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European Court of Human Rights (2)
ISBN 978-9949-30-059-4
196 pages (A4 size)
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17 PLN
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The European Court of Human Rights three judges panel decision to reject the petition of a case Pedroso vs. France, based on the first manuscript (first set of DVD’s) and additional faxes was timed to the delivery of a second manuscript (with a corresponding DVD’s set) to send a clear message: "We cannot fight the French military". This second manuscript was compiled in Brussels, in the midst of biotechnology satellite military operations, assassinations and mass murders, in and outside the EU.
I was received by various diplomatic missions; a diplomat from Ukraine in the embassy of Ukraine told me: "I have found two or three interesting things (in this document)". Later, in the afternoon, a Cuban man hinted at the Chernobyl accident, his photograph included in the "Consulting" section of Artime Consulting’s websites.


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Electronic books (e-books) ISBN Pages Pln
Biotechnology satellites terrorism and
political careers. Vladimir Putin's end


218 MB (228,877,481 bytes)

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DVD supplement to
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European Court of Human Rights (1)

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978-9949-30-058-7 202 4.18 18
European Court of Human Rights (2)

207 MB (217,990,728 bytes)

978-9949-30-059-4 196 4 17
Outgoing messages (1)

78.4 MB (82,265,890 bytes)

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Parts 1, 2 and 3 sold together. Excellent material!

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Part 1
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May 3rd 2013 December 31 2013 217 5.56 25
Part 2

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January 1st 2014 October 27 2014 169
Part 3

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October 27 2014 July 10 2016 299