 PM 8.56 KB

aneufeld@nkplaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:26 PM 8.56 KB

jack.kessler@bipc.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:26 PM 8.55 KB

richard.morgan@bipc.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:25 PM 8.56 KB

askanattorney@mirzalaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:25 PM 8.56 KB

smirza@mirzalaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:24 PM 8.56 KB

MHiger@HLGLawyers.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:24 PM 8.56 KB

victor@allseriousaccidents.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:23 PM 8.57 KB

infoclblaw@bellsouth.net Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:23 PM 8.56 KB

LegalHelp@HallandaleLaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:22 PM 8.56 KB

komitet@pkokprf.ru Flight 990 06-11-2013 08:22 PM 8.55 KB

lguerra@fggbb.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:37 PM 8.55 KB

miami@fggbb.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:36 PM 8.55 KB

pedro.forment@jacksonlewis.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:36 PM 8.56 KB

rjf@fenstersheib.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:36 PM 8.56 KB

mf@feldenkraislaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:35 PM 8.55 KB

bfalk@bressler.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:35 PM 8.55 KB

lflores@bressler.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:34 PM 8.55 KB

dlevine@attorneyadvocate.net Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:34 PM 8.56 KB

mjm@mllawfl.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:34 PM 8.55 KB

Larry@TheBenLawFirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:33 PM 8.56 KB

mperez-martinez@becker-poliakoff.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:33 PM 8.57 KB

ndiaz@becker-poliakoff.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:32 PM 8.56 KB

info@reyeslegal.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:28 PM 8.55 KB

help@theinjurylawclinic.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:28 PM 8.56 KB

jrubinton@rl-associates.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:28 PM 8.56 KB

info@hartmanlawoffice.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:27 PM 8.56 KB

Inquiries@Charliplawgroup.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:27 PM 8.57 KB

will@murphyslawfirm.net Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:26 PM 8.56 KB

Bruce@Flalawfirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:26 PM 8.55 KB

wdzurilla@bsfllp.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:26 PM 8.56 KB

bp@protanolaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:25 PM 8.55 KB

info@kpattorney.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:25 PM 8.56 KB

bruce@wjlawyers.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:24 PM 8.55 KB

info@delmargroupintl.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:21 PM 8.56 KB

info@michaelabramslaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:20 PM 8.56 KB

jthompson@jotlawfirm.net Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:19 PM 8.56 KB

gwaldman@waldmanlawfirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:19 PM 8.56 KB

mgonzalez@ybkglaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:18 PM 8.56 KB

intake@turchinesq.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:18 PM 8.56 KB

eliot@rntlaw.com, nicholas@rntlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:17 PM 8.57 KB

zach@rntlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:17 PM 8.55 KB

randy@rafesq.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:17 PM 8.55 KB

newclient@yourfloridafirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:16 PM 8.56 KB

info@coronapa.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:16 PM 8.55 KB

ME@JohnJLaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:15 PM 8.55 KB

info@877davelaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:14 PM 8.55 KB

john@jpcontini.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:14 PM 8.56 KB

lawronin@aol.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:14 PM 8.55 KB

attys@princeglicklaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:13 PM 8.56 KB

inq@schlesingerlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:13 PM 8.56 KB

michael.krul@gmlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:10 PM 8.55 KB

frg@fertig.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:07 PM 8.55 KB

chris.fertig@fertig.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:06 PM 8.56 KB

gelch@gelchlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:06 PM 8.55 KB

mfeinman@aaggressiveattorneys.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:05 PM 8.57 KB

info@mhdpatents.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:05 PM 8.56 KB

info@LawlorWinston.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:04 PM 8.56 KB

chris@cbfisher.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:04 PM 8.55 KB

jil@lipskylaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:03 PM 8.55 KB

frankencdf@aol.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:03 PM 8.55 KB

info@robertrubenstein.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:02 PM 8.56 KB

aburatto@foley.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:02 PM 8.55 KB

emattson@sidley.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:01 PM 8.56 KB

mdatta@sidley.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:01 PM 8.55 KB

rwolfe@foley.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 07:00 PM 8.55 KB

mprager@foley.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:58 PM 8.55 KB

wdavis@foley.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:58 PM 8.55 KB

tgargan@hillbetts.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:57 PM 8.56 KB

paul.amundsen@ruden.com, samuel.fields@ruden.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:57 PM 8.58 KB

mis@spl-law.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:50 PM 8.55 KB

mrv@gtlaw.com, marcosm@gtlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:50 PM 8.57 KB

valcarcelm@gtlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:49 PM 8.55 KB

calva@gunster.com, afernandez@gunster.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:49 PM 8.57 KB

jgamble@stearnsweaver.com, mbuttrick@stearnsweaver.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:48 PM 8.59 KB

emorejon-daher@conradscherer.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:48 PM 8.57 KB

bmcdefense@aol.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:47 PM 8.55 KB

phillipmenditto@phillipmenditto.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:47 PM 8.57 KB

ARodriguez-Garrigo@conradscherer.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:46 PM 8.57 KB

wscherer@conradscherer.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:46 PM 8.56 KB

pol@trippscott.com, KAF@trippscott.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:45 PM 8.57 KB

information@krupnicklaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:45 PM 8.56 KB

info@soreidelaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:45 PM 8.55 KB

contact@jboscolaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:44 PM 8.55 KB

jessica.delvalle@csklegal.com, sheila.gonzales-jonasz@csklegal.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:38 PM 8.6 KB

ellsley@ellsleysobol.com, sobol@ellsleysobol.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:37 PM 8.58 KB

afelice@wfplaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:37 PM 8.56 KB

Dmitry.BELOV@freshfields.com, elena.rusanova@freshfields.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:32 PM 8.6 KB

info@bindmans.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:31 PM 9.52 KB

contact@blindearlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:26 PM 8.56 KB

cvaldeon@richmangreer.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:25 PM 8.56 KB

carocha@mscesq.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:25 PM 8.55 KB

mlinares@richmangreer.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:24 PM 8.56 KB

nick.milano@hklaw.com, claudia.hoffman@hklaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:24 PM 8.58 KB

lsweb@lyonssanders.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:24 PM 8.56 KB

lsuarez@bsfllp.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:23 PM 8.55 KB

mjimenez@bsfllp.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:23 PM 8.55 KB

pallende@bsfllp.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:22 PM 8.55 KB

Lawyers@BashaLaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:22 PM 8.55 KB

info@mooregoodman.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:21 PM 8.55 KB

rthompson@rmtlawfirm.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:21 PM 8.56 KB

info@floridainjurylawyers.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:20 PM 8.57 KB

verdictwon@aol.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:20 PM 8.56 KB

info@LawlorWinston.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:19 PM 8.56 KB

info@goldbergdohan.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:19 PM 8.55 KB

bollinger@miami-law.com, rgendler@miami-law.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:18 PM 8.58 KB

javier.martinez@imba.oeaw.ac.at Flight 990 - Biotechnology Space weapons 06-11-2013 06:18 PM 8.6 KB

Kazufumi.Mochizuki@imba.oeaw.ac.at Flight 990 Biotechnology Space weapons 06-11-2013 06:16 PM 8.6 KB

yueksel@rechtsanwaeltin-dr-yueksel.de Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:15 PM 8.57 KB

padair@becker-poliakoff.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:14 PM 8.56 KB

bgarcia@flaxmanlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:14 PM 8.56 KB

gflaxman@flaxmanlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:13 PM 8.56 KB

nrodriguez@flaxmanlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:13 PM 8.56 KB

cflaxman@flaxmanlaw.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:12 PM 8.56 KB

mlovo@immigrationlawyers.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:12 PM 8.57 KB

mpopok@wsh-law.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:11 PM 8.56 KB

mlovo@immigrationlawyers.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:10 PM 8.57 KB

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Carol.Patterson@bakermckenzie.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:09 PM 8.57 KB

spb.office@bakermckenzie.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:08 PM 8.56 KB

ntrapizonyan@cgsh.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:08 PM 8.56 KB

ssenecal@cgsh.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:07 PM 8.55 KB

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mrecept@dl.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:05 PM 8.55 KB

info@phjpartners.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:05 PM 8.56 KB

Olga.shvets@freshfields.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:04 PM 8.56 KB

mmurzaeva@freshfields.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:04 PM 8.56 KB

info@ikandp.co.uk Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:03 PM 8.55 KB

j.gespadas@irwinmitchell.es Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:03 PM 8.56 KB

info@irwinmitchell.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:03 PM 8.56 KB

Coral.morrison@carter-ruck.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:02 PM 8.57 KB

s.grosz@bindmans.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:02 PM 8.56 KB

s.chahal@bindmans.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:01 PM 8.55 KB

t.allen@bindmans.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:01 PM 8.55 KB

awilhelm@hausfeldllp.com Flight 990 06-11-2013 06:00 PM 8.56 KB

bandonian@gulbenkian.co.uk Warsaw meeting 06-11-2013 06:00 PM 8.57 KB

info@ikandp.co.uk Flight 990 06-11-2013 05:59 PM 8.55 KB

carolinejenkins@parlettkent.co.uk Flight 990 06-11-2013 05:59 PM 8.57 KB

mel@lawson-cruttenden.co.uk Flight 990 06-11-2013 05:58 PM 8.56 KB

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katherine.de.souza@marriottharrison.co.uk Flight 990 06-11-2013 05:56 PM 8.58 KB

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abailey@hausfeldllp.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 10:03 PM 8.56 KB

info@vms-legal.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 10:02 PM 8.56 KB

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david.brooks@freshfields.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 10:01 PM 8.57 KB

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kerriedroban@yahoo.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:46 PM 8.56 KB

nichole@anthemlaw.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:46 PM 8.56 KB

Craig@anthemlaw.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:45 PM 8.56 KB

anup@vyman.co.uk Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:43 PM 8.55 KB

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enquiries@haroldbenjamin.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:40 PM 8.56 KB

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abarnett@conwaysolicitors.co.uk Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:24 PM 8.56 KB

SamIgwe@LosiLaw.Com Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:23 PM 8.56 KB

susan@mrlaw.us Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:23 PM 8.55 KB

Mike@MikeDefine.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:22 PM 8.55 KB

info@mrlaw.us Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:22 PM 8.55 KB

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john.semerau@azrapidprocess.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 09:21 PM 8.57 KB

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mel@stephensandassociates.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 07:26 PM 8.56 KB

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vschick@postschell.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 05:05 PM 8.56 KB

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Kirk.Ogrosky@aporter.com Flight 990 06-10-2013 05:04 PM 8.56 KB

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Tamara.Herrera@asu.edu Flight 990 06-10-2013 04:59 PM 8.56 KB

Evelyn.Cruz@asu.edu Flight 990 06-10-2013 04:58 PM 8.55 KB

Charles.Calleros@asu.edu Flight 990 06-10-2013 04:58 PM 8.56 KB

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